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I am not getting the contact names in WhatsApp after logging in for the second time. #1259

JaydeepVasundhara1 opened this issue Feb 17, 2025 · 2 comments
bug Something isn't working


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JaydeepVasundhara1 commented Feb 17, 2025

Below is my code. When I scan the QR code in WhatsApp, it gives me all contact names correctly. However, when I log out and log in again, it does not provide any contact names —only the group names are displayed properly.

This is the code

const express = require('express');
const cors = require('cors');

const app = express();
const port = 8080;

const ConnectionStatus = Object.freeze({
connected: "connected",
notConnected: "notConnected",
notStart: "notStart"

let status = ConnectionStatus.notStart;
let qrCodeString = "";

const { Mutex } = require('async-mutex');
const messageMutex = new Mutex();

let messageArray = [];

// GET API to check current connection status
app.get('/status', async (req, res) => {
console.log(status getStatus api ${status});
if (status === ConnectionStatus.notStart) {
status = ConnectionStatus.notConnected
uniqueName = session_${};
}else if (status === ConnectionStatus.notConnected) {
status: status,
type: "qr",
qrCode: qrCodeString
}else {
if (messageArray.length > 0) {
// const release = await messageMutex.acquire();
let oldMessage = [...messageArray]; // Clone the array to avoid reference issues
messageArray = [];
// release()
status: status,
messageArray: oldMessage
}else {
status: status

// API to trigger event'/sendMessage', async (req, res) => {
const { senderNumber, messageContent } = req.body;

// Input validation
if (!senderNumber || !messageContent) {
    return res.status(400).json({
        success: false,
        message: 'senderNumber and messageContent are required fields.'

try {
    console.log(`Message will be sent to ${senderNumber}: ${messageContent}`);

    const message = {
        to: senderNumber,  // The recipient's number (with country code, e.g., '' for individual or '' for group)
        message: {
            text: messageContent // Explicitly define the message type as text

    // Send the message using your WhatsApp service
    await sock.sendMessage(, message.message);

    // Respond with a success status
        success: true,
        message: 'Message successfully sent!',
        data: {
            to: senderNumber,
            messageContent: messageContent
} catch (error) {
    // Log the error for debugging
    console.error('Error sending message:', error);

    // Respond with a failure status and error details
        success: false,
        message: 'Failed to send message.',
        error: error.message // Provide the error message for debugging


app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(Server running on http://localhost:${port});

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

const { default: makeWASocket, DisconnectReason, useMultiFileAuthState, fetchLatestBaileysVersion, downloadContentFromMessage, makeInMemoryStore} = require('@whiskeysockets/baileys');
const e = require('express');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

let connectedClients = [];

let sock = null; // Global variable to store the WhatsApp socket
let store = makeInMemoryStore({}); // Store for chats, messages, and contacts

async function sendMessageToWhatsApp(senderNumber, messageContent) {
try {
console.log(Message will be sent to ${senderNumber}: ${messageContent});

    const message = {
        to: senderNumber,  // The recipient's number (with country code, e.g., '' for individual or '' for group)
        message: {
            text: messageContent // Explicitly define the message type as text

    // Send the message
    await sock.sendMessage(, message.message);
    console.log(`Message sent to ${senderNumber}: ${messageContent}`);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Error sending message:', error);


// Function to download media
async function downloadMedia(message, type) {
const stream = await downloadContentFromMessage(message, type);
let buffer = Buffer.from([]);
for await (const chunk of stream) {
buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, chunk]);
return buffer;

async function saveMediaToFile(buffer, filename) {
fs.writeFileSync(filename, buffer);

let uniqueName = session_${};
let oldUname = '';

// Function to handle authentication state
async function setupAuthState() {
oldUname = uniqueName;
const { state, saveCreds } = await useMultiFileAuthState(uniqueName);
return { state, saveCreds };

async function connectToWhatsApp() {
try {

    console.log("Called-=--->>> 175");

    const { state, saveCreds } = await setupAuthState();
    const { version, isLatest } = await fetchLatestBaileysVersion();
    console.log(`Using Baileys version: ${version}, is latest: ${isLatest}`);

    sock = makeWASocket({
        auth: state,
        printQRInTerminal: true,
        syncFullHistory: true

