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File metadata and controls

63 lines (48 loc) · 2.3 KB


Ansible role that installs MySQL 5.6 or 5.7 on a RHEL7 host

This role can also configure MySQL databases and users


Please take note of the following assumptions:

  • the MySQL server uses Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 as the OS
  • project-specific variables for this role can be defined in a vars file with a name following the format of projectname_envname.yml
    • an example vars file is available in vars/exampleproj_test.yml
    • this vars file will contain sensitive information and should be encrypted with ansible-vault
    • NOTE: if you choose not to use the vars file for including the variable definitions, they should be defined in the playbook file

Role Variables

Variables that need to be defined in the play file or the host inventory file - please note these should match the naming used for the vars file:

  • project_name - defines the name of the the project that requires one or more MySQL databases and users - there is no default value
  • env_name - defines the name of the deploy environment (e.g. test, stage, prod) - there is no default value
  • mysql_install_version - defines the version of MySQL to use (this role only supports installing 5.6 or 5.7) - default is 5.6

Variables that do need to be defined in the project vars file:

  • mysql_databases - this is the list of databases to create

    • name - defines the name of the database to create
    • collation - defines the type of collation scheme (default is: utf8_bin)
    • encoding - defines the type of text encoding to use (default is: utf8)
  • mysql_users - this is the list of users to create

    • name - defines the username
    • host - defines the host where the user is allowed to connect from
    • password - defines the password for this user
    • priv: - defines the database privileges for this user (syntax should be dbname.*:PRIV - e.g. exampledb.*:ALL)



Example Playbook


- name: uclalib_mysqltest.yml
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo
  hosts: all
  user: ansible
    project_name: exampleproj
    env_name: test

    - { role: uclalib_role_rhel7repos }
    - { role: uclalib_role_epel }
    - { role: uclalib_role_mysql, mysql_install_version: '5.6' }