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Runtime environment

voyz edited this page Nov 2, 2020 · 10 revisions


Whether running using an image or as standalone, IBeam expects IBKR credentials to be provided as environment variables. We recommend you start using IBeam with your paper account credentials, and only switch to production account once you're ready to trade.

  • IBEAM_ACCOUNT - IBKR account name
  • IBEAM_PASSWORD - IBKR account password

IBeam expects an optional third credential IBEAM_KEY. If provided, it will be used to decrypt the password given in the IBEAM_PASSWORD variable. cryptography.fernet decryption is used, therefore to encrypt your password use:

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
key = Fernet.generate_key()
f = Fernet(key)
password = f.encrypt(b"your_ibkr_password123")
print(f'IBEAM_PASSWORD={password}, IBEAM_KEY={key}')

If any of the required credentials environment variables is not found, user will be prompted to enter them directly in the terminal.

Standalone environment

When running standalone, IBeam requires the following to be present:

Additionally, the following environment variables:

  • IBEAM_CHROME_DRIVER_PATH - path to the Chome Driver executable
  • IBEAM_GATEWAY_DIR - path to the root of the Gateway

Note that you can chose to not use the script and instantiate and use the ibeam.gateway_client.GatewayClient directly in your script instead. This way you will be able to provide any of the credentials, as well as the Chrome Driver and Gateway paths directly upon construction of the GatewayClient.

Optional environment variables

To facilitate custom usage and become more future-proof, IBeam expects the following environment variables altering its behaviour:

Variable name Default value Description
IBEAM_GATEWAY_STARTUP 3 How many seconds to wait before attempting to communicate with the gateway after its startup.
IBEAM_GATEWAY_BASE_URL https://localhost:5000 Base URL of the gateway.
IBEAM_GATEWAY_PROCESS_MATCH The gateway process' name to match against
IBEAM_ROUTE_AUTH /sso/Login?forwardTo=22&RL=1&ip2loc=on Gateway route with authentication page.
IBEAM_ROUTE_USER /v1/api/one/user Gateway route
IBEAM_ROUTE_VALIDATE /v1/portal/sso/validate Gateway route with validation call.
IBEAM_ROUTE_TICKLE /v1/api/tickle Gateway route with tickle call.
IBEAM_USER_NAME_EL_ID user_name HTML element id containing the username input field.
IBEAM_PASSWORD_EL_ID password HTML element id containing the password input field.
IBEAM_SUBMIT_EL_ID submitForm HTML element id containing the submit button.
IBEAM_SUCCESS_EL_TEXT Client login succeeds HTML element text indicating successful authentication.
IBEAM_MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL 60 How many seconds between each maintenance.
IBEAM_LOG_LEVEL INFO Verbosity level of the logger used.