title | description | free_preview |
Chapter Title Here |
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true |
type: NormalExercise
key: 2bafef99a3
lang: r
xp: 100
skills: 1
This is an example exercise.
# Loading required packages
# Importation of the dataset
Online_Retail_2011_Q1 = read.csv("https://assets.datacamp.com/production/repositories/5023/datasets/a817bbcac6df7557fea62098386d784f52267673/Online_Retail_2011_Q1.csv", header = TRUE)
# Work with clean dataset
Online_Retail_clean = Online_Retail_2011_Q1 %>% filter(complete.cases(.))
# Create transactional dataset
data_list = split(Online_Retail_clean$Description, Online_Retail_clean$InvoiceNo)
Online_trx = as(data_list, "transactions")
# Apply the apriori function to the Online retail dataset
rules_online = apriori(Online_trx,
parameter = list(supp = 0.01, conf = 0.8, minlen = 2))
# Inspect the first 5 rules
inspect(head(rules_online, 5))
# Apply the apriori function to the Online retail dataset
rules_online = apriori(Online_trx,
parameter = list(supp = 0.01, conf = 0.8, minlen = 2))
# Inspect the first 5 rules
inspect(head(rules_online, 5))