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Course syllabus

This document is the course syllabus. It contains the grading and lecture course program.


  • You have to solve all of the obligatory tasks to achieve a Satisfactory mark. Moreover, it's enough for a Satisfactory mark.
  • Every task has a score X. After the deadline (usually 3 weeks) the score linearly lowers from X to X/2.
  • There are 3 projects in the semester. Every project costs 1 point. After the project deadline (usually 4 weeks) the score linearly lowers from 1 to 1/2 for 2 weeks. Your maximum mark is determined by ceil value of these points:
    • 0 points - Satisfactory(4) is maximum;
    • 1 point - Good(7) is maximum;
    • 2 points - Excellent(9) is maximum;
    • 3 points - Excellent(10) is maximum.
  • Let project_max() be the function, which returns your maximum mark (4, 7, 9 or 10) depending on project points, my_score() the sum of your scores, and max_score() the sum of all scores without deadline penalties. If all of the obligatory problems are solved, then your mark is:
    • min(project_max(), max(3, round(10 * my_score() / max_score())))

Lectures program

  1. Hello, Rust! Discussing the language. Comparison with C++. Basics of language.

    • Why do we even need Rust? What problems does Rust solve? Where is Rust intended to be used? What companies are already using Rust?
    • What do safe and unsafe mean. What do sound and unsound mean. What Rust considers safe. RustBelt formal model.
    • let and mut keywords. Data types i8...i128, u8...u128, isize, usize, f32, f64, bool. Literals.
    • Shadowing. Type inference.
    • as keyword for primitive casts. Non-transitivity of casting.
    • Compound types array and tuple. Unit type ().
    • T, &mut T, &T.
    • Remind of C++ std::reference_wrapper.
    • Functions. return keyword. Expressions and statements.
    • struct. Functional update. self and Self. impl keyword. Associated functions. Introduction to generics.
    • enum. size_of enum and discriminant. std::cmp::Ordering. Comparing with C++'s enum and union. Meaning of _.
    • Syntax of if, while, for, loop. Named break. if/while and let syntax sugar.
    • match. Matching ranges. Multiple patterns. Binding modes. Destructuring.
    • Introduction to Vec and part of its interface. Slice &[T].
    • panic!, unimplemented!, unreachable!, todo!, println!, assert!, assert_eq!.
    • Inhabited type !.
    • Borrow checker and how not to give up at the beginning. The borrowing mechanism.
    • Introduction to Rust ecosystem. VS Code plugins: official and rust-analyzer.
    • std::prelude. Basic usage of cargo and rustc.
  2. Standard library types and collections.

    • Vec, VecDeque and their interface.
    • HashMap, HashSet and their interface. Asymptotics.
    • BTreeMap, BTreeSet and their interface. Why can't B-Tree be used like std::map.
    • LinkedList, BinaryHeap and their interface.
    • String. Random access. UTF-8. &str and reminder of C++ string_view. char and meaning of Unicode scalar value.
    • Result and its interface.
    • Option, its interface and compiler optimizations.
    • Heap allocations: Box, Rc, Cow and their interface. Mention of Arc.
    • Why Rc is immutable.
    • Module std::cell. Interior mutability. Cell, RefCell. Reentrancy.
    • std::mem module and it's safe features: size_of, swap, replace, forget, drop.
    • Drop checker basics. Drop flags. Stability of drop order and reasons. Initialization order.
    • Exotically sized types: ZST, DST, Empty. Containers, especially Vec, when T is ZST.
    • NonNull, NonZero.
    • print!, println!, eprint!, eprintln!, write!, writeln! and locking of IO stream.
    • BufReader and BufWriter. Their interface and reducing allocations count.
  3. Traits. Functional programming features. Iterators.

    • Traits. Return type polymorphism. Auto traits. where keyword. Extension traits.
    • Basic library traits and their methods. Default, Clone, Copy. Why aren't they derived by default?
    • Ord, PartialOrd. Eq, PartialEq. Hash, Hasher. Drop, ManuallyDrop, and RAII. Relying on drop order.
    • Module std::ops. Traits Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Rem, BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, Shl, Shr and their -Assign variants. Not, Neg.
    • Traits Index and IndexMut.
    • Traits Debug and Display. Formatter. The motivation of their design. Trait ToString.
    • Deref, DerefMut, Borrow.
    • Module std::convert. Traits From and Into, TryFrom and TryInto, AsRef and AsMut. identity function.
    • Compound types array and tuple: what changes when their size is big.
    • Associated types and consts.
    • Iterators. Laziness of iterators. Traits Iterator, IntoIterator. Implementation of iterators in std. Iterators in Runtime.
    • API of iterators: map, filter, fold, flatten and others.
    • Motivation of Iterator trait design.
    • Iterator invalidation in C++ and Rust.
    • Iterators and vectorization. How to return iterator and closure from function: impl keyword.
    • Module std::iter useful functions: from_fn, empty, once, repeat, repeat_with.
    • Traits FromIterator, ExactSizeIterator, DoubleEndedIterator, Index, IndexMut.
    • collect, flatten and their implementation.
    • Traits FnOnce, Fn, FnMut. Closures. Capture clause. move keyword. Variable rebinding in a separate scope.
  4. The Rust language package manager: Cargo. Error handling.

    • Cargo. Crates and modules. Compilation unit. What's in a crate. Coherence.
    • Cargo package structure. Cargo.lock, semantic versioning. Rustup. Types of library crates.
    • use, mod, pub, super, crate. Where pub doesn't work.
    • Rust release cycle. Raw identifiers. Migrating to other edition.
    • Error handling. Recoverable and unrecoverable errors. Panic and stack unwinding. Unwind safety. Result<T, E>. Operator ? and deprecated try!. Best practices of error handling.
    • Exception safety: minimal and maximal.
    • Controlling panic. catch_unwind, resume_unwind.
    • Error trait and its problems.
    • Basics of crates anyhow and thiserror.
  5. Metaprogramming in Rust. Writing idiomatic code.

