- ORB-SLAM3: feature based (indirect) method for simultaneous mapping and localization, thanks to the loop closure and global pose optimisation (Bundle Adjustment) it can keep the two loops aligned together YouTube Link
- Stereo Direct Sparse Odometry (Stereo-DSO): photometric based direct method, although no loop closure and global optimisation - strictly speaking an odometry method - it still produces a reasonable result while much denser map compared with ORB-SLAM result YouTube Link
- Depth map and point cloud: the depth map is computed based on the stereo image caputured by the Zed2 stereo camera. With the camera intrinsic parameter, the pixels are re-projected to 3D space to obtain a 3D point cloud. From the visualisation of point cloud, the cluttering and temperal inconsistency can be observed. How to fuse the noisy depth map sequence is a challenging task YouTube Link
- Volumetric dense mapping: TSDF based volumetric dense mapping is a de-facto standard for fusing depth maps with known camera poses. Here we choose to use the camera poses estimated by ORB-SLAM3 as it has the better global consistency thanks to global optimisation. YouTube Link
The trajectories estimated by different methods are evaluated against groundtruth, which is carried out in matlab script
Flash SD card & first boot configuration e.g. create account
- Follow https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/learn/get-started-jetson-xavier-nx-devkit
- User:
; PW:jetson
ssh jetson@
Install zsh & oh-my-zsh
- Follow https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki (Optional)
Install ROS melodic
- Follow http://wiki.ros.org/melodic/Installation/Ubuntu
- Note
sudo apt install python-rosdep
is needed for rosdep install sudo apt install python-catkin-tools
needed for advanced catkin commands- remember to add
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.sh
to ~/.bashrc and ~/.zshrc depending on which shell you prefer to use
Install ZED SDK
- Follow https://www.stereolabs.com/developers/release/
- Note:
sudo apt update
is needed before executing the install script - Executables will be added under
and so directly executable
Install zed-ros-wrapper& zed-ros-examples
- Link: https://github.com/stereolabs/zed-ros-wrapper
- Link: https://github.com/stereolabs/zed-ros-examples
- Note: as they are ros packages and needs to be cloned to catkin directory named
, e.g.~/Softwares/src
- Compile with
catkin build
- Make sure the Zed2 camera is connected and start wrapper node with
roslaunch zed_wrapper zed2.launch
if needed)
Visualization in rviz
- Command
roslaunch zed_display display_zed2.launch
- Command
- Terminal 1: launch the zed2 driver with
roslaunch zed_wrapper zed2.launch
- Terminal 2: start the recording with
sudo ./data/record.sh
(sudo for correcting the system date) - The rosbag and the two image sequences of the stereo cameras from the "two_loops" run can be downloaded from here:
https://webdav.ifp.uni-stuttgart.de/s/SycT9Ya96ikBHsS - A full list of rosbag topics is as shown below: \
- The depth map with topic name
and topic typesensor_msgs/Image
are ready to be visualized as 3D point cloud using the built-in Rviz display plug-inDepthCloud
- To let the plug-in find the right message, it is required to set the field
Depth Map Topic
andColor Image Topic
, an example rviz config can be found here - Additionally the depth map is accompanied by confidence map which can be also visualized using image display plug-in
- More info see DepthCloud
Configure ORB-slam3
- Link:
- Clone to
- Follow https://github.com/UZ-SLAMLab/ORB_SLAM3#6-ros-examples to build the ROS node
- Resolve compile error due to the old opencv version used by ros-melodic UZ-SLAMLab/ORB_SLAM3#300
- Recommand to limit the number of threads in build.sh to avoid system freezes (e.g. make -j3)
- Link:
Adapt camera parameter for Zed2 camera
- Look up the parameters from
rostopic echo /zed2/zed_node/rgb/camera_info
- Note the topic name of the image message also needs to be adapted in the source code.
- An example can be found in
- Look up the parameters from
Run ORB-SLAM3 with Zed images
Online with images streamed from ros topics
- One terminal for zed driver
roslaunch zed_wrapper zed2.launch
- Other one for ORB-slam and switch to directory
cd Software/projects/ORB_SLAM3
rosrun ORB_SLAM3 Mono Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/Monocular/Zed2.yaml
(Monocular setting)rosrun ORB_SLAM3 Stereo Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/Stereo/Zed2.yaml 0
(Stereo setting)
- One terminal for zed driver
Offline with a recorded rosbag
- Play a pre-recorded rosbag containing the Zed images
rosbag play 2021-xx-xxxx.bag /zed/left/image_raw:=/camera/image_raw
- Switch to directory
cd Software/projects/ORB_SLAM3
rosrun ORB_SLAM3 Mono Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/Monocular/Zed2.yaml
(Monocular setting)rosrun ORB_SLAM3 Stereo Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/Stereo/Zed2.yaml 0
(Stereo setting)
- Play a pre-recorded rosbag containing the Zed images
Clone and build DSO project
- Link:
- Clone to
and follow the project instruction to build the project
- Link:
Build DSO ROS wrapper
- Link:
- Clone to catkin workspace
- Set the DSO_PATH before the build by
export DSO_PATH=/home/jetson/Software/projects/dso
- Note this ROS wrapper project contains some bugfixes therefore we choose this over the original one
- Link:
Run DSO offline
- Play a pre-recorded rosbag containing the Zed images
rosbag play 2021-xx-xxxx.bag
rosrun dso_ros dso_live image:=/zed2/zed_node/rgb/image_rect_gray calib=/home/jetson/Software/src/dso_ros/zed2.txt mode=1
- Play a pre-recorded rosbag containing the Zed images
- Clone and build Stereo-DSO project
- Link:
- Clone to
and follow the project instruction to build the project
- Link:
- Build Stereo-DSO ROS wrapper
- Link:
- Clone to catkin workspace
- Adjust the STEREO_DSO_PATH in
byset(STEREO_DSO_PATH /home/jetson/Software/projects/stereo_dso)
- Note: it is found the parameter
suited better to our data, so please update it instereo_dso_ros.cpp
- Link:
- As mentioned before, the depth maps produced by Zed2 camera is error-contaminated, thus how to eliminate the noise is a challenging task. One de-factor standard method is to use the TSDF-based volumetric representation to fuse the depth maps.
- Clone
to catkin workspace~/Software/src/voxblox
- Install the dependencies as instruction
- Here we use the estimated camera estimated by Stereo ORB-SLAM
- A customized voxblox config for our data can be found here
- Note that voxblox used to look-up the camera transform from rosbag, to feed the poses by an external file some modifications are needed
as can be seen in
- After performing the aboved metioned steps, the voxblox program should be ready to run with
roslaunch voxblox_ros zed2.launch
- An example mesh output can be found in
- A hands-on notebook is ready to demostrate how the SuperPoint and SuperGlue is performed using the pre-trained model.
- Notebook for SuperPoint:
- Notebook for SuperGlue:
- Video shows SuperPoint run on slammy dataset can be found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWGL0IcTkmQ
- Please refer to script
on how to extract superpoint features for a sequence of images and dump the results as .mat files