Due to the new api update, https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/revision_history, it broke watch later, and watch history, so I cannot check what is the newest video for each playlist. Need a work around this
You will need to create a playlist call ".WatchLater" and add a video to it as a starting point to add video to your "WatchLater" playlist. TODO: Update ".WatchLater" playlist when ever you add subsctiption to "WatchLater" playlist
The point of this project is to add my subscription video automatically to my watch later. Using python, and still doing research on it. I have some feature on it that I am not using. Might expand it according to my needs.
Main Menu
(0) For debugging purposes
(1) Add new playlist
(2) Delete a playlist
(3) List user subscription
(4) Add subscription video to watch later playlist
(10/q) Quit
The one you want to use is 4, which will add video on your subscription list to watch later playlist