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SSH Demo with Certificates


Welcome to the SSH Demo with Certificates repo! The purpose of this repository is to allow a user to access an isolated node using a bastion or proxy host.

We will be leveraging Docker containers for both the proxy and application nodes.

Instead of using SSH Keys for accessing the application node we will generate a short-lived SSH certificate and use that to access the node! How cool is that?

Contact Allen Vailliencourt ~ ~ for any questions/comments or feel free to open up an issue here on GitHub!



  • Docker & Docker Compose installed locally
  • Shell/Terminal access
  • Potential root priviledges (if needed, depending on your system Docker may or may not require root priviledge)
  • Internet access to pull upstream images

Directory Layout

  • configs - Stores basic configuration files and templates that will be copied to the container on build time

    • app_issue - Optional SSH MOTD
    • bastion_issue - Optional SSH MOTD
    • app.motd - Simple MOTD file for app node
    • bastion.motd - Simple MOTD file for bastion node (not really used as users cannot SSH into the bastion node)
    • app_sshd_config - SSHD configuration file for app node
    • bastion_sshd_config - SSHD configuration file for bastion node
    • - This sets and starts the UFW firewall rules and then the SSHD service.
    • sshd_config - Default SSHD config (not used)
    • user_cshrc_config - Default shell settings
    • user_logout_config - Default .profile settings
  • app.Dockerfile - Dockerfile for the Application node

  • bastion.Dockerfile - Dockerfile for the Bastion node

  • docker-compose.yml - Docker Compose file to start all containers

  • - Bash script to copy SSL certificates and keys to local system

  • LICENSE - Standard Apache License

  • - What you're reading now! :)

  • .dockerignore & .gitignore - Standard ignore files

Running the Demo

  1. Git clone this repo via HTTPS, SSH, or GH CLI.

  2. Open a terminal/shell and cd into the repository's main folder (ssh-certificate-demo typically).

  3. Run docker-compose build --build-arg PASSWORD=<PASSWORD> - this will take a few minutes to build out the two containers. Use the --build-arg to input a user password at build time. It can be anything. The password is just for the appuser and bastion users when initially created. SSH doesn't like users with blank passwords in /etc/shadow (that I've found).

    note: With the recent changes to the public Docker hub, you might have to login with your Docker username/password in order to download upstream images for the build.

  4. Run docker-compose up -d to start the containers once the build completes. The -d flag detaches and runs the containers in the background. You can run a docker ps or docker-compose ps to see the status of the running containers.

  5. Run chmod +x to make the shell script executable (needed for next step).

  6. Run ./ This bash script will copy the certs, pub keys, set up a custom config file, and modify your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. Note: if you are root you might have to manually create the /root/.ssh/ directory so that the script can write out the config file. Dig into the script for details on what it does if you are curious. The files will be added to your /tmp/ssh_files folder. There is no error checking in the bash script for this demo. In a production environment you would want your bash script to be a little more robust.

  7. Run ssh -F /tmp/ssh_files/config app-node. After a few seconds your terminal should drop into the app_node. You can also run ssh -F /tmp/ssh_files/config -J bastion-node app-node as another option. What this command does is leverage your config file to ProxyJump from the bastion-node to the app-node. If you want to see some verbose logging you can put in the -vv flag in the ssh command.

  8. Congrats! You have successfully connected to a docker container via a bastion host leveraging SSH certificates!

  9. Type in exit to disconnect and docker-compose down to stop the running containers.

  • Additional info:

    • View the certificate(s): ssh-keygen -L -f /tmp/ssh_files/ (replace the app with the bastion to see that certificate)
    • Verify that a cert is being used to authenticate: ssh -F config app-node -vv 2>&1 | grep certificate

Tested On

  • OSX - Big Sur, 11.5.2 - docker version 20.10.7 (August 2021)
  • Vagrant - Ubuntu 20.04 - docker verion 20.10.2 (January/February 2021)


  • Much of the inspiration came from multiple open-source repositories, blog posts, and gists of various ways of tackling this project. Google & StackOverflow are your friends. :)
  • Want to see more SSH cert awesomeness? Check out Teleport!
  • Or our main site


SE exercise to showcase some skills.







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