From 0411df13e1e8b832d8011e4fafe34436cd8fc773 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Carlos Garcia <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 16:44:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [RNMobile] Use Reanimated in bottom sheet height animation

* Expose max height properties in `BottomSheetProvider`

* Animate bottom sheet's height with Reanimated

Pass `currentHeight` in bottom sheet navigation context

* Use pixel value when setting fullscreen height

We need to pass pixel values in order to animate the height with Reanimated.

* Rename `heightRef` to `maxHeight`

* Re-enable `exhaustive-deps` lint rule in `BottomSheetNavigationContainer`

* Avoid setting height using debounce

* Add test ID to navigation container component

* Mock Reanimated's `now` function

* Update test cases related to bottom sheet height animation

* Update test snapshots
 .../bottom-sheet-navigation-context.native.js |   2 +-
 .../navigation-container.native.js            | 115 +++----
 .../navigation-screen.native.js               |  36 +--
 .../test/navigation-container.native.js       | 284 ++++++++++--------
 .../src/mobile/bottom-sheet/index.native.js   |   2 +
 .../test/__snapshots__/modal.native.js.snap   |  15 +-
 .../with-reanimated-timer.js                  |   8 +
 7 files changed, 265 insertions(+), 197 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/bottom-sheet-navigation-context.native.js b/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/bottom-sheet-navigation-context.native.js
index 9e89c285b25347..5995490239d5d5 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/bottom-sheet-navigation-context.native.js
+++ b/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/bottom-sheet-navigation-context.native.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { createContext } from '@wordpress/element';
 // Navigation context in BottomSheet is necessary for controlling the
 // height of navigation container.
 export const BottomSheetNavigationContext = createContext( {
-	currentHeight: 1,
+	currentHeight: { value: 0 },
 	setHeight: () => {},
 } );
diff --git a/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/navigation-container.native.js b/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/navigation-container.native.js
index 5f26f459182b91..3fe7ec003ceb8b 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/navigation-container.native.js
+++ b/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/navigation-container.native.js
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
  * External dependencies
-import { View, Easing } from 'react-native';
 import { NavigationContainer, DefaultTheme } from '@react-navigation/native';
 import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack';
+import Animated, {
+	Easing,
+	useAnimatedStyle,
+	useSharedValue,
+	withTiming,
+} from 'react-native-reanimated';
  * WordPress dependencies
 import {
-	useState,
@@ -23,11 +27,11 @@ import { usePreferredColorSchemeStyle } from '@wordpress/compose';
  * Internal dependencies
-import { performLayoutAnimation } from '../../layout-animation';
 import {
 } from './bottom-sheet-navigation-context';
+import { BottomSheetContext } from '../bottom-sheet-context';
 import styles from './styles.scss';
@@ -57,7 +61,8 @@ const options = {
 	cardStyleInterpolator: fadeConfig,
+const DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 1;
 function BottomSheetNavigationContainer( {
@@ -65,11 +70,14 @@ function BottomSheetNavigationContainer( {
+	testID,
 } ) {
 	const Stack = useRef( createStackNavigator() ).current;
-	const context = useContext( BottomSheetNavigationContext );
-	const [ currentHeight, setCurrentHeight ] = useState(
-		context.currentHeight || 1
