# If you add a page, you must add it to the index here pages: - Home: 'index.md' - Style Guide: 'styleguide.md' - Getting Started: - Home: 'gettingstarted/index.md' - Structuring Your Mod: 'gettingstarted/structuring.md' - Forge Update Checker: 'gettingstarted/autoupdate.md' - Dependency Management: 'gettingstarted/dependencymanagement.md' - Debug Profiler: 'gettingstarted/debugprofiler.md' - Concepts: - Sides: 'concepts/sides.md' - Resources: 'concepts/resources.md' - Registries: 'concepts/registries.md' - The Fingerprint Violation Event: 'concepts/jarsigning.md' - Internationalization and localization: 'concepts/internationalization.md' - Blocks: - Home: 'blocks/blocks.md' - Intro to Blockstates: 'blocks/states.md' - Interaction: 'blocks/interaction.md' - Animation API: - Intro to the Animation API: 'animation/intro.md' - Armatures: 'animation/armature.md' - Animation State Machines: 'animation/asm.md' - Using the API: 'animation/implementing.md' - Tile Entities: - Home: 'tileentities/tileentity.md' - Special Renderer: 'tileentities/tesr.md' - Items: - Home: 'items/items.md' - Loot Tables: 'items/loot_tables.md' - Models: - Intro to Models: 'models/introduction.md' - Model Files: 'models/files.md' - Blockstates: - Intro to Blockstate JSONs: 'models/blockstates/introduction.md' - Forge Blockstate JSON: 'models/blockstates/forgeBlockstates.md' - Connecting Blocks and Items to Models: 'models/using.md' - Coloring Textures: 'models/color.md' - Item Property Overrides: 'models/overrides.md' - Advanced Models: - Intro to Advanced Models: 'models/advanced/introduction.md' - IModel: 'models/advanced/imodel.md' - IModelState and IModelPart: 'models/advanced/imodelstate+part.md' - IBakedModel: 'models/advanced/ibakedmodel.md' - Extended Blockstates: 'models/advanced/extended-blockstates.md' - Perspective: 'models/advanced/perspective.md' - ItemOverrideList: 'models/advanced/itemoverridelist.md' - ICustomModelLoader: 'models/advanced/icustommodelloader.md' - Rendering: - TileEntityItemStackRenderer: 'rendering/teisr.md' - Events: - Basic Usage: 'events/intro.md' - Networking: - Home: 'networking/index.md' - Overview: 'networking/overview.md' - SimpleImpl: 'networking/simpleimpl.md' - Entities: 'networking/entities.md' - Data Storage: - Capabilities: 'datastorage/capabilities.md' - World Saved Data: 'datastorage/worldsaveddata.md' - Extended Entity Properties: 'datastorage/extendedentityproperties.md' - Config Annotations: 'config/annotations.md' - Utilities: - Recipes: 'utilities/recipes.md' - OreDictionary: 'utilities/oredictionary.md' - PermissionAPI: 'utilities/permissionapi.md' - Effects: - Sounds: 'effects/sounds.md' - Conventions: - Versioning: 'conventions/versioning.md' - Locations: 'conventions/locations.md' - Loading Stages: 'conventions/loadstages.md' - Contributing to Forge: - Getting Started: 'forgedev/index.md' - PR Guidelines: 'forgedev/prguidelines.md' # Do not edit in PRs below here site_name: Forge Documentation markdown_extensions: - admonition - smarty - sane_lists - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.highlight: use_pygments: false - toc: permalink: ' ' theme: name: null custom_dir: forge_theme # Technically deprecated, but RTD overrides theme.custom_dir with their default style # They still seem to respect the old option, though theme_dir: forge_theme extra: current_version: 1.12.x versions: 1.12.x: latest 1.13.x: 1.13.x