The easiest way to do a standalone install is to follow the instructions from the README and use the
If that or none of the other installation options are possible (e.g. you need to use python2
, you can install each sub-module and dependency individually.
- Clone the AmpliconSuite-pipeline git rep:
git clone
- Individually install other prerequisites from the section below following the install instructions on each.
- Set the location where you would like to store the
mkdir data_repo && cd data_repo
# copy or download files into data_repo directory
# See the list of available AA repo files:
wget [url for data repo [hg19/GRCh37/GRCh38/mm10].tar.gz]
tar -xzf [hg19/GRCh37/GRCh38/mm10].tar.gz
echo export AA_DATA_REPO=$PWD >> ~/.bashrc
touch coverage.stats && chmod a+r coverage.stats
source ~/.bashrc
- Run --finalize_only
script from AmpliconSuite-pipeline.
AmpliconSuite-pipeline supports both python2
and python3
, however CNVkit requires python3
. Python3
support for AmpliconArchitect was added in version 1.3.
Unless you are using a containerized version, and depending on what input data you are starting from, AmpliconSuite-pipeline may require the following tools to be installed beforehand:
- (required) The AmpliconSuite/AmpliconArchictect fork must be installed. Instructions for that are available here.
- (required) The latest AmpliconArchitect data repo.
- (recommended) AmpliconClassifier to generate classifications of AmpliconArchitect outputs.
- To install, clone the codebase then
cd AmpliconClassifier
echo export AC_SRC=$PWD >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
- (recommended) CNVkit to generate CNV calls for focal amplification seed region identification.
- (optional) bwa mem (unless supplying your own BAM file)
- (optional) samtools (unless you already have a coordinate-sorted and indexed BAM file).
- Scripts packaged with AmpliconSuite-pipeline require the
python packages. Those packages can be installed withpip
or similar.
AmpliconSuite-pipeline assumes both samtools
and bwa
executables are on the system path and can be directly invoked from bash without pathing to the executables. AmpliconSuite-pipeline will generate a BWA index for the reference genome if one is not yet in place. This adds >1hr to running time for the first use only when alignment is performed. Data repos with BWA index pre-generated are available here. AmpliconSuite-pipeline will also function on coordinate-sorted CRAM files, provided that the CRAM reference is in place.
AmpliconSuite-pipeline has been tested with Ubuntu (16.04 and above) and CentOS 7. AmpliconSuite-pipeline's optional dependencies related to CNV calling will not work on CentOS 6.
Note on using CNVkit: We currently recommend using CNVkit for identification of AA seeds. CNVkit requires
. It also requires R
version >= 3.5, which is non-standard on Ubuntu 16.04/14.04.
AmpliconArchitect figures will attempt to use the Arial font, and will fall back to the default matplotlib
"Deja Vu Sans" font. On macOS, Arial will likely already be present.
Install the mscorefonts
package one of two ways:
a) First run conda install mscorefonts
then launch python and do
import matplotlib.font_manager
b) (Ubuntu) sudo apt update && sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
. Then do sudo fc-cache -f -v
to rebuild the font cache.