+	const navigationContext = useContext( BottomSheetNavigationContext );
+	const { maxHeight: sheetMaxHeight, isMaxHeightSet: isSheetMaxHeightSet } =
+		useContext( BottomSheetContext );
+	const currentHeight = useSharedValue(
+		navigationContext.currentHeight?.value || DEFAULT_HEIGHT
 	const backgroundStyle = usePreferredColorSchemeStyle(
@@ -77,47 +85,49 @@ function BottomSheetNavigationContainer( {
-	const _theme = theme || {
-		...DefaultTheme,
-		colors: {
-			...DefaultTheme.colors,
-			background: backgroundStyle.backgroundColor,
-		},
-	};
+	const defaultTheme = useMemo(
+		() => ( {
+			...DefaultTheme,
+			colors: {
+				...DefaultTheme.colors,
+				background: backgroundStyle.backgroundColor,
+			},
+		} ),
+		[ backgroundStyle.backgroundColor ]
+	);
+	const _theme = theme || defaultTheme;
 	const setHeight = useCallback(
 		( height ) => {
-			// The screen is fullHeight.
 			if (
-				typeof height === 'string' &&
-				typeof height !== typeof currentHeight
+				height > DEFAULT_HEIGHT &&
+				Math.round( height ) !== Math.round( currentHeight.value )
 			) {
-				performLayoutAnimation( ANIMATION_DURATION );
-				setCurrentHeight( height );
-				return;
-			}
-			if (
-				height > 1 &&
-				Math.round( height ) !== Math.round( currentHeight )
-			) {
-				if ( currentHeight === 1 ) {
-					setCurrentHeight( height );
-				} else if ( animate ) {
-					performLayoutAnimation( ANIMATION_DURATION );
-					setCurrentHeight( height );
+				// If max height is set in the bottom sheet, we clamp
+				// the new height using that value.
+				const newHeight = isSheetMaxHeightSet
+					? Math.min( sheetMaxHeight, height )
+					: height;
+				const shouldAnimate =
+					animate && currentHeight.value !== DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
+				if ( shouldAnimate ) {
+					currentHeight.value = withTiming( newHeight, {
+						easing: Easing.out( Easing.cubic ),
+					} );
 				} else {
-					setCurrentHeight( height );
+					currentHeight.value = newHeight;
-		// Disable reason: deferring this refactor to the native team.
-		// see
-		// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
-		[ currentHeight ]
+		[ animate, currentHeight, isSheetMaxHeightSet, sheetMaxHeight ]
+	const animatedStyles = useAnimatedStyle( () => ( {
+		height: currentHeight.value,
+	} ) );
 	const screens = useMemo( () => {
 		return children, ( child ) => {
 			let screen = child;
@@ -136,19 +146,16 @@ function BottomSheetNavigationContainer( {
 		} );
-		// Disable reason: deferring this refactor to the native team.
-		// see
-		// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
-	}, [ children ] );
+	}, [ children, main ] );
 	return useMemo( () => {
 		return (
-			<View style={ [ style, { height: currentHeight } ] }>
+			<Animated.View
+				style={ [ style, animatedStyles ] }
+				testID={ testID }
+			>
-					value={ {
-						setHeight,
-						currentHeight,
-					} }
+					value={ { setHeight, currentHeight } }
 					{ main ? (
 						<NavigationContainer theme={ _theme }>
@@ -168,12 +175,18 @@ function BottomSheetNavigationContainer( {
 					) }
-			</View>
+			</Animated.View>
-		// Disable reason: deferring this refactor to the native team.
-		// see
-		// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
-	}, [ currentHeight, _theme ] );
+	}, [
+		_theme,
+		animatedStyles,
+		currentHeight,
+		main,
+		screens,
+		setHeight,
+		style,
+		testID,
+	] );
 export default BottomSheetNavigationContainer;
diff --git a/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/navigation-screen.native.js b/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/navigation-screen.native.js
index 059adb42c7089a..bde7c2c67ee52c 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/navigation-screen.native.js
