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Unit 4 Study Guide

Using this study guide

Unit 4 is almost done, you're so close! But the real test isn't the assessment, it's how well you can gauge what you do and don't know. Self study is a critical skill. Our study guides will only guide you, not give you all the answers.

Broken in up into main sections, your task is to review the material, and see what you need to work on. Use this guide to inform your questions during the review lectures. So much of this job is figuring out the right questions to ask.

GPT or Google?

Why not both? If we aren't giving you all the answers here, you have to find them somehow. You know how you talk to your teachers? Where you just keep asking questions, and each question spurs another? Do that with ChatGPT.

Then with each answer, verify the results with an article or code sample from Google. Finally, in your own digital notes, write down the questions and their answers in your words. Be sure to include links to the articles you found and some code snippets for the code examples so you can reference them later.

GPT Warnings

As you know GPT just "predicts" what a human would likely respond with to your query. Guess what humans are pretty bad at? this. When it comes to understanding this take everything GPT says with a larger grain of salt than normal. To a lesser extent, GPT tends to be a little iron clad in describing and explaining associations.

Good luck!

Jargon Check!

Do you know all these common tech terms? You should using them when you communicate:

  • Boilerplate
  • OOP vs Functional
  • Side Effects
  • DRY Code
  • KISS
  • Internal State
  • Attributes/Properties
  • Method vs Function
  • Syntactic Sugar
  • Debugging
  • Refactoring
  • Callbacks
  • Iteration
  • Argument vs Parameter
  • Mutable vs Immutable
  • Rubber Duck Debugging
  • Pass by Value and Reference
  • Instances and Instantiation

And you just learned the "Four Pillars of OOP":

  • Encapsulation
  • Abstraction
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism

These are just here because you guys are so smart and are already learning advanced concepts:

  • Source of Truth
  • Dependency Injection
  • Isomorphic Code
  • IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)


Essential Questions to answer:

  • What is a closure?
  • How do closures make "private" variables?
  • What are some examples of closures we use?
  • What is shadow naming?
  • What does it mean to encapsulate data?
  • How do factory functions abstract complexity?

A "stereotypical" closure example

When people say "closure" a lot of the time they are thinking of a function that declares a local variable, and then returns a function that uses/manipulates that variable in some way.

const makeIdFunction = () => {
  let id = 1;
  return () => {
    return id;

const getId = makeIdFunction();

Check understanding: Can you write a function that continuously adds passed in letters to a string?

const makeAddStrFunc = ???
const addString = makeAddStringFunc('base')
// base!
// base!!
// base!!!

Passing in a value is only a change, but not a fundamental one!

A more realistic closure

However, closure just means a function that references a variable that is in a higher scope and wasn't passed in. Most commonly, you'll see them used in conjunction with higher order functions.

const nums = [10, 13, 20, 45, 9, 17];
const logDivisibleBy = (nums, factor) => {
  return nums.forEach(num => {
    if (!(num % factor)) console.log(num)

logDivisibleBy(nums, 2);
logDivisibleBy(nums, 3);
logDivisibleBy(nums, 10);

Check understanding: Can you explain why closures are common to use with Higher Order functions?

Factory functions

Essential questions:

  • What is a factory function?
  • Why might you use a closure vs this to handle state
  • Are the objects created by a factory connected at all?

Factory function with closures

If you need a private variable with your factory function, the way to do that is with a closure. Just be careful with your references!

const privateCarFactory = (make, model, owner) => {
  const owners = [owner];
  return {
    getMake: () => make,
    getModel: () => model,
    getOwners: () => [...owners],
    addOwner: (newOwner) => owners.push(newOwner),
    getProps: () => ({ ...{ make, model, owners } }),

Factory functions with this

Maintaining internal state with closures is super secure, but also a lot of boilerplate. Sometimes you just want to refer to properties in the object, and aren't concerned about privacy. this allows us to reference one object property from another.

const thisPersonFactory = (name) => ({
  isCool: true,
  greet() {
    console.log(`Hi, I'm ${}.`);
  sayCoolness() {
      ? console.log("I'm one cool customer")
      : console.log("I'm a bit of a dweeb");

Check for understanding: What are some of the drawbacks of factory functions?

