Numerically calculate single-reader AUC and variance.
Export more numerical analysis statistical results (degree of freedom, confidence interval, p-value).
Reorganize GUI interface.
*7/26/2016*Update display of simulation and numerical analysis results GUI to be the same as iMRMC.
Add buttons to export simulation and numerical analysis results.
“Populate Components from File”/ “Save Components to File” could load/save study size, study design, seed for random number generator, and number of MC trials in addition to model parameters (means and variances).
Add ability to run by command line without the GUI. Software automatically does simulation and numerical analysis. Upon completion, software saves to disk results for each trial, the summary means and variances, and the numerical analysis results.
*4/8/15*Simulation configuration files were created to replicate the the original Roe and Metz simulations (Roe, Acad Radiol, 1997, v4 p298) and are now available.
When 10,000 simulations were run, the application crashed. The corresponding memory problem was fixed.
*3/28/14*The precision of the numerical integration method to calculate the moments of the Roe and Metz simulation model was increased. Some formatting of the GUI was changed to make the expected contents of the input boxes more clear.