+++ b/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/navigation-screen.native.js
@@ -6,13 +6,17 @@ import {
 } from '@react-navigation/native';
-import { View, ScrollView, TouchableHighlight } from 'react-native';
+import {
+	ScrollView,
+	TouchableHighlight,
+	useWindowDimensions,
+	View,
+} from 'react-native';
  * WordPress dependencies
 import { BottomSheetContext } from '@wordpress/components';
-import { debounce } from '@wordpress/compose';
 import { useRef, useCallback, useContext, useMemo } from '@wordpress/element';
@@ -29,7 +33,7 @@ const BottomSheetNavigationScreen = ( {
 } ) => {
 	const navigation = useNavigation();
-	const heightRef = useRef( { maxHeight: 0 } );
+	const maxHeight = useRef( 0 );
 	const isFocused = useIsFocused();
 	const {
@@ -38,16 +42,10 @@ const BottomSheetNavigationScreen = ( {
 	} = useContext( BottomSheetContext );
+	const { height: windowHeight } = useWindowDimensions();
 	const { setHeight } = useContext( BottomSheetNavigationContext );
-	// Disable reason: deferring this refactor to the native team.
-	// see
-	// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
-	const setHeightDebounce = useCallback( debounce( setHeight, 10 ), [
-		setHeight,
-	] );
 		useCallback( () => {
 			onHandleHardwareButtonPress( () => {
@@ -81,17 +79,14 @@ const BottomSheetNavigationScreen = ( {
 		useCallback( () => {
 			if ( fullScreen ) {
-				setHeight( '100%' );
+				setHeight( windowHeight );
 				setIsFullScreen( true );
-			} else if ( heightRef.current.maxHeight !== 0 ) {
+			} else if ( maxHeight.current !== 0 ) {
 				setIsFullScreen( false );
-				setHeight( heightRef.current.maxHeight );
+				setHeight( maxHeight.current );
 			return () => {};
-			// Disable reason: deferring this refactor to the native team.
-			// see
-			// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
-		}, [ setHeight ] )
+		}, [ fullScreen, setHeight, setIsFullScreen, windowHeight ] )
 	const onLayout = ( { nativeEvent } ) => {
@@ -99,10 +94,9 @@ const BottomSheetNavigationScreen = ( {
 		const { height } = nativeEvent.layout;
-		if ( heightRef.current.maxHeight !== height && isFocused ) {
-			heightRef.current.maxHeight = height;
-			setHeightDebounce( height );
+		if ( maxHeight.current !== height && isFocused ) {
+			maxHeight.current = height;
+			setHeight( height );
diff --git a/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/test/navigation-container.native.js b/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/test/navigation-container.native.js
index de12428fed02ed..9ff6a115f0a6f9 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/test/navigation-container.native.js
+++ b/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/bottom-sheet-navigation/test/navigation-container.native.js
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
  * External dependencies
 import { Text } from 'react-native';
-import { render, fireEvent, act } from 'test/helpers';
+import {
+	render,
+	fireEvent,
+	withReanimatedTimer,
+	advanceAnimationByTime,
+} from 'test/helpers';
 import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native';
@@ -10,11 +15,8 @@ import { useNavigation } from '@react-navigation/native';
 import NavigationContainer from '../navigation-container';
 import NavigationScreen from '../navigation-screen';
-import { performLayoutAnimation } from '../../../layout-animation';
-jest.mock( '../../../layout-animation', () => ( {
-	performLayoutAnimation: jest.fn(),
-} ) );
+const WINDOW_HEIGHT = 1000;
 const TestScreen = ( { fullScreen, name, navigateTo } ) => {
 	const navigation = useNavigation();
@@ -27,130 +29,174 @@ const TestScreen = ( { fullScreen, name, navigateTo } ) => {
+const fireLayoutEvent = ( element, layout ) =>