    • Generics. Monomorphization. Static and dynamic polymorphism.
    • Trait specialization.
    • Reason why there's no generics partial specialization: ugly SFINAE consequences.
    • Macro. macro_rules!. Patterns, $crate. Identificators. Hygiene. Macros problems. Internal macro.
    • Basics of crate serde.
    • Attributes. non_exhaustive, deprecated. Macro env!, option_env!, stringify!, include_str!.
    • Conditional compilation and crate cfg-if.
    • Procedural macro. derive, cfg, test. recursion_limit attribute for macros.
    • Basics of crate syn.
    • Metaprogramming. Constant evaluation and const keyword. Const generics. Macro code generation.
    • Software design patterns: command, interpreter, newtype idiom, strategy, visitor, builder, fold.
    • Software design antipattern: using deref polymorphysm.
    • Tips of writing idiomatic code.
  6. Virtual method table. Memory management and roots of system safety.

    • Virtual method table. Fat pointer. Keyword dyn. Dynamic dispatch. On-Stack Dynamic Dispatch. Dynamically sized types.
    • Module std::any. Trait Any.
    • Type coercion and subtyping. Fully Qualified Syntax and when to use it.
    • Object Safety. Generics in the virtual table. Hash and inline.
    • How Rust manages memory: aliasing and "Aliasing XOR Mutability" rule (AXM).
    • Borrow checker, affine type system.
    • Lifetimes. Named references. Lifetime elision. Reborrowing.
    • Unbounded 'static lifetime: why do we need it and what's relationship to other lifetimes.
    • Higher-Rank Trait Bounds (HRTB). Variance.
    • ref keyword and match. Two phase borrows.
    • Drop checker. Connection of PhantomData and variance inference.
    • The dot operator and rules of auto dereference.
  7. Working with filesystem. Roots of system safety: RustBelt research.

    • Working with file system with module std::fs. Comparing the design of Rust and Go.
    • GhostCell paper. Discussing the power of Rust type system and static checking.
    • Aliasing model. Stacked borrows paper.
  8. Automatic Rust verification and support tools.

  9. Parallel and concurrent computing in Rust.

    • Rust memory model state. Orderings. Connection of memory safety and absence of data races.
    • Module std::thread.
    • Threads. Thread builder. Scope and static. thread::scoped and its problems. Closure scope. Panic in closure scope.
    • Basics of crates rayon and crossbeam.
    • Send and Sync traits. Unsafe traits. Ord and undefined behavior.
    • std::atomic: Atomic and fence.
    • Arc and example of undefined behavior in unsafe code. Mutex and its poisoning. RwLock. Lazy.
  10. Asynchronous Rust and networking.

    • Motivation of asynchronous Rust design.
    • async and await.
    • Stackless coroutines.
    • Trait Future. Building an executor.
    • Pin, Unpin and their use cases. PhantomPinned.
    • Basics of different networking protocols from the ground up.
    • Open Systems Interconnect model (OSI). Reminder of Ethernet, IP, UDP and TCP.
    • Networking in Rust. Module std::net. IpAddr. TcpListener, TcpStream and UdpSocket.
    • Collecting metrics in Rust.
    • Basics of crates tokio and loom.
  11. Unsafe Rust. Representation of types in memory.

    • unsafe keyword. The contract between safe and unsafe code. What unsafe can do. When do we need unsafe. Problem: safe mem::forget. mem::transmute. static keyword. UnsafeCell. Pointers: *const T, *mut T.
    • MaybeUninit. Compiler optimizations, Container<MaybeUninit<T>>> and Container<T>.
    • Unsafe traits. Problems with safety on BTreeMap and trait Ord.
    • WTF-8. PathBuf and Path.
    • CString and CStr. OsString and OsStr.
    • Basics of crates cbindgen and rust-bindgen.
    • Drop checker. may_dangle attribute.
    • Implementation of split_at_mut.
    • Discussing the implementation of Vec.
    • Discussing the implementation of Arc and Mutex.
    • Module std::alloc. Functions alloc, alloc_zeroed, dealloc, Layout. GlobalAlloc.
    • realloc in Rust and C++. How move works in Rust and C++. Move failures in C++. Discussing the moveit crate. Copying and cloning in Rust.
    • Leaking. Discussing the once_cell crate.
  12. Rust and interacting with system and other languages.

    • Sections .data, .rodata, .bss and .text. Structure of heap and stack. Buffer overflow.
    • Representation of types in memory. Exotically sized type Extern. enum in memory. Guaranties of Option. Data layouts: C, transparent, u*, i*, packed, align(n). Field ordering.
    • Using C/C++ code from Rust. Using Rust code from C/C++.
    • Rust ABI state.
    • Tips for writing FFI.
    • Signal handling.
    • Calling to the kernel.
    • The state of Rust in Linux kernel.
  13. Techniques of speeding up Rust.

    • Module core::arch and SIMD. core::intrisics and its usage in standard library.
    • Module std::hint.
    • Link-time Optimization (LTO).
    • Profile-guided Optimization (PGO).
    • Rust profiling tools.
    • Code inlining. Reasons and examples.
    • dyn vs impl when both can be used.
    • Note about standard libraries HashSet and HashMap. Siphash and alternatives.
    • Removing and reducing the number of heap allocations and reallocations. Profiling malloc and free.
    • Short vectors problem. Discussing the smallvec and arrayvec crates.
    • Speeding up compilation and linking of big Rust projects.