- Added customSound feature for Android (only applicable for versions older than Android 8 (Oreo))
- Type parameter T removed for AwessomeAssertUtils to allows it to be compatible with Flutter web parser.
- Added rounded images for large icon and big picture
- Added bool value extraction for Map objects in dart
- Fixed immutable error for input buttons in Android 12
- Network images for foreground services are temporarily disabled (https://github.com/rafaelsetragni/awesome_notifications/issues/369)
- Added sound extension for notifications with categories Alarm and Call
- Added call notification behavior (stay floating on screen and keep playing the sound in loop) for Call category
- Added CancellationManager to reorganize all dismiss and cancelation methods in a single place
- Created StatusBarManager to manage which notifications are currently active, improving performance and extending support to Android 5.0 Lollipop (SDK 21)
- Notification layouts BigPicture, Messsaging and MessagingGroup improved to be more performatic and to reuses network connection data
- Added history box to notification's reply buttons on Android 8.0 to 12.0
- iOS swift completion handlers modified to allow display notifications from another plugins
- Update readme file and PermissionManager to be compatible with Android 12 and Java 7
- Java lambda expressions removed to turn Android source compatible with old Java 7
- Added Channel's Group feature for Android
- Added notification's category feature for Android
- Added fullScreenIntent permission and content option to allow to show notifications in full screen mode.
- Added PreciseAlarms permission and sheculde option to allow to show scheduled notifications with more precision.
- Added showPage methods to provide shortcuts to channel permissions page and alarm permission page.
- Added shouldShowRationale method for android to check if the requested permissions require user intervention to be enable.
- Added request permissions methods to demand the users permissions considered dangerous by the system.
- Permission's request methods refactored to enable a more modular and scalable evolution to comport future permissions for Android
- Documentation has been improved with the new permissions methods, channel's group, notification categories, fullScreenIntent and PreciseAlarms permissions
- Added wakeUpScreen option in notification content to wake up screen when a notification is displayed (Requires to add WAKE_LOCK permission into AndroidManifest.xml).
- Added custom permissions for method requestPermissionToSendNotifications (has no effect on Android).
- Documentation has been improved with wakeUpScreen option
- Media button receiver removed from AndroidManifest.xml due incompatibility with some Galaxy models and another plugins (#81 and #320)
- Documentation on scheduling notifications has been improved
- PushNotification class deprecated, as all push features are being moved to the new companion plugin. Instead, use NotificationModel.
- Added isDangerousOption for action buttons, to color the text in red to indicate a dangerous option for the user.
- Added color option for action buttons, to color the text in Android 8.0 Oreo and beyond (has no effect on iOS).
- Fix for issue #321, when a new notification is erroneously created when the user taps on notification action button.
- Added validation to prevent scheduling with repeating intervals smaller than 60 seconds (iOS restriction)
- Added crontab schedule to allow complex schedules based on initial and expiration date, a list of precise dates, or a crontab expression, and all four options can be combined together (only for Android)
- Defined the final standard to replace negative IDs by random values
- Minimum Android requirements increased to SDK 23 (Android 6.0 Marshmallow) due to new cancellation methods with unsecure procedures on API prior 23
- Added messaging layout and messaging group layout
- Added method showNotificationPage to programmatically redirect the user to O.S. notifications permission page
- Minimum Android requirements increased to SDK 21 (Android 5.0 Lollipop) due to new cancellation methods
- Added new cancellation methods (dismiss, cancel schedules and cancel all (dismiss and schedules at same time))) based on group key or channel key
- Property "autoCancel" changed to "autoDismissable", to match the new cancellation methods naming principles
- Added internal group key based on ID, to prevent Android auto grouping with 4+ notification from same channel when group key was not specified
- Android channels refactored to keep the original channel key at maximum as possible, maximizing the compatibility with another plugins.
- Models refactored to follow the native standards and transformations from map data
- Calendar millisecond precision has been deprecated, due devices do not provide or ignore such precision.
- Added error handling for image assets (iOS)
- Added video tutorial into README file
- Version numbering has changed to better translate the stage of development for future releases.