+	fireEvent( element, 'layout', {
+		nativeEvent: { layout },
+	} );
 beforeAll( () => {
-	jest.useFakeTimers( { legacyFakeTimers: true } );
+	jest.spyOn(
+		require( 'react-native' ),
+		'useWindowDimensions'
+	).mockReturnValue( { width: 900, height: WINDOW_HEIGHT } );
 } );
-afterAll( () => {
-	jest.runOnlyPendingTimers();
-	jest.useRealTimers();
-} );
+it( 'animates height transitioning from non-full-screen to non-full-screen', async () =>
+	withReanimatedTimer( async () => {
+		const screen = render(
+			<NavigationContainer testID="navigation-container" main animate>
+				<TestScreen name="test-screen-1" navigateTo="test-screen-2" />
+				<TestScreen name="test-screen-2" navigateTo="test-screen-1" />
+			</NavigationContainer>
+		);
-it( 'animates height transitioning from non-full-screen to full-screen', async () => {
-	const screen = render(
-		<NavigationContainer main animate>
-			<TestScreen name="test-screen-1" navigateTo="test-screen-2" />
-			<TestScreen
-				name="test-screen-2"
-				navigateTo="test-screen-1"
-				fullScreen
-			/>
-		</NavigationContainer>
-	);
+		const navigationContainer = await screen.findByTestId(
+			'navigation-container'
+		);
-	// Await navigation screen to allow async state updates to complete
-	const navigationScreen = await screen.findByTestId(
-		'navigation-screen-test-screen-1'
-	);
-	// Trigger non-full-screen layout event
-	act( () => {
-		fireEvent( navigationScreen, 'layout', {
-			nativeEvent: {
-				layout: {
-					height: 123,
-				},
-			},
+		expect( navigationContainer ).toHaveAnimatedStyle( { height: 1 } );
+		// First height value should be set without animation, but we need
+		// to wait for a frame to let animated styles be updated.
+		const screen1Layout = { height: 100 };
+		fireLayoutEvent(
+			screen.getByTestId( 'navigation-screen-test-screen-1' ),
+			screen1Layout
+		);
+		advanceAnimationByTime( 1 );
+		expect( navigationContainer ).toHaveAnimatedStyle( screen1Layout );
+		// Navigate to screen 2
+ screen.getByText( /test-screen-1/ ) );
+		const screen2Layout = { height: 200 };
+		fireLayoutEvent(
+			screen.getByTestId( 'navigation-screen-test-screen-2' ),
+			screen2Layout
+		);
+		// The animation takes 300 ms, so we wait that time plus 1 ms
+		// to the completion.
+		advanceAnimationByTime( 301 );
+		expect( navigationContainer ).toHaveAnimatedStyle( screen2Layout );
+	} ) );
+it( 'animates height transitioning from non-full-screen to full-screen', async () =>
+	withReanimatedTimer( async () => {
+		const screen = render(
+			<NavigationContainer testID="navigation-container" main animate>
+				<TestScreen name="test-screen-1" navigateTo="test-screen-2" />
+				<TestScreen
+					name="test-screen-2"
+					navigateTo="test-screen-1"
+					fullScreen
+				/>
+			</NavigationContainer>
+		);
+		const navigationContainer = await screen.findByTestId(
+			'navigation-container'
+		);
+		expect( navigationContainer ).toHaveAnimatedStyle( { height: 1 } );
+		// First height value should be set without animation, but we need
+		// to wait for a frame to let animated styles be updated.
+		const screen1Layout = { height: 100 };
+		fireLayoutEvent(
+			screen.getByTestId( 'navigation-screen-test-screen-1' ),
+			screen1Layout
+		);
+		advanceAnimationByTime( 1 );
+		expect( navigationContainer ).toHaveAnimatedStyle( screen1Layout );
+		// Navigate to screen 2
+ screen.getByText( /test-screen-1/ ) );
+		// The animation takes 300 ms, so we wait that time plus 1 ms
+		// to the completion.
+		advanceAnimationByTime( 301 );
+		expect( navigationContainer ).toHaveAnimatedStyle( {
+			height: WINDOW_HEIGHT,
 		} );
-		// Trigger debounced setting of height after layout event
-		jest.advanceTimersByTime( 10 );
-	} );