    // Bind the store to the socket

    sock.ev.on('creds.update', saveCreds);

    sock.ev.on('messaging-history.set', async ({chats, contact, message}) => {
        console.log(`history contacts =====> ${contact}`);

    sock.ev.on('contacts.upsert', (contacts) => {
        console.log('Contacts updated:', contacts);

    sock.ev.on('contacts.update', (contacts) => {
        console.log('Contacts updated:', contacts);

    sock.ev.on('connection.update', (update) => {
        const { qr,connection, lastDisconnect } = update;

        qrCodeString = qr

        if (connection === 'close') {
            const shouldReconnect = (lastDisconnect?.error?.output?.statusCode !== DisconnectReason.loggedOut) && lastDisconnect?.error?.output?.statusCode !== 401;
            console.log('Connection closed due to', lastDisconnect?.error, ', reconnecting', shouldReconnect);

            if (lastDisconnect?.error?.output?.statusCode === 401 || lastDisconnect?.error?.message.includes('Connection Failure')) {
                console.log('Unauthorized or connection failure. Re-authentication needed.');
                // Clear the auth state to reset QR code scan
                console.log("Called-=--->>> 208", oldUname);
                fs.rmSync(oldUname, { recursive: true, force: true });
                uniqueName = `session_${}`;
            } else if (shouldReconnect) {
                console.log("Called-=--->>> 212");
            status = ConnectionStatus.notConnected
        } else if (connection === 'open') {
            console.log('Opened connection');
            status = ConnectionStatus.connected
            // sock.end('Reload user detail')

} catch (error) {
    console.error('Error connecting to WhatsApp:', error);


async function getContectList(remoteJid) {
try {
console.log("getContectList ====================> start");
if (!store) {
console.log("getContectList: store is not initialized", store);
return "Unknown";

    // Wait for store to be populated with contacts and chats
    await new Promise(resolve => {
        const checkStore = setInterval(() => {
            if (Object.keys(store.contacts).length > 0) {
        }, 1000); // Check every second if store is populated

    // Fetch the specific contact by remoteJid
    const contact = store.contacts[remoteJid];
    if (contact) {
        // Return the contact name if available, otherwise return "Unknown"
        return || contact.notify || "Unknown";
    } else {
        console.log(`No contact found for JID: ${remoteJid}`);
        return "Unknown";
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching contact:', error);
    return "Unknown";


async function getAllHistory() {
try {

    console.log("getAllHistory ====================> strat");

    if (!store) {
        console.log("getAllHistory : store", store);

    // Wait for store to be populated with contacts and chats
    await new Promise(resolve => {
        const checkStore = setInterval(() => {
            if (Object.keys(store.contacts).length > 0 && Object.keys(store.chats).length > 0) {
        }, 1000); // Check every second if store is populated

    // Fetch all contacts
    const contacts = store.contacts;
    console.log("All Contacts:", contacts);

    const messages = store.messages;
    const entries = Object.entries(messages);
    const filteredEntries = entries.filter(([key, value]) => 
        value.array.length > 0 &&
            (message) =>
                message.message?.extendedTextMessage?.text || 
    const reversedEntries = filteredEntries.slice(0, 10).reverse();

    for (const [key, value] of reversedEntries) {
        console.log(`Key start ===========>: ${key}`);

        if (value.array.length > 0 && 
                (message) =>
                    message.message?.extendedTextMessage?.text || 
        ) {
            // Proceed with the loop
        } else {
            continue; // Skip if conditions are not met
        let allSingleMessage = [];

        const firstMessage = value.array[0]; // Take first message as reference
        const senderNumber = firstMessage.key.remoteJid; // Sender's number

        let isPersonal = false;
        let titleName = "N/A";
        let profilePictureUrl = "";
        if (senderNumber.includes('')) {
            const groupId = senderNumber.split('@')[0]; // Extract group ID
            try {
                const groupMetadata = await sock.groupMetadata(groupId + '');
                titleName = groupMetadata.subject;
                isPersonal = false; // It's a group message
            } catch (err) {
                console.error('Error fetching group metadata:', err);
        } else {
            isPersonal = true;
            titleName = await getContectList(senderNumber);
        try {
            profilePictureUrl = await sock.profilePictureUrl(senderNumber);
            console.log('Profile Picture URL:', profilePictureUrl);
        } catch (error) {
            console.log('Profile Picture URL: not found');
        for (const message of value.array) {
            const timestamp = message.messageTimestamp.low * 1000;
            const date = new Date(timestamp);            
            // Format date and time
            const formattedDate = date.toLocaleDateString(); // Example: "2/14/2025"
            const formattedTime = date.toLocaleTimeString(); // Example: "10:30:15 AM"
            console.log('Key message array time ===>', formattedDate, formattedTime);

            if (message.message) {
                if (message.message?.extendedTextMessage?.text || message.message?.conversation) {
                    const isFromMe = message.key.fromMe; // Check if the message is from you
                    const senderName = message.pushName; // Get the sender's name
                    let messageContent = ''; // To store the message content

