This is a list of everything required to be prepared prior to raceday. Ensure every member of the team knows how to operate the robot.
- toolkit
- screwdrivers
- all allen keys
- phillips
- tools per each kind of fastener
- zip-ties
- wire-cutters
- check camera alignment
- everything is labelled
- meets height[70x40x] and weight [10kg ish] requirements (check the hour before!)
- centre the steering servos
- tightness of fasteners
- LIPO batteries + charger and extra swap pair
- solder station
- check RC pair (if blinking it's fked)
- run program before (day/ hour)
- computer can see simultaneously all peripheral devices
- run all software simultaneously
- make sure latest code is on git
- everyone has a local copy of the repo
- git branch is correct
- launch file checks (are cascading)
- ppt is good
- multiple copies of ppt
- quick-check checklist
- one extra laptop that can run all code