-	// Navigate to screen 2
- await screen.findByText( /test-screen-1/ ) );
-	// Await navigation screen to allow async state updates to complete
-	await screen.findByText( /test-screen-2/ );
+	} ) );
-	expect( performLayoutAnimation ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 );
-} );
+it( 'animates height transitioning from full-screen to non-full-screen', async () =>
+	withReanimatedTimer( async () => {
+		const screen = render(
+			<NavigationContainer testID="navigation-container" main animate>
+				<TestScreen name="test-screen-1" navigateTo="test-screen-2" />
+				<TestScreen
+					name="test-screen-2"
+					navigateTo="test-screen-1"
+					fullScreen
+				/>
+			</NavigationContainer>
+		);
-it( 'animates height transitioning from full-screen to non-full-screen', async () => {
-	const screen = render(
-		<NavigationContainer main animate>
-			<TestScreen name="test-screen-1" navigateTo="test-screen-2" />
-			<TestScreen
-				name="test-screen-2"
-				navigateTo="test-screen-1"
-				fullScreen
-			/>
-		</NavigationContainer>
-	);
+		const navigationContainer = await screen.findByTestId(
+			'navigation-container'
+		);
-	// Await navigation screen to allow async state updates to complete
-	const navigationScreen = await screen.findByTestId(
-		'navigation-screen-test-screen-1'
-	);
-	// Trigger non-full-screen layout event
-	act( () => {
-		fireEvent( navigationScreen, 'layout', {
-			nativeEvent: {
-				layout: {
-					height: 123,
-				},
-			},
+		expect( navigationContainer ).toHaveAnimatedStyle( { height: 1 } );
+		// First height value should be set without animation, but we need
+		// to wait for a frame to let animated styles be updated.
+		const screen1Layout = { height: 100 };
+		fireLayoutEvent(
+			screen.getByTestId( 'navigation-screen-test-screen-1' ),
+			screen1Layout
+		);
+		advanceAnimationByTime( 1 );
+		expect( navigationContainer ).toHaveAnimatedStyle( screen1Layout );
+		// Navigate to screen 2
+ screen.getByText( /test-screen-1/ ) );
+		// The animation takes 300 ms, so we wait that time plus 1 ms
+		// to the completion.
+		advanceAnimationByTime( 301 );
+		expect( navigationContainer ).toHaveAnimatedStyle( {
+			height: WINDOW_HEIGHT,
 		} );
-		// Trigger debounced setting of height after layout event
-		jest.advanceTimersByTime( 10 );
-	} );
-	// Navigate to screen 2
- await screen.findByText( /test-screen-1/ ) );
-	// Navigate to screen 1
- await screen.findByText( /test-screen-2/ ) );
-	// Await navigation screen to allow async state updates to complete
-	await screen.findByText( /test-screen-1/ );
-	expect( performLayoutAnimation ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 2 );
-} );
-it( 'does not animate height transitioning from full-screen to full-screen', async () => {
-	const screen = render(
-		<NavigationContainer main animate>
-			<TestScreen name="test-screen-1" navigateTo="test-screen-2" />
-			<TestScreen
-				name="test-screen-2"
-				navigateTo="test-screen-3"
-				fullScreen
-			/>
-			<TestScreen
-				name="test-screen-3"
-				navigateTo="test-screen-2"
-				fullScreen
-			/>
-		</NavigationContainer>
-	);
+		// Navigate to screen 1
+ await screen.findByText( /test-screen-2/ ) );
+		// The animation takes 300 ms, so we wait that time plus 1 ms
+		// to the completion.
+		advanceAnimationByTime( 301 );
+		expect( navigationContainer ).toHaveAnimatedStyle( screen1Layout );
+	} ) );
-	// Await navigation screen to allow async state updates to complete
-	const navigationScreen = await screen.findByTestId(
-		'navigation-screen-test-screen-1'
-	);
-	// Trigger non-full-screen layout event
-	act( () => {
-		fireEvent( navigationScreen, 'layout', {
-			nativeEvent: {
-				layout: {
-					height: 123,
-				},
-			},
