diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index cf67504..5e3c180 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,386 +1,386 @@
-# ctkchart
-### `v 2.1.5`
-[![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/ctkchart)](https://pepy.tech/project/ctkchart) [![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/ctkchart/month)](https://pepy.tech/project/ctkchart) [![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/ctkchart/week)](https://pepy.tech/project/ctkchart)
-**ctkchart is a Python library for creating live updating line charts in customtkinter.**
-### Features
-- **Live Update**: Display live data with line charts.
-- **Multiple Lines**: Support for plotting multiple lines on the same chart for easy comparison.
-- **Color Customization**: Customize colors to match your application's design or data representation.
-- **Dynamic Color Change**: Dynamic Color Change for Dark & Light.
-- **Font Customization**: Adjust fonts for text elements to enhance readability.
-- **Dimension Customization**: Customize chart dimensions to fit various display sizes and layouts.
-### Importing & Installation
-* **Installation**
- ```
- pip install ctkchart
- ```
-* **Importing**
- ``` python
- import ctkchart
- ```
-### Simple Guide
-- **import package**
- ``` python
- import tkchart
- ```
-- **Create Line Chart and place the chart**
- ``` python
- chart = ctkchart.CTkLineChart(
- master=root,
- x_axis_values=("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"),
- y_axis_values=(100, 900)
- )
- chart.place(x=10, y=10)
- ```
-- **Create Line**
- ``` python
- line = ctkchart.CTkLine(master=chart)
- ```
-- **Display Data**
- display data using a loop
- ``` python
- def loop():
- while True:
- random_data = random.choice(range(100, 900))
- chart.show_data(line=line, data=[random_data])
- time.sleep(1)
- #call the loop as thead
- theading.Thread(target=loop).start()
- ```
-### Links
-- **Documentation :** [Documents](documentation)
- - [English doc.](documentation/DOCUMENTATION_en.md)
- - [Chinese doc.](documentation/DOCUMENTATION_zh.md)
-- **Python official :** [ctkchart](https://pypi.org/project/ctkchart/)
-### What You Can Accomplish
-- **Simple**
- https://github.com/Thisal-D/ctkchart/assets/93121062/6f1e844f-d51c-467a-a3dc-ee03fea78fc9
- ``` python
- import customtkinter as ctk # Importing the customtkinter library as ctk
- import ctkchart # Importing the ctkchart module for chart creation
- import random # Importing the random module for generating random data
- import threading # Importing the threading module for running tasks concurrently
- import time # Importing the time module for adding delays
- # Create the root window and configure
- root = ctk.CTk()
- root.configure(fg_color="#0d1117")
- root.geometry("720x430+200+200")
- # Create a line chart widget
- line_chart = ctkchart.CTkLineChart(
- master=root, # Set the master as the root window
- x_axis_values=("01-01", "01-02", "01-03", "01-04", "01-05", "01-06", "01-07", "01-08", "01-09", "01-10"), # X-axis values
- y_axis_values=(0, 1000) # Y-axis values (range)
- )
- line_chart.pack(pady=15) # Pack the line chart widget into the root
- # Create a line for the line chart
- line = ctkchart.CTkLine(master=line_chart) # Set the master as the line chart
- def display_data():
- """Function to continuously display random data on the line chart."""
- while True:
- random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
- line_chart.show_data(line=line, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line chart
- time.sleep(0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds before the next iteration
- # Call the display_data function as a separate thread
- threading.Thread(target=display_data).start()
- # Start the main event loop
- root.mainloop()
- ```
- ---
-- **Simple style**
- https://github.com/Thisal-D/ctkchart/assets/93121062/afe56452-68c3-44f0-9c67-2ab6f6910f6e
- ``` python
- import customtkinter as ctk # Importing the customtkinter library as ctk
- import ctkchart # Importing the ctkchart module for chart creation
- import random # Importing the random module for generating random data
- import threading # Importing the threading module for running tasks concurrently
- import time # Importing the time module for adding delays
- # Create the root window and configure
- root = ctk.CTk()
- root.configure(fg_color="#0d1117")
- root.geometry("720x430+200+200")
- # Create a line chart widget
- line_chart = ctkchart.CTkLineChart(
- master=root, # Set the master as the root window
- x_axis_values=("01-01", "01-02", "01-03", "01-04", "01-05", "01-06", "01-07", "01-08", "01-09", "01-10"), # X-axis values
- y_axis_values=(0, 1000), # Y-axis values (range)
- y_axis_label_count=10, # set y axis labels count to 10
- )
- line_chart.pack(pady=15) # Pack the line chart widget into the root
- # Create a line for the line chart
- line = ctkchart.CTkLine(
- master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
- size=2, # Set the line size to 2
- fill="enabled" # enable line fill
- )
- def display_data():
- """Function to continuously display random data on the line chart."""