Constructors, Classes and Prototypes

Essential Questions:

  • What is a constructor function?
  • What is the largest difference between classes and factory functions?
  • What is the prototype?
  • What does the prototype do?

Helpful diagrams: Going up the chain Prototype vs instance vs constructor

Old School Constructor Syntax

Prior to ES2015, we had no choice but to use the prototype and constructor functions directly. Here's an example in the old syntax:

const getId = ((id = 1) => () => id++)();

function Person(name, age) { = getId(); = name;
  this.age = age;
  this.isCool = true;


Person.prototype.greet = function () {
  console.log(`Hi, I'm ${} and I'm ${this.age}`);

Person.prototype.sayCoolness = function () {
    ? console.log("I'm one cool customer")
    : console.log("I'm a bit of a dweeb");

// Here's how static methods work under the hood!
Person._all = []
// no *actual* private values, the _ is a convention that *might* mean "private"

Person.list = () => [...Person._all]

Person.findBy = (searchId) => Person._all.find(({ id }) => id === searchId);

  And here's some code using it!
const tom = new Person('Tom', 24)
tom.greet(); // Hi, I'm Tom and I'm 24
// Person { id: 1, name: 'tom', age: 12, isCool: true }
// [ Person { id: 1, name: 'tom', age: 12, isCool: true } ]

console.log(Person.findBy( === tom) // true
console.log(tom instanceof Person) // true

const tomPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(tom)
// [ 'constructor', 'greet', 'sayCoolness' ]
console.log(tomPrototype === Person.prototype) // true

New School Class Syntax

Now here's how you should actually write the above code with class syntax.

const getId = ((id = 1) => () => id++)();

class Person {
  static #all = []; // now we have ACTUAL private variables
  constructor(name, age) { = getId(); = name;
    this.age = age;
    this.isCool = true;


  static list() {
    return [...Person.#all]

  static findBy(searchId) {
    return Person._all.find(({ id }) => id === searchId);

  greet() {
    console.log(`Hi, I'm ${} and I'm ${this.age}`);

  sayCoolness() {
      ? console.log("I'm one cool customer")
      : console.log("I'm a bit of a dweeb");

  And here's some code using it!
  Notice it's EXACTLY the same!
const tom = new Person('Tom', 24)
tom.greet(); // Hi, I'm Tom and I'm 24
// Person { id: 1, name: 'tom', age: 12, isCool: true }
// [ Person { id: 1, name: 'tom', age: 12, isCool: true } ]

console.log(Person.findBy( === tom) // true
console.log(tom instanceof Person) // true

const tomPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(tom)
// [ 'constructor', 'greet', 'sayCoolness' ]
console.log(tomPrototype === Person.prototype) // true

Now, while it's true you'll never write the old constructor function way anymore it's important you understand class is really just syntactic sugar on top of it.

Static properties and methods

Class methods are methods that are called on the class itself, not a new instance. The way we designate these properties and methods is with the static keyword.

Remember also, in static methods this does not refer to an instance! It refers to the class itself. But since we always know the class name, its more common to just write the class name itself when referring to it.

Can static and instance methods interact?

Yes! You can call static methods inside an instance method simply by calling ClassName.methodIWant. And in a class method, if you call new ClassName(), that will give you an instance, which you can then call instance methods with.

Remember, the difference between instance and class methods is just who you call them on. Class methods are called on the class, instance methods are called on the instance. You can do whatever you want in those methods though.

Private properties and methods

Private properties and methods may not be super common in JS, but they sure are in other languages. So it's best you get comfortable with them. In JS, we denote properties and methods as private by prepending them with a #.

Check understanding: Can you design a new class that has static and private methods/properties?

The weirdness of this

Essential questions:

  • What is a situation where this will behave weirdly?
  • How can we lock the this to an instance of a class?
  • What does .bind do vs .call?

this seems so simple when you first learn it, but there are some truly odd pitfalls.

Be wary of callbacks

When you pass a method as a callback, your method may no longer be "owned" by the object it should be called on:

const bob = {
    name: 'Bob',
    greet(otherName) {
      console.log(`Hi ${otherName}, I'm ${}.`);

  // Hi Jane, I'm Bob.

  ['Mr. smith', 'Mrs. Smith'].forEach(bob.greet);
  // Hi Mr. Smith, I'm undefined.
  // Hi Mrs. Smith, I'm undefined.

