Island map generator in JavaScript, using a Voronoi graph and perlin noise
- Inspired by
- Use paper.js for rendering :
- Use Raymond Hill Voronoi implementation :
- Use Sean McCullough perlin noise generator :
<canvas id="island" resize="true"/></canvas>
<canvas id="perlin" hidden="true"></canvas>
<script type="application/javascript">
window.onload = function(e) {
You can also set the following optionals parameters :
width: 500,
height: 500,
perlinWidth: 256,
perlinHeight: 256,
allowDebug: false, // if set to true, you can click on the map to enter "debug" mode. Warning : debug mode is slow to initialize, set to false for faster rendering.
nbSites: 10000, // numbers of voronoi cell
sitesDistribution: 'hexagon', // distribution of the site of the voronoi graph : random, square or hexagon
sitesRandomisation: 80, // will move each site in a random way (in %), for the square or hexagon distribution to look more random
nbGraphRelaxation: 0, // nb of time we apply the relaxation algo to the voronoi graph (slow !), for the random distribution to look less random
cliffsThreshold: 0.15,
lakesThreshold: 0.005, // lake elevation will increase by this value (* the river size) when a new river end inside
nbRivers: (10000 / 200),
maxRiversSize: 4,
shading: 0.35,
shadeOcean: true
Rendering with 50000 polygons and 250 rivers :