That’s it for the first lesson. Including these projects. next-start , next-pre-rendering , next-dynamic-routes , nextjs-lighthouse , next13-blog , next13-page , tailwind-starter.
L5-tailwind-starter ...continue from next13-page In this project I covered these topics [sum up 25 Oct, 24]
-revision html and css -intro tailwind css (example aircraft), this is a framework 35% faster -utility first css framework (pre-define classes)
-tailwind low level framework, more flexible -bootstrap overview -create a project npx create-next-app@latest tailwind-starter then use the tailwind css utility classes
L4-next13-page ...continue from next13-blog In this project I covered these topics [sum up 25 Oct, 24]
-revision next.js { routing, optimization, rendering, data-fetching, deployment }
-create a project named next13-page -editing the page -create a new page or diractory in the app directory name about and inside this create a file page.tsx
-import Link from 'next/link'; -this will create a routing concepts in next.js
-import Image from 'next/image';
-routes groups i.e (marketing) -dynamic segments [products]
L3-next13-blog ...continue from next-dynamic-routing
In this project I covered these topics [sum up 24 Oct, 24]
panaverse git repo -hello world -routes -linking -route groups => route groups use to organized content -dynamic segments -generating static params
L2-next-dynamic-route ...continue from next-pre-rendering
In this project I covered these topics [sum up 20 Oct 24]
-Dynamics routes In nextjs dynamics routes create with [id].js file in the pages directory getStaticPaths
-api routes (only read) -deploy our first project next-blog
L2-next-pre-rendering ...continue from next-start In this project I covered these topics [sum up 19 Oct 24]
-revision next.js
-pre-rendering and data fetching
in nextjs there are two forms of pre-rendering -static side generation -server side rendering
there are two forms of static side generation -static side generation with data -static side generation without data
-static side generation with data which will be use the next reserved function getStaticProps()
first we will create a directory called posts, and inside of this two markdown files named pre-rendering.md and another is ssg-ssr.md then we will create another directory called lib, and inside of this
create a file called posts.js, inside of posts.js file we will create a function getSortedPostsData() which is get data from the file system so import fs and gray-matter for .md files can reads
import getSortedPostsData() function in the index.js / home file and use a reserved function called getStaticProps(), inside of this function we will call the getSortedPostsData() and return the props and use it to
the home page and a props.
In this project I learn these topics, [sum up Oct 18, 24]
-project setup -editing the page -navigate between pages
-Link component next/link -Image component next/link -Head component next/head
-Script component next/script -css modules for component level .module.css -css global for app level global.css
-css global create a file _app.js inside pages or app directory only import global css in this file -components : create a top level directory components and create a component layout.js styling tips