This section will provide information about how Azure works, how best to take advantage of Azure, and best practices when using the doAzureParallel package.
Azure Introduction (link)
Using the Data Science Virtual Machine (DSVM) & Azure Batch
Virtual Machine Sizes (link)
How do you choose the best VM type/size for your workload?
Autoscale (link)
Automatically scale up/down your cluster to save time and/or money.
Azure Limitations (link)
Learn about the limitations around the size of your cluster and the number of foreach jobs you can run in Azure.
Package Management (link)
Best practices for managing your R packages across your Azure pool
Distributing your Data (link)
Best practices and limitations for working with distributed data.
Parallelizing on each VM Core (link)
Best practices and limitations for parallelizing your R code to each core in each VM in your pool
Persistent Storage (link)
Taking advantage of persistent storage for long-running jobs