This document describes how to release a new version of MOCO.
Follow semantic versioning 2.0.0 to choose a new version number.
Add notable changes since the last release to It should look like:
## [Unreleased]
### Added
- Implement ... (#35)
### Changed
- Fix a bug in ... (#33)
### Removed
- Deprecated `-option` is removed ... (#39)
Determine a new version number. Then set
variable.# Set VERSION and confirm it. It should not have "v" prefix. $ VERSION=1.2.3 $ echo $VERSION
Make a new branch from the latest
withgit neco dev bump-v$VERSION
. -
Update version strings in
. -
for the new version (example). -
Commit the change and create a pull request:
$ git commit -a -m "Bump version to $VERSION" $ git neco review
Merge the new pull request.
Add a new tag and push it as follows:
# Set VERSION again. $ VERSION=1.2.3 $ echo $VERSION $ git checkout main $ git pull $ git tag -a -m "Release v$VERSION" v$VERSION # Make sure the release tag exists. $ git tag -ln | grep $VERSION $ git push origin v$VERSION
(Option) Edit GitHub release page
You may edit the GitHub release page to add further details.
MOCO Helm Chart will be released independently. This will prevent the MOCO version from going up just by modifying the Helm Chart.
Determine a new version number:
# Set variables. They should not have "v" prefix. $ APPVERSION=1.2.3 # MOCO version $ CHARTVERSION=4.5.6 $ echo $APPVERSION $CHARTVERSION
Make a new branch from the latest
withgit neco dev bump-chart-v$CHARTVERSION
. -
Update version strings:
$ sed -r -i "s/^(appVersion: )[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+/\1${APPVERSION}/g" charts/moco/Chart.yaml $ sed -r -i "s/^(version: )[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+/\1${CHARTVERSION}/g" charts/moco/Chart.yaml $ sed -r -i "s/(tag: +# )[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+/\1${APPVERSION}/g" charts/moco/values.yaml
for the new version (example). -
Commit the change and create a pull request:
$ git commit -a -m "Bump chart version to $CHARTVERSION" $ git neco review
Merge the new pull request.
Add a new tag and push it as follows:
# Set CHARTVERSION again. $ CHARTVERSION=4.5.6 $ echo $CHARTVERSION $ git checkout main $ git pull $ git tag -a -m "Release chart-v$CHARTVERSION" chart-v$CHARTVERSION # Make sure the release tag exists. $ git tag -ln | grep $CHARTVERSION $ git push origin chart-v$CHARTVERSION