The goal for the BeeGFS CSI driver is to maintain compatibility with relevant versions of Kubernetes as well as relevant version of BeeGFS. With this goal in mind the following notes are the guidelines we use when planning for changes to version compatibility and testing.
The BeeGFS CSI driver will generally support the set of Kubernetes releases supported by the Kubernetes project itself at the time of the driver release. Information about Kubernetes release support status can be found on the Kubernetes releases page.
Occasionally, a particular Kubernetes patch version may be required to guarantee smooth driver operation. See the Troubleshooting Guide for known issues.
The criteria for including a new Kubernetes release, meaning a new Kubernetes minor version, for compatibility testing is the following: It is able to be set up via a released version of Minikube (used to maintain BeeGFS CSI driver test environments).
Kubernetes versions that become unsupported during the development cycle of a new BeeGFS CSI driver version will be considered for removal from the compatibility testing matrix. We make a "best effort" to maintain compatibility with one out-of-support version as an acknowledgement that Kubernetes has a fast moving release cycle and upgrading environments can take time. However, if any issues arise when using the driver on a Kubernetes version that is out of support, the first recommendation is to upgrade Kubernetes.
The BeeGFS CSI driver primarily interacts with the BeeGFS client and so the version of the client is the focus of our compatibility testing. Testing BeeGFS client and server compatibility directly is outside the scope of the BeeGFS CSI driver testing. Therefore, unless explicitly noted otherwise, the identification of a BeeGFS version should be interpreted as an environment where all BeeGFS components (client and server) are running the same specified version.
For guidance on compatibility between BeeGFS clients and servers refer to the BeeGFS documentation
Our primary commitment is to support the latest two minor versions of BeeGFS.
When a new version of BeeGFS is released we will include support for the new BeeGFS version once the following criteria is met.
- We have integrated the BeeGFS version in our testing environment
- All testing is passing on the new BeeGFS version
- Any required development work has been completed
When a new BeeGFS version is included for support we will drop testing and support for the older BeeGFS version that was supported by the last release of the BeeGFS driver.
Starting from version v1.5.0, the BeeGFS CSI driver will no longer be tested with RedHat OpenShift. While we expect that the driver will continue to function with RedHat OpenShift, we have decided to suspend direct testing against this platform due to the associated licensing and other costs of maintaining the necessary test environments. If this change impacts your use of the driver, we encourage you to open an issue so we can understand your specific use case and discuss potential avenues to resume testing with OpenShift, or alternatively, with the community version, OKD.
While we have made initial investments into enabling the use of the BeeGFS CSI driver with HashiCorp Nomad, we may not test with Nomad for every driver release and do not currently consider Nomad to be a supported container orchestrator.