#Infared v4l2-ctl --all --device=/dev/video2
To publish gps coordinates, you can run either gps_node.py
which uses data from the actual gps hardware, or random_gps_node.py
which generates random gps coordinates formatted in the traditional NavSatFix format.
To run either:
ros2 run kipp_sensors gps_node
ros2 run kipp_sensors random_gps_node
Then there is another node save_gps_node.py
that saves the gps coordinates to a file gps_coordinates.txt
every 2 seconds when this boolean trigger is ran: ros2 service call /trigger_action std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data: true}"
Or the opposite ros2 service call /trigger_action std_srvs/srv/SetBool "{data: false}"
run ros2 service call /capture_image std_srvs/srv/Trigger
to take image. It is saved on the jetson.
Publish aruco ID onto a topic. run ros2 topic echo /aruco_marker_ids
to send a file:
ros2 run kipp_file_transfer file_send --ros-args -p file_path:=/path/to/file -p server_ip:=IPADRESS -p port:=PORT#
to recieve a file:
ros2 run kipp_file_transfer file_receive --ros-args -p server_ip:=IPADRESS -p port:=PORT# -p output_file:=name_of_file.txt
- Is ethernet/wired connection good?
- Is camera device accesed on senders end?
- Can a simple data message or Ping be sent between computers?
- Is the reciever end recieving but not visualizing the stream?
These are various algorithms in work that either: - need to be intergrated into a ros2 node OR: - need to be interfaced with GUI, running on the base station
This detects the Aruco marker and displays results on the screen. This needs to be intergrated with GUI. We are using 4X4_100 for CIRC.
This code is responsible for detecting blue light and figuring out where the average of the light is on the z axis, allowing us to add additional code to determine whether the rover needs to move left, right or straight. This would be a node
This code is responsible for detecting red light and figuring out where the average of the light is on the z axis, allowing us to add additional code to determine whether the rover needs to move left, right or straight. This would be a node
Needs to be converted to a node. Is given a directory to index for all image files and stitches them together
This code wont actually be used, but its a siple script that takes photos by clicking the space bar which makes testing/debuging algorithis a lot easier.
source /home/prjadmin/Desktop/Software_Kipp/install/setup.bash ros2 run kipp_navigation gps_map_node