- while True:
- random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
- line_chart.show_data(line=line, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line chart
- time.sleep(0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds before the next iteration
- # Call the display_data function as a separate thread
- threading.Thread(target=display_data).start()
- # Start the main event loop
- root.mainloop()
- ```
- ---
-- **2 lines with different line styles**
- https://github.com/Thisal-D/ctkchart/assets/93121062/9bc35a39-a8ca-4942-9fc7-a1c89d1bd1bc
- ``` python
- import customtkinter as ctk # Importing the customtkinter library as ctk
- import ctkchart # Importing the ctkchart module for chart creation
- import random # Importing the random module for generating random data
- import threading # Importing the threading module for running tasks concurrently
- import time # Importing the time module for adding delays
- # Create the root window and configure
- root = ctk.CTk()
- root.configure(fg_color=("#ffffff", "#0d1117"))
- root.geometry("720x430+200+200")
- # Create a line chart widget
- line_chart = ctkchart.CTkLineChart(
- master=root, # Set the master as the root window
- x_axis_values=("01-01", "01-02", "01-03", "01-04", "01-05", "01-06", "01-07", "01-08", "01-09", "01-10"), # X-axis values
- y_axis_values=(0, 1000), # Y-axis values (range)
- y_axis_label_count=10, # set y axis labels count to 10
- )
- line_chart.pack(pady=15) # Pack the line chart widget into the root
- line1 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
- master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
- color=("#5dffb6","#5dffb6"), # index 0 for light and 1 for dark theme
- size=2, # Set the line size to 2
- style="dashed", # style change to dashed
- style_type=(10, 5), #index 0 for dash width and 1 for space between dashes
- )
- line2 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
- master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
- color=("#FFBAD2", "#FFBAD2"), # index 0 for light and 1 for dark theme
- size=2, # Set the line size to 2
- point_highlight="enabled", # enable point highlight
- point_highlight_color=("#FFBAD2", "#FFBAD2"), # enable point highlight
- )
- def display_data():
- """Function to continuously display random data on the line chart."""
- while True:
- random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
- line_chart.show_data(line=line1, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 1 on chart
- random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
- line_chart.show_data(line=line2, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 2 on chart
- time.sleep(0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds before the next iteration
- # Call the display_data function as a separate thread
- threading.Thread(target=display_data).start()
- # Start the main event loop
- root.mainloop()
- ```
- ---
-- **3 lines with different line styles**
- https://github.com/Thisal-D/ctkchart/assets/93121062/6d568b70-2ceb-42d0-b93c-0096f2745134
- ``` python
- import customtkinter as ctk # Importing the customtkinter library as ctk
- import ctkchart # Importing the ctkchart module for chart creation
- import random # Importing the random module for generating random data
- import threading # Importing the threading module for running tasks concurrently
- import time # Importing the time module for adding delays
- # Create the root window and configure
- root = ctk.CTk()
- root.configure(fg_color=("#ffffff", "#0d1117"))
- root.geometry("720x430+200+200")
- # Create a line chart widget
- line_chart = ctkchart.CTkLineChart(
- master=root, # Set the master as the root window
- x_axis_values=("01-01", "01-02", "01-03", "01-04", "01-05", "01-06", "01-07", "01-08", "01-09", "01-10"), # X-axis values
- y_axis_values=(0, 1000), # Y-axis values (range)
- y_axis_label_count=10, # set y axis labels count to 10
- )
- line_chart.pack(pady=15) # Pack the line chart widget into the root
- # Create a line 1 for the line chart
- line1 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
- master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
- size=2, # Set the line size to 2
- fill="enabled" # enable line fill
- )
- line2 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
- master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
- color=("#5dffb6","#5dffb6"), # index 0 for light and 1 for dark theme
- size=2, # Set the line size to 2
- style="dashed", # style change to dashed
- style_type=(10, 5), #index 0 for dash width and 1 for space between dashes
- )
- line3 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
- master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
- color=("#FFBAD2", "#FFBAD2"), # index 0 for light and 1 for dark theme
- size=2, # Set the line size to 2
- point_highlight="enabled", # enable point highlight
- point_highlight_color=("#FFBAD2", "#FFBAD2"), # enable point highlight
- )
- def display_data():
- """Function to continuously display random data on the line chart."""
