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312 lines (222 loc) · 9.94 KB


Problem: Props Drilling

Consider the instagram clone app that renders something like this:

Note how there is a total tally of likes at the top that sums the likes on each individual picture.

Passing State From App to LikesButton

To achieve the totalLikes feature, The App component defines a piece of state called totalLikes and a function incrementTotalLikes that invokes setTotalLikes.

The problem is that the component that uses incrementTotalLikes is LikesButton which is 3 layers away from App. So we first pass it to PicturesList...

Which passes it to each InstagramPost instance...

Which passes it down to LikesButton...

Which finally uses it.

This act of passing a piece of state through multiple intermediate components that don't use that state is called props drilling.

It isn't always an issue but at about 3 layers, it starts to feel tedious.

Solution: useContext

The solution is to create something called a Context. Think of Context as an object where we can store global data and that any component within that context's scope can access that data.

To use React's Context API, there are 3 concepts to understand.

  • Making a Context object - const Context = createContext()
  • Rendering a Context Provider - <Context.Provider values={} />
  • Getting values from a Context - useContext()

1. Create a context object

This is certainly the simplest step. It will almost always look like this:

// src/context/InstagramContext.jsx
import { createContext } from "react";

const InstagramContext = createContext();

export default InstagramContext;
  • We create a new folder called context/ in our src folder
  • createContext is a named export of the react library
  • We invoke createContext to create a new InstagramContext object which we export.

2. Render a Context Provider

The main reason why we create a InstagramContext object is because it has a .Provider property that we want to use.

InstagramContext.Provider is a React component that we wrap around a portion that we want to give access to the Context (we can even wrap it around the entire App if we wanted to).

Below, we wrap the InstagramContext.Provider around the PicturesList component, giving it and all of its descendants access to the incrementTotalLikes function:

import "./App.css";
import Header from "./components/Header";
import PicturesList from "./components/PicturesList";
import { useState } from "react";
import InstagramContext from "./context/InstagramContext";

const App = () => {
  const [totalLikes, setTotalLikes] = useState(0);
  const incrementTotalLikes = () => setTotalLikes(totalLikes + 1);

  return (
      <Header likes={totalLikes} />
      <InstagramContext.Provider value={incrementTotalLikes}>
        <PicturesList />

export default App;
  • We first import the InstagramContext we just created.
  • InstagramContext.Provider is a component that we can wrap around any piece of the application that we want to have access to the context data.
  • The value prop of the InstagramContext.Provider determines the data available to the children of the InstagramContext.Provider
  • Now, we can safely remove the incrementTotalLikes prop from the PicturesList and all intermediate components.

3. Use the Context

Any component that is a descendant from a InstagramContext.Provider may utilize the value of that provider using the useContext hook from react:

import { useState, useContext } from "react";
import InstagramContext from "../context/InstagramContext";

const LikesButton = () => {
  const [likes, setLikes] = useState(0);
  const incrementTotalLikes = useContext(InstagramContext);

  const handleClick = () => {
    setLikes(likes + 1);

  return (
    <div className="likes-container">
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Like</button>
      <p>Likes: {likes}</p>

export default LikesButton;
  • useContext is imported from react alongside useState
  • The InstagramContext itself is also imported. This will be needed when we invoke useContext
  • useContext is invoked at the top of the LikesButton component. It takes in a Context object and returns the value prop of the associated InstagramContext.Provider.

We can take this even further and use the Context for every value in the application. However, there is a delicate balance between storing TOO much in context and keeping the state close to the components that need it.


Context provides an alternative to props drilling.

Think of Context as an object where we can store global data and that any component within that context's scope can access that data.

To use React's Context API, there are 3 concepts to understand.

  • Making a Context object - const Context = createContext()
  • Rendering a Context Provider - <Context.Provider values={} />
  • Getting values from a Context - useContext()

Context Design Pattern

The illustration above shows how we can wrap the entire App component in our context, but in the example we only wrap the PostList component.

import Header from "./components/Header";
import PicturesList from "./components/PicturesList";
import { useState } from "react";
import InstagramContext from "./context/InstagramContext";

const App = () => {
  const [totalLikes, setTotalLikes] = useState(0);
  const incrementTotalLikes = () => setTotalLikes(totalLikes + 1);

  return (
      <Header likes={totalLikes} />
      <InstagramContext.Provider value={incrementTotalLikes}>
        <PicturesList />

If we import the InstagramContext into main.jsx and render the InstagramContext.Provider around the App component...

import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import App from "./App.jsx";
import "./index.css";
import InstagramContext from "./context/InstagramContext";

  <InstagramContext.Provider value={"???"}>
    <App />

...we run into an issue - what value do we provide?

The state values that we want to provide (incrementTotalLikes) lives in the App component. We can't lift that state up to the main.jsx file because there isn't a component here!

Wrapping the App component is common, and there is a common solution:

1) Create a ContextProvider wrapper component

We start by creating a new "wrapper-style" component that imports the Context object and renders its .Provider.

// src/context/InstagramContextProvider.jsx
import { useState } from "react";
import InstagramContext from "./InstagramContext";

// children is whatever this component is wrapped around
const InstagramContextProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const [totalLikes, setTotalLikes] = useState(0);
  const incrementTotalLikes = () => setTotalLikes(totalLikes + 1);

  const contextValues = {

  return (
    <InstagramContext.Provider value={contextValues}>

export default InstagramContextProvider;
  • All of the global state for this application can be managed by this component.
  • Note how the children prop is used. This will become clearer next.

2) Import and Render the ContextProvider component in main.jsx

It is easier to see how InstagramContextProvider is a wrapper by looking at how it is used:

import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import App from "./App.jsx";
import "./index.css";
import InstagramContextProvider from "./context/InstagramContextProvider";

    <App /> {/* <--- This is the `children` */}

It is literally wrapped around the App component which is automatically provided to InstagramContextProvider as its children prop.

3) Refactor other components as necessary

With this change, the rest of our components that previously needed to manage state become greatly simplified:

Our App now is just a container for Header and PicturesList

import Header from "./components/Header";
import PicturesList from "./components/PicturesList";

const App = () => {
  return (
      <Header />
      <PicturesList />

Our Header previously needed to take in a totalLikes prop. Now, it retrieves it from InstagramContext.

import { useContext } from "react";
import InstagramContext from "../context/InstagramContext";

const Header = () => {
  const { totalLikes } = useContext(InstagramContext);

  return (
      <h1>My Pet Pics</h1>
      <p>My pictures have been liked {totalLikes} times!</p>

However, there is still room for other pieces of state that can be managed more "locally":

import { useState, useContext } from "react";
import InstagramContext from "../context/InstagramContext";

const LikesButton = () => {
  // Only this one component needs this state
  const [likes, setLikes] = useState(0);
  const incrementTotalLikes = useContext(InstagramContext);

  const handleClick = () => {
    setLikes(likes + 1);

  return (
    <div className="likes-container">
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Like</button>
      <p>Likes: {likes}</p>