                    // Check if it's a conversation message (normal text message)
                    if (message.message.conversation) {
                        messageContent = message.message.conversation;
                    // Check if it's an extended text message (text with more details)
                    else if (message.message.extendedTextMessage) {
                        messageContent = message.message.extendedTextMessage.text;
                    // Check if it's a group message
                    else if (message.message.senderKeyDistributionMessage) {
                        messageContent = message.message.conversation;
                    // Print the details in the console
                    // console.log('Is Personal:', isPersonal);
                    console.log('titleName:', titleName || 'N/A');
                    // console.log('Sender Name:', senderName || 'N/A');
                    // console.log('Sent by Me:', isFromMe);
                    // console.log('Message:', messageContent);
                    // console.log('Remote Jid:', senderNumber);
                    const messageNew = {
                        type: 'messageDetails',
                        isPersonal: isPersonal,
                        titleName: titleName || 'N/A',
                        senderName: senderName || 'N/A',
                        isSentByMe: isFromMe,
                        data: messageContent,
                        remoteJid: senderNumber,
                        profilePictureUrl: profilePictureUrl

        console.log(`<=========== Key End : ${key}`);

    // Listen for new status updates
    sock.ev.on('messages.upsert', async ({ messages, type }) => {

        messages.forEach(async message => {
            if (message.message) {
                const isFromMe = message.key.fromMe; // Check if the message is from you
                const senderNumber = message.key.remoteJid; // Get the sender's number
                const senderName = message.pushName; // Get the sender's name

                if (senderNumber && senderNumber.includes('@newsletter')) {
                    console.log('Message from @newsletter detected. Skipping...');

                let messageContent = ''; // To store the message content
                let isPersonal = false;
                let titleName = "N|A"

                // Check if it's a conversation message (normal text message)
                if (message.message.conversation) {
                    messageContent = message.message.conversation;
                    isPersonal = true; // It's a personal message
                    titleName = await getContectList(senderNumber);
                // Check if it's an extended text message (text with more details)
                else if (message.message.extendedTextMessage) {
                    messageContent = message.message.extendedTextMessage.text;
                    isPersonal = true; // It's a personal message
                    titleName = await getContectList(senderNumber);
                // Check if it's a group message
                else if (message.message.senderKeyDistributionMessage) {
                    messageContent = message.message.conversation;

                // Check if it's a group message (remoteJid contains
                if (senderNumber.includes('')) {
                    // It's a group message, so we need to get the group name
                    const groupId = senderNumber.split('@')[0]; // Extract group ID from the remoteJid

                    // Fetch group metadata to get the group name
                    try {
                        const groupMetadata = await sock.groupMetadata(groupId + '');
                        titleName = groupMetadata.subject; // Get the group name
                        isPersonal = false; // It's a group message
                    } catch (err) {
                        console.error('Error fetching group metadata:', err);

                // Print the details in the console
                console.log('Is Personal:', isPersonal);
                console.log('titleName:', titleName || 'N/A');
                console.log('Sender Name:', senderName || 'N/A');
                console.log('Sent by Me:', isFromMe);
                console.log('Message:', messageContent);
                console.log('Remote Jid:', senderNumber);

                // Retrieve the profile picture URL
                // const profilePictureUrl = await sock.profilePictureUrl(senderNumber) || '';

                let profilePictureUrl = ''
                try {
                    profilePictureUrl = await sock.profilePictureUrl(senderNumber);
                    console.log('Profile Picture URL:', profilePictureUrl);
                } catch (error) {
                    console.log('Profile Picture URL: not get error');

                const messageNew = {
                    type: 'messageDetails',
                    isPersonal: isPersonal,
                    titleName: titleName || 'N/A',
                    senderName: senderName || 'N/A',
                    isSentByMe: isFromMe,
                    data: messageContent,
                    remoteJid: senderNumber,
                    profilePictureUrl: profilePictureUrl


} catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching history:', error);


status = ConnectionStatus.notConnected
uniqueName = session_${};

@JaydeepVasundhara1 JaydeepVasundhara1 added the bug Something isn't working label Feb 17, 2025
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zulfio commented Feb 20, 2025

me too

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