- while True:
- random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
- line_chart.show_data(line=line1, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 1 on chart
- random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
- line_chart.show_data(line=line2, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 2 on chart
- random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
- line_chart.show_data(line=line3, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 3 on chart
- time.sleep(0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds before the next iteration
- # Call the display_data function as a separate thread
- threading.Thread(target=display_data).start()
- # Start the main event loop
- root.mainloop()
- ```
- ---
-- **Advance** (Actually not, Just Two More Attributes Added)
- https://github.com/Thisal-D/ctkchart/assets/93121062/c2838fd6-3a0f-45be-bb39-9953d007067d
- ``` python
- import customtkinter as ctk # Importing the customtkinter library as ctk
- import ctkchart # Importing the ctkchart module for chart creation
- import random # Importing the random module for generating random data
- import threading # Importing the threading module for running tasks concurrently
- import time # Importing the time module for adding delays
- # Create the root window and configure
- root = ctk.CTk()
- root.configure(fg_color=("#ffffff", "#0d1117"))
- root.geometry("720x430+200+200")
- # Create a line chart widget
- line_chart = ctkchart.CTkLineChart(
- master=root, # Set the master as the root window
- x_axis_values=("01-01", "01-02", "01-03", "01-04", "01-05", "01-06", "01-07", "01-08", "01-09", "01-10"), # X-axis values
- y_axis_values=(0, 1000), # Y-axis values (range)
- y_axis_label_count=10, # set y axis labels count to 1
- y_axis_section_count=10,
- x_axis_section_count=10,
- )
- line_chart.pack(pady=15) # Pack the line chart widget into the root
- line1 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
- master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
- color=("#5dffb6","#5dffb6"), # index 0 for light and 1 for dark theme
- size=2, # Set the line size to 2
- style="dashed", # style change to dashed
- style_type=(10, 5), #index 0 for dash width and 1 for space between dashes
- )
- line2 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
- master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
- color=("#FFBAD2", "#FFBAD2"), # index 0 for light and 1 for dark theme
- size=2, # Set the line size to 2
- point_highlight="enabled", # enable point highlight
- point_highlight_color=("#FFBAD2", "#FFBAD2"), # enable point highlight
- )
- def display_data():
- """Function to continuously display random data on the line chart."""
- while True:
- random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
- line_chart.show_data(line=line1, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 1 on chart
- random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
- line_chart.show_data(line=line2, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 2 on chart
- time.sleep(0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds before the next iteration
- # Call the display_data function as a separate thread
- threading.Thread(target=display_data).start()
- # Start the main event loop
- root.mainloop()
- ```
-- #### Light and Dark theme
- **For every parameter that involves color in ctkchart, you can provide either**:
- - A single string representing the color.
- - A tuple of two strings where the first string represents the color for the light theme and the second string represents the color for the dark theme.
- https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/9fed4b83-5b03-4ea0-82a0-36029dfc93dd
-**Explore customizable features such as colors, fonts, and more in the documentation.**
-#### Please refer to the full documentation
-- [**English doc.**](documentation/DOCUMENTATION_en.md)
-- [**Chinese doc.**](documentation/DOCUMENTATION_zh.md)
-#### Contributors
-- [](https://github.com/childeyouyu) [youyu](https://github.com/childeyouyu)
+# ctkchart
+### `v 2.1.6`
+[![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/ctkchart)](https://pepy.tech/project/ctkchart) [![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/ctkchart/month)](https://pepy.tech/project/ctkchart) [![Downloads](https://static.pepy.tech/badge/ctkchart/week)](https://pepy.tech/project/ctkchart)
+**ctkchart is a Python library for creating live updating line charts in customtkinter.**
+### Features
+- **Live Update**: Display live data with line charts.
+- **Multiple Lines**: Support for plotting multiple lines on the same chart for easy comparison.
+- **Color Customization**: Customize colors to match your application's design or data representation.