And that's because what actually calls the function is no longer the object. It's just a function calling an ownerless callback:

// what's basically happening under the hood of forEach:
const breaker = (callback, ...args) => {
  callback(...args); // WHO'S THE OWNER NOW?

Remember how we can determine a function declarations' this: This Flow

Setting the this value

  • You can use .bind, .call, .apply to explicitly set the value
    • Do you know the difference between the three?
  • Some higher order functions will also let you pass in a this argument
  • You can also explicitly call the function by passing in an anonymous wrapper function.
    • This may not be ideal, as you are creating a new, anonymous function (this will be important way later in React)
function settingThis(...args) {
  console.log("here's the args:", args);
  console.log('this is now:', this);
}{ a: 1 }, 'Hello!', 'Goodbye!');
settingThis.apply({ b: 2 }, ['Yes please!', 'No thank you!']);

const tim = {
  name: 'Tim',
  greet(otherName) {
    console.log(`Hi ${otherName}, I'm ${}.`);

['Mr. Connors', 'Mrs. Connors'].forEach(tim.greet, tim);
// a wrapper function like this isn't super great, but it is an option
['Mr. Connors', 'Mrs. Connors'].forEach((name) => tim.greet(name));

tim.greet = tim.greet.bind(tim);
['Mr. Johnson', 'Mrs. Johnson'].forEach(tim.greet);

Check understanding: Can you literally explain every line of that above example? Could you explain them simply?

Function declarations vs Arrow functions

Arrow functions are special and do not use this the same way as function declarations. With function declarations the this is determined when the function is called. With arrows, the this is determined lexically at the time of definition, and can't be changed. This makes them handy for enclosing the this value from classes for instances.

Setting this on instance methods

Sometimes with our classes, we'll want to lock the this value explicitly. We used to use .bind, but now we use arrow functions. We favor arrows now because using .bind required us to write the same name like 3 times, which was 2 more chances for typos or other mistakes.

class PersonBind {
  constructor(name) { = name;

    this.greet = this.greet.bind(this);

  greet(otherName) {
    console.log(`Hi ${otherName}, I'm ${}`);

class PersonArrow {
  constructor(name) { = name;

  greet = (otherName) => {
    console.log(`Hi ${otherName}, I'm ${}`);

Now, be aware this comes at a cost! Locking the method to the instance means that the method will be redefined on each instance. This can have memory and other implications (like looping over an object).

const jay = new Person('Jay');
console.log('jay:', jay);

const tom = new PersonArrow('Tom');
console.log('tom:', tom);

Only use Arrow functions with classes if you have a good reason to.

Check understanding: What methods go on the prototype, instance, or class?


Essential questions:

  • When should you use inheritance?
  • When do you need a "Has many/Belongs to" vs a "Many to Many?"
  • Why do we need the Class property .all to use some relationships?
  • Why are IDs suddenly so important when using relationships?
  • Can you diagram out classes in UML?

Classes don't live in a vacuum, they relate to each other. Being able to explain that is crucial for system design. There are often multiple ways to "model" relationships, always think carefully about the pros and cons.

Crow's feet and UML

These are two main ways of drawing out technical relationships graphically. Crow's foot is simpler, just circles and lines.

Here's a "Has many/Belongs" to in crow's foot notation Crow's Foot - Has Many

And a "Many to Many" Crow's Foot - Many to many

UML (Unified Modeling Language) allows for much more complexity. It shows more information about the models themselves, and their relationships to each other.

UML Class Info UML Relationship Info

Inheritance - "Is a"

The simplest relationship just means there is a base "Parent" class that extends out to one or more "Child" classes. The relationship is inherently linear.

class Person {
  constructor(name, age) { = name;
    this.age = age;

  haveBirthday() {
    console.log(`I'm ${this.age} years old now!`);

  greet() {
    console.log(`Hi, I'm ${} and I'm ${this.age}`);

class Student extends Person {
  constructor(name, age, grade) {
    super(name, age);

    this.grade = grade

  learn(subject) {
    console.log(`I'm learning ${subject}!`)

