The Qt-based Symbian application for rotation photo to any angle. Useful for correct the "littered horizon" directly on smartphone.
- Rotate photos and auto-cropping.
- Open images from file manager or gallery(in Extended version).
- Multi-threading processing. You may edit next photo while saving previous.
- Settings for JPEG compression from 0% to 100%.
- Saves EXIF metadata. Uses Exiv2 library:
- Supports Symbian Anna/Belle. Can be builded for lower Symbian version up to 9.4 with some limitations.
- Qt Creator 2.4.1 or earlier.
- Latest Symbian toolchain.
- Qt 4.7.4.
To build "Extended" (unsigned) version create build configuration with additional argument "CONFIG+=extended_version" in QtCreator.
All tools available in the QtSDK 1.2.1. Link to download all developer resources:
- Built-in QtSDK self-signed certificate dont have capabilities to fetch images from system Gallery. Use unsigned package instead.
- If you build with Qt 4.7.3 you should to add application icon manually because it works incorrect.