diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index c4db672..0148cf4 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -60,16 +60,16 @@ The preselected minumum value (note: This should be less than the selectedMaximu The preselected maximum value (note: This should be greater than the selectedMinimum) #### `numberFormatterOverride` Each handle in the slider has a label above it showing the current selected value. By default, this is displayed as a decimal format. + +You can override this default here by supplying your own NSNumberFormatter. For example, you could supply an NSNumberFormatter that has a currency style, or a prefix or suffix. + +If this property is nil, the default decimal format will be used. Note: If you want no labels at all, set this value to be `(NSNumberFormatter *)[NSNull null]` (as opposed to nil), to specifically mark that you want no labels #### `hideLabels` When set to `YES` the labels above the slider controls will be hidden. Default is NO. #### `minDistance` The minimum distance the two selected slider values must be apart. -1 for no minimum. Default is -1. #### `maxDistance` The maximum distance the two selected slider values must be apart. -1 for no maximum. Default is -1. - -You can override this default here by supplying your own NSNumberFormatter. For example, you could supply an NSNumberFormatter that has a currency style, or a prefix or suffix. - -If this property is nil, the default decimal format will be used. Note: If you want no labels at all, set this value to be `(NSNumberFormatter *)[NSNull null]` (as opposed to nil), to specifically mark that you want no labels #### `minLabelColour` The colour of the minimum value text label. If not set, the default is the tintColor. #### `maxLabelColour`