- Added showInCompactView property for MediaPlayer buttons
- Added support to multiple subscriptions on created, displayed, action and dissmissed stream
- Removed channel key from Android Badge methods, because the segregation in channel keys was never used (now is all global)
- Added increment and decrement badge methods (more performatic)
- Fix Android reschedules on startup process (issue #285)
- Improved Android channels to manage another package channels and convert then to the new standard, using channelKey as hashKey produced from digest channel content
- Added foreground services for Android
- Fixed android reference for guava package
- Fixed null reference for main class inside NotificationBuilder.java
- Fixed null reference for main class
- Documentation improved
- Push notifications from example app updated
- Added time zones for scheduled notifications
- Added foreground behavior for input button
- Added dismiss methods to dismiss the notifications without cancel their respective schedules
- Added the behavior of bringing to the foreground for action buttons on iOS
- Added debug option on initialize method to lower the debug verbose if not necessary
- Leveled error messages and error handling for iOS and Android platforms
- Added native firebase handling for willpresent notification method
- Added fixedDate to getNextDate on iOS
- Added .aiff example files with more quality
- Adjust weekday to work with ISO 8601
- Fixed Android canceling for a grouped notification set as summary behaviour
- Added color hexadecimal representation for json content
- Fixed Android first grouped message as summary behaviour.
- Flutter version fixed, according to pub.dev warnings
- Plugin upgraded to support dart Null Safety
- FCM service native support removed for iOS and Android.
- iOS awesome extensions removed.
- Schedule feature downgraded due to iOS official developer's incapacity and SO limitations (could be reactivated manually).
- Added an example to how to integrate awesome_notification with firebase_messaging plugin.
- Documentation improved
- FCM service with comments removed for iOS.
- Added removeChannel method for iOS and error messages for Android removeChannel method.
- ios project and example project recovered.
- Releasing of final version with push notifications enabled.
- Added forceUpdate option on setChannel method, to allows to full update an channel on Android Oreo and above without need to reinstall the app, with the downside to close all current notifications.
- Flutter version updated to 3.0, with null safety support.
- Fixed privacy bugs
- Fixed grouping functionality and added sort option (sort only works for Android)
- Fixed media button errors for Android 10 and above
- Fixed media path errors for iOS
- Added default sound options for Ringtone, Alarm and Notifications.
- Documentation improved
- Added the link to allows the community to remove or not the push notification functionality from Awesome Notifications plugin.
- Added the icon field inside notification content package to allow to change the small icon without need to use another channel
- Included the example for locked notifications for Android and improved the locked priority behaviour
- Added importance level for notifications (Android 8 and above)
- Documentation improved
- Internal firebase packages updated to the last Android and iOS version
- Fixed auto cancel off for schedule notifications (Android)
- Fixed action buttons for push notifications (iOS)
- Solution for DateUtils class conflict with the new Material "DateUtils" included on documentation
- Documentation improved
- Included emojis to be used on local and push notifications
- Documentation improved
- Included canceling capability to notification push service in cases of invalid notification
- iOS documentation improved
- Finished FCM push messages for iOS 10 or higher
- Decreased the implementation complexity to use NotificationServiceExtension and NotificationContentExtension targets (iOS)
- Added two app examples on documentation as tutorials
- Improved the native resource decoder to work outside of main thread (Android)
- Included protect mode to native resources against obfuscation (Android)
- Improved object storage to work correctly with minification
- Documentation on README file updated
- Improved error messages for notifications disabled in Android Devices
- Fixing bug found at Android channel checking process (https://github.com/rafaelsetragni/awesome_notifications/issues/28)
- Cleared log messages to decrease visual pollution.
- Replaced the native Java Log package by the Flutter's one.
- Fixed wrong "Invalid push notification content", wrongly showed when notification is successfully created.
- Simplifying the iOS setup process for the developer (it's still a bit complex)
- Fixed complex schedules for iOS apps running on Foreground
- Included Global Badge indicators for iOS and some Android distributions
- Included request permission and check permission methods
- Included Firebase support to send push notifications on iOS (work in progress)
- Fixed Shader's render problems on iOS devices
- Fixed UTC Dates on iOS devices
- Adjusting the plugin content to pub.dev patterns
- Documentation updated
- Included DismissedStream to capture dismissed notifications by the user
- Included iOS notification source code to enable send local notifications on iOS devices (still in development)
- Updated asset's load file method inside the java native code, due to flutter's 1.22 deprecation on "FlutterLoader.getInstance()"
- Extracted Bitmap class from bitmap package, due to buildGradle incompatibilities while running the project on release mode (Java)
- Documentation updated
- Added precise schedules option to schedule a notification multiple times with precisely date and time
- Documenting the code
- Adjusting the plugin content to pub.dev patterns
- Initial release.