+- **Dynamic Color Change**: Dynamic Color Change for Dark & Light.
+- **Font Customization**: Adjust fonts for text elements to enhance readability.
+- **Dimension Customization**: Customize chart dimensions to fit various display sizes and layouts.
+### Importing & Installation
+* **Installation**
+ ```
+ pip install ctkchart
+ ```
+* **Importing**
+ ``` python
+ import ctkchart
+ ```
+### Simple Guide
+- **import package**
+ ``` python
+ import tkchart
+ ```
+- **Create Line Chart and place the chart**
+ ``` python
+ chart = ctkchart.CTkLineChart(
+ master=root,
+ x_axis_values=("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"),
+ y_axis_values=(100, 900)
+ )
+ chart.place(x=10, y=10)
+ ```
+- **Create Line**
+ ``` python
+ line = ctkchart.CTkLine(master=chart)
+ ```
+- **Display Data**
+ display data using a loop
+ ``` python
+ def loop():
+ while True:
+ random_data = random.choice(range(100, 900))
+ chart.show_data(line=line, data=[random_data])
+ time.sleep(1)
+ #call the loop as thead
+ theading.Thread(target=loop).start()
+ ```
+### Links
+- **Documentation :** [Documents](documentation)
+ - [English doc.](documentation/DOCUMENTATION_en.md)
+ - [Chinese doc.](documentation/DOCUMENTATION_zh.md)
+- **Python official :** [ctkchart](https://pypi.org/project/ctkchart/)
+### What You Can Accomplish
+- **Simple**
+ https://github.com/Thisal-D/ctkchart/assets/93121062/6f1e844f-d51c-467a-a3dc-ee03fea78fc9
+ ``` python
+ import customtkinter as ctk # Importing the customtkinter library as ctk
+ import ctkchart # Importing the ctkchart module for chart creation
+ import random # Importing the random module for generating random data
+ import threading # Importing the threading module for running tasks concurrently
+ import time # Importing the time module for adding delays
+ # Create the root window and configure
+ root = ctk.CTk()
+ root.configure(fg_color="#0d1117")
+ root.geometry("720x430+200+200")
+ # Create a line chart widget
+ line_chart = ctkchart.CTkLineChart(
+ master=root, # Set the master as the root window
+ x_axis_values=("01-01", "01-02", "01-03", "01-04", "01-05", "01-06", "01-07", "01-08", "01-09", "01-10"), # X-axis values
+ y_axis_values=(0, 1000) # Y-axis values (range)
+ )
+ line_chart.pack(pady=15) # Pack the line chart widget into the root
+ # Create a line for the line chart
+ line = ctkchart.CTkLine(master=line_chart) # Set the master as the line chart
+ def display_data():
+ """Function to continuously display random data on the line chart."""
+ while True:
+ random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
+ line_chart.show_data(line=line, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line chart
+ time.sleep(0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds before the next iteration
+ # Call the display_data function as a separate thread
+ threading.Thread(target=display_data).start()
+ # Start the main event loop
+ root.mainloop()
+ ```
+ ---
+- **Simple style**
+ https://github.com/Thisal-D/ctkchart/assets/93121062/afe56452-68c3-44f0-9c67-2ab6f6910f6e
+ ``` python
+ import customtkinter as ctk # Importing the customtkinter library as ctk
+ import ctkchart # Importing the ctkchart module for chart creation
+ import random # Importing the random module for generating random data
+ import threading # Importing the threading module for running tasks concurrently
+ import time # Importing the time module for adding delays
+ # Create the root window and configure
+ root = ctk.CTk()
+ root.configure(fg_color="#0d1117")
+ root.geometry("720x430+200+200")
+ # Create a line chart widget
+ line_chart = ctkchart.CTkLineChart(
+ master=root, # Set the master as the root window
+ x_axis_values=("01-01", "01-02", "01-03", "01-04", "01-05", "01-06", "01-07", "01-08", "01-09", "01-10"), # X-axis values
+ y_axis_values=(0, 1000), # Y-axis values (range)
+ y_axis_label_count=10, # set y axis labels count to 10
+ )
+ line_chart.pack(pady=15) # Pack the line chart widget into the root
+ # Create a line for the line chart
+ line = ctkchart.CTkLine(
+ master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
+ size=2, # Set the line size to 2
+ fill="enabled" # enable line fill
+ )
+ def display_data():
+ """Function to continuously display random data on the line chart."""