  // polymorphism - alter parent methods but keep the name the same
  greet() {
    console.log(`Hi, I'm ${} and I'm ${this.age}, and I'm in grade ${this.grade}.`);

const jay = new Student('Jay', 18, 12);
console.log('Jay:', jay);
// use existing methods

// add new methods

// polymorphism - alter parent methods

const bob = new Person('bob', 12)

console.log('bob instance of Person?', bob instanceof Person);
console.log('jay instance of Person?', jay instanceof Person);
console.log('bob instance of Student?', bob instanceof Student);
console.log('jay instance of Student?', jay instanceof Student);
console.log('jay instance of Object?', jay instanceof Object);


This method must be called in the constructor of the children classes. Basically it's like calling new Parent(). But be careful! Think about what arguments you need to pass in! You can repeat, omit, alter, or add arguments sent to the parent from the child.

Polymorphic methods

It literally just means that a child can inherit a method, keep the method name, and then alter it's behavior in some way.

Not enough with inheritance alone

When a "Parent" class does not really share any traits to the child, but is related somehow, you'll need something other than inheritance. That's where association relationships come in.

"Has many/Belongs to"

When a Parent "Has many" children, but each child "Belongs to" only one parent, it's a "Has many/Belongs to" relationship.

// cat.js
const { getId } = require('./utils');

class Cat {
  static #all = [];

  constructor(name, ownerId, ownerClass) { = getId(); = name;
    this.ownerId = ownerId;
    this.ownerClass = ownerClass;


  static listByOwner(ownerId) {
    return [...Cat.#all].filter((cat)=> {
      return ownerId === cat.ownerId;

  static create(name, ownerId, ownerClass) {
    return new Cat(name, ownerId, ownerClass);

  owner() {
    return this.ownerClass.list().find((owner) => {
      return === this.ownerId;

module.exports = Cat;

// owner.js
const { getId } = require('./utils');

class Owner {
  static #all = [];

  constructor(name, catClass) { = getId(); = name;
    this.catClass = catClass;


  static list() {
    return [...Owner.#all];

  static findById(id) {
    return Owner.#all.find(owner => === id) || null;

  static create(name, catClass) {
    return new Owner(name, catClass);

  cats() {
    return this.catClass.listByOwner(

module.exports = Owner;

How to find relationships?

So above, for an owner to find all their cats, they query the Cat.all array (through a method) and filter for any cat that has an ownerId that matches the owners id. On the reverse, each cat can find its owner by querying the Owner.all array (through a method) and finds the owner entity who's id matches it's ownerId. In order for anyone to find anyone, we must run these queries that rely on ids being unique.

Who knows who?

A parent and child can't both be expected to save information about the other. Because what if there's a disagreement? In programming, we always try to have a single source of truth. And in this case, it's the child. A child knows about it's parent, and a parent simply asks all children if any belong to it. No conflicts can arise about ownership when using this method.

In most cases, that means all entities have a primary id, but the child class stores the parents id as well. Often referred to as the primary key and foreign key. At Marcy, we like the convention that primary keys are just .id and foreign are .parentId (so, Cat.ownerId, for example). But that is an opinion! Others name both explicitly (Cat.catId, Cat.ownerId, Owner.ownerId).

What's with the dependency injection?

Dependency injection is when we pass in a dependency only when we need it and exactly where we need it. If two classes reference each other, you can't just require them, that's a circular dependency. So instead we pass the class into the constructor. That gives each instance the class, but no dependency issues!

We use dependency injection when coding these associations, don't forget to include the related classes on instantiation!

Check understanding: Design your own "Has many/Belongs to" classes. Remember, you can simplify a "Many to Many" (like an Owner has many Cats, each Cat belongs to an owner, even though that isn't always true). It's your program, you decide!

Associations - "Many to Many"

Relax, we aren't going to ask you to code this one out. But we use a "Many to many" relationship when you could say a A Parent has many Children and A Child has many Parents. In order to facilitate this, we use what's called a "Join." A (sometimes) simple entity that stores the parent id key and links it to another parent id. Sometimes it has a real world entity (like Doctors have many patients through appointments), but a lot of the time they don't (Book, BookGenre, Genre).

A final reminder

Remember, no one writes relationships by only using a class method array! We're using some JS tricks to stand in for Databases (which are where relationships are typically used). Think about the concepts more than the syntax when it comes to Has Many and Many to Many