This project is intended to be a safe & welcoming space for collaboration. Contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.
Fork & clone the repo running the following command:
git clone<Your-Username>/graphql-is-authenticated.git
or clone using HTTP
git clone<Your-Username>/graphql-is-authenticated
Install the modules by running
yarn install
This will also run the tests and linters.
Now you can create a new branch from master:
git checkout -b my-feature origin/master
You can use the following development command:
yarn dev
This will automatically run jest
in watch mode and will automatically compile your TypeScript code.
Before you create a new Pull Request ensure that your code is properly tested and there are no linter or testing errors.
You can run lint & jest by running the following command:
yarn prerelease
Et voilà, that's all you need to set up & develop on your local environment.
When creating a new Pull Request, please ensure that you follow the PR template.