+ while True:
+ random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
+ line_chart.show_data(line=line, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line chart
+ time.sleep(0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds before the next iteration
+ # Call the display_data function as a separate thread
+ threading.Thread(target=display_data).start()
+ # Start the main event loop
+ root.mainloop()
+ ```
+ ---
+- **2 lines with different line styles**
+ https://github.com/Thisal-D/ctkchart/assets/93121062/9bc35a39-a8ca-4942-9fc7-a1c89d1bd1bc
+ ``` python
+ import customtkinter as ctk # Importing the customtkinter library as ctk
+ import ctkchart # Importing the ctkchart module for chart creation
+ import random # Importing the random module for generating random data
+ import threading # Importing the threading module for running tasks concurrently
+ import time # Importing the time module for adding delays
+ # Create the root window and configure
+ root = ctk.CTk()
+ root.configure(fg_color=("#ffffff", "#0d1117"))
+ root.geometry("720x430+200+200")
+ # Create a line chart widget
+ line_chart = ctkchart.CTkLineChart(
+ master=root, # Set the master as the root window
+ x_axis_values=("01-01", "01-02", "01-03", "01-04", "01-05", "01-06", "01-07", "01-08", "01-09", "01-10"), # X-axis values
+ y_axis_values=(0, 1000), # Y-axis values (range)
+ y_axis_label_count=10, # set y axis labels count to 10
+ )
+ line_chart.pack(pady=15) # Pack the line chart widget into the root
+ line1 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
+ master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
+ color=("#5dffb6","#5dffb6"), # index 0 for light and 1 for dark theme
+ size=2, # Set the line size to 2
+ style="dashed", # style change to dashed
+ style_type=(10, 5), #index 0 for dash width and 1 for space between dashes
+ )
+ line2 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
+ master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
+ color=("#FFBAD2", "#FFBAD2"), # index 0 for light and 1 for dark theme
+ size=2, # Set the line size to 2
+ point_highlight="enabled", # enable point highlight
+ point_highlight_color=("#FFBAD2", "#FFBAD2"), # enable point highlight
+ )
+ def display_data():
+ """Function to continuously display random data on the line chart."""
+ while True:
+ random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
+ line_chart.show_data(line=line1, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 1 on chart
+ random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
+ line_chart.show_data(line=line2, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 2 on chart
+ time.sleep(0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds before the next iteration
+ # Call the display_data function as a separate thread
+ threading.Thread(target=display_data).start()
+ # Start the main event loop
+ root.mainloop()
+ ```
+ ---
+- **3 lines with different line styles**
+ https://github.com/Thisal-D/ctkchart/assets/93121062/6d568b70-2ceb-42d0-b93c-0096f2745134
+ ``` python
+ import customtkinter as ctk # Importing the customtkinter library as ctk
+ import ctkchart # Importing the ctkchart module for chart creation
+ import random # Importing the random module for generating random data
+ import threading # Importing the threading module for running tasks concurrently
+ import time # Importing the time module for adding delays
+ # Create the root window and configure
+ root = ctk.CTk()
+ root.configure(fg_color=("#ffffff", "#0d1117"))
+ root.geometry("720x430+200+200")
+ # Create a line chart widget
+ line_chart = ctkchart.CTkLineChart(
+ master=root, # Set the master as the root window
+ x_axis_values=("01-01", "01-02", "01-03", "01-04", "01-05", "01-06", "01-07", "01-08", "01-09", "01-10"), # X-axis values
+ y_axis_values=(0, 1000), # Y-axis values (range)
+ y_axis_label_count=10, # set y axis labels count to 10
+ )
+ line_chart.pack(pady=15) # Pack the line chart widget into the root
+ # Create a line 1 for the line chart
+ line1 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
+ master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
+ size=2, # Set the line size to 2
+ fill="enabled" # enable line fill
+ )
+ line2 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
+ master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
+ color=("#5dffb6","#5dffb6"), # index 0 for light and 1 for dark theme
+ size=2, # Set the line size to 2
+ style="dashed", # style change to dashed
+ style_type=(10, 5), #index 0 for dash width and 1 for space between dashes
+ )
+ line3 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
+ master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
+ color=("#FFBAD2", "#FFBAD2"), # index 0 for light and 1 for dark theme
+ size=2, # Set the line size to 2
+ point_highlight="enabled", # enable point highlight
+ point_highlight_color=("#FFBAD2", "#FFBAD2"), # enable point highlight
+ )
+ def display_data():
+ """Function to continuously display random data on the line chart."""
