- Q-Learning
- Convergence of Q-Learning: A Simple Proof
It will be a good exercise to work through this proof.
This should give a good understanding of the mathematics and justification for Q-Learning.
Some important concepts that should be reviewed:
- A fixed point is a point that does not change upon application of a map
- A contraction maps points closer together
One potential reference: https://www.math.ucdavis.edu/~hunter/book/ch3.pdf
The fixed point in this case is the optimal policy. Repeated application of the contraction map brings
the policy to optimality.
There are two typos in the paper:
page 2. To see this we write
$||Hq_1 - Hq_2 || = ...$ Final term should have negative sign:$-\gamma \text{ max } q2(y,b)$ -
Proof of Theorem 1: yields
$\Delta_t$ should be$\Delta_{t+1}$