Wide field toonotopy is an experiment designed in 2018. It is used to map pRFs across the entire visual system.
During the experiments participants view while fixating a traveling bar sweeping the visual field in 4 directions in the following sequence:
- left-> right
- bottom right -> top left
- top-> bottom
- bottom left -> top right
Each direction has 12 steps (each for a 2 seconds duration) and the whole sequence is repeated twice throughout the experiment. In the bar are displayed colored cartoons randomly at a rate of 8 Hz. The stimuli span 20 degrees from the fovea.
Task: fixate and response with a button press when the fixation color changes
To visualize the stimuli sequence: toon_showStim.m
See toon_workflow.m for details
- Initialize the data for mrvista: toon_init.m
- Manually align inplane anatomy to volume anatomy using rxAlign.m
- Motion correction, within and between scans: toon_motionCorrect.m
- Install segmentation. Transform time series from inplane to volume anatomy, and average the time series: toon_2gray.m
- run pRF CSS model (Dumoulin & Wandell, 2008; Kay et al., 2013) for each voxel in the gray: toon_prfRun.m