+ while True:
+ random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
+ line_chart.show_data(line=line1, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 1 on chart
+ random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
+ line_chart.show_data(line=line2, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 2 on chart
+ random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
+ line_chart.show_data(line=line3, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 3 on chart
+ time.sleep(0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds before the next iteration
+ # Call the display_data function as a separate thread
+ threading.Thread(target=display_data).start()
+ # Start the main event loop
+ root.mainloop()
+ ```
+ ---
+- **Advance** (Actually not, Just Two More Attributes Added)
+ https://github.com/Thisal-D/ctkchart/assets/93121062/c2838fd6-3a0f-45be-bb39-9953d007067d
+ ``` python
+ import customtkinter as ctk # Importing the customtkinter library as ctk
+ import ctkchart # Importing the ctkchart module for chart creation
+ import random # Importing the random module for generating random data
+ import threading # Importing the threading module for running tasks concurrently
+ import time # Importing the time module for adding delays
+ # Create the root window and configure
+ root = ctk.CTk()
+ root.configure(fg_color=("#ffffff", "#0d1117"))
+ root.geometry("720x430+200+200")
+ # Create a line chart widget
+ line_chart = ctkchart.CTkLineChart(
+ master=root, # Set the master as the root window
+ x_axis_values=("01-01", "01-02", "01-03", "01-04", "01-05", "01-06", "01-07", "01-08", "01-09", "01-10"), # X-axis values
+ y_axis_values=(0, 1000), # Y-axis values (range)
+ y_axis_label_count=10, # set y axis labels count to 1
+ y_axis_section_count=10,
+ x_axis_section_count=10,
+ )
+ line_chart.pack(pady=15) # Pack the line chart widget into the root
+ line1 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
+ master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
+ color=("#5dffb6","#5dffb6"), # index 0 for light and 1 for dark theme
+ size=2, # Set the line size to 2
+ style="dashed", # style change to dashed
+ style_type=(10, 5), #index 0 for dash width and 1 for space between dashes
+ )
+ line2 = ctkchart.CTkLine(
+ master=line_chart, # Set the master as the line chart
+ color=("#FFBAD2", "#FFBAD2"), # index 0 for light and 1 for dark theme
+ size=2, # Set the line size to 2
+ point_highlight="enabled", # enable point highlight
+ point_highlight_color=("#FFBAD2", "#FFBAD2"), # enable point highlight
+ )
+ def display_data():
+ """Function to continuously display random data on the line chart."""
+ while True:
+ random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
+ line_chart.show_data(line=line1, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 1 on chart
+ random_data = [random.choice(range(0, 1000))] # Generate random data between 0 and 1000
+ line_chart.show_data(line=line2, data=random_data) # Display the random data on the line 2 on chart
+ time.sleep(0.5) # Pause for 0.5 seconds before the next iteration
+ # Call the display_data function as a separate thread
+ threading.Thread(target=display_data).start()
+ # Start the main event loop
+ root.mainloop()
+ ```
+- #### Light and Dark theme
+ **For every parameter that involves color in ctkchart, you can provide either**:
+ - A single string representing the color.
+ - A tuple of two strings where the first string represents the color for the light theme and the second string represents the color for the dark theme.
+ https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/9fed4b83-5b03-4ea0-82a0-36029dfc93dd
+**Explore customizable features such as colors, fonts, and more in the documentation.**
+#### Please refer to the full documentation
+- [**English doc.**](documentation/DOCUMENTATION_en.md)
+- [**Chinese doc.**](documentation/DOCUMENTATION_zh.md)
+#### Contributors
+- [](https://github.com/childeyouyu) [youyu](https://github.com/childeyouyu)
diff --git a/src/ctkchart/__init__.py b/src/ctkchart/__init__.py
index d1fcd50..710aa69 100644
--- a/src/ctkchart/__init__.py
+++ b/src/ctkchart/__init__.py
@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@
ctkchart: a library for create live update chart for customtkinter guis.
__title__ = "ctkchart"
-__version__ = "2.1.5"
+__version__ = "2.1.6"
__authors__ = ("Thisal Dilmith", "childeyouyu (有语)")