+it( 'does not animate height transitioning from full-screen to full-screen', async () =>
+	withReanimatedTimer( async () => {
+		const screen = render(
+			<NavigationContainer testID="navigation-container" main animate>
+				<TestScreen
+					name="test-screen-1"
+					navigateTo="test-screen-2"
+					fullScreen
+				/>
+				<TestScreen
+					name="test-screen-2"
+					navigateTo="test-screen-1"
+					fullScreen
+				/>
+			</NavigationContainer>
+		);
+		const navigationContainer = await screen.findByTestId(
+			'navigation-container'
+		);
+		// First height value should be set without animation, but we need
+		// to wait for a frame to let animated styles be updated.
+		advanceAnimationByTime( 1 );
+		expect( navigationContainer ).toHaveAnimatedStyle( {
+			height: WINDOW_HEIGHT,
 		} );
-		// Trigger debounced setting of height after layout event
-		jest.advanceTimersByTime( 10 );
-	} );
-	// Navigate to screen 2
- await screen.findByText( /test-screen-1/ ) );
-	// Navigate to screen 3
- await screen.findByText( /test-screen-2/ ) );
-	// Navigate to screen 2
- await screen.findByText( /test-screen-3/ ) );
-	// Await navigation screen to allow async state updates to complete
-	await screen.findByText( /test-screen-2/ );
-	expect( performLayoutAnimation ).toHaveBeenCalledTimes( 1 );
-} );
+		// Navigate to screen 2
+ screen.getByText( /test-screen-1/ ) );
+		// We wait some milliseconds to check if height has changed.
+		advanceAnimationByTime( 10 );
+		expect( navigationContainer ).toHaveAnimatedStyle( {
+			height: WINDOW_HEIGHT,
+		} );
+	} ) );
diff --git a/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/index.native.js b/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/index.native.js
index 27eaf1b462aca1..4ef8614279404a 100644
--- a/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/index.native.js
+++ b/packages/components/src/mobile/bottom-sheet/index.native.js
@@ -575,6 +575,8 @@ class BottomSheet extends Component {
 								setIsFullScreen: this.setIsFullScreen,
+								maxHeight,
+								isMaxHeightSet,
 							} }
 							{ hasNavigation ? (
diff --git a/packages/format-library/src/link/test/__snapshots__/modal.native.js.snap b/packages/format-library/src/link/test/__snapshots__/modal.native.js.snap
index 9cf40dd21bf45b..12d7ac6d30136f 100644
--- a/packages/format-library/src/link/test/__snapshots__/modal.native.js.snap
+++ b/packages/format-library/src/link/test/__snapshots__/modal.native.js.snap
@@ -44,13 +44,18 @@ exports[`LinksUI LinksUI renders 1`] = `
-        style={
-          [
-            undefined,
-            {
+        animatedStyle={
+          {
+            "value": {
               "height": 1,
-          ]
+          }
+        }
+        collapsable={false}
+        style={
+          {
+            "height": 1,
+          }
diff --git a/test/native/integration-test-helpers/with-reanimated-timer.js b/test/native/integration-test-helpers/with-reanimated-timer.js
index e9832652d91c6a..667e2237939661 100644
--- a/test/native/integration-test-helpers/with-reanimated-timer.js
+++ b/test/native/integration-test-helpers/with-reanimated-timer.js
@@ -24,11 +24,19 @@ export async function withReanimatedTimer( fn ) {
 		global.requestAnimationFrame = ( callback ) =>
 			setTimeout( callback, FRAME_TIME );
+		// Reanimated uses a custom `now` function to advance animations. In order to be able to use
+		// Jest timer functions to advance animations we need to set the fake timers' internal clock.
+		// Reference:
+		const reanimatedNowMockCopy =;
+ =;
 		const result = await fn();
 		// As part of the clean up, we run all pending timers that might have been derived from animations.
 		act( () => jest.runOnlyPendingTimers() );
+ = reanimatedNowMockCopy;
 		return result;
 	} );