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File metadata and controls

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SQL & Databases


What is a database?

A database is a structured collection of data.

Database management systems (DBMSs) provide the tools for managing, querying, and analyzing data stored in the database.

PostgreSQL is a popular DBMS.

A PostgreSQL database stores collections of data called tables. Above is an example of a table called film.

Each table is made up of rows and columns.

  • Each row represents a single object/instance/record in the table
  • Each column represents a property/attribute/field of that object. Columns have data types such as integer, string, date, or boolean.

What is a relational database?

PostgreSQL is an object-relational DBMS, meaning that in addition to storing its data as objects, it allows for relationships between objects across tables.

Here is another table in the same database called actor:

Every table has a column that serves as the primary key, a unique value assigned to each row in the table.

Q: What is the primary key in the tables above?


actor_id is the primary key for the actor table. film_id is thep primary key for the film table.

Relationshps can be established between two tables through a join table. This table is called film_actor:

When the primary keys of another table are used in a join table, they are called foreign keys.

Q: I want to know what movie actor_id = 3 is in. How would I find it?

  1. Look at the film_actor table and find the row where actor_id = 3.
  2. Take note of the film_id.
  3. Then, in the film table, find the row with the film_id you found earlier.
  4. Then look at the title column!

Entity Relation Diagrams

An Entity Relation Diagram (ERD) illistrates the properties of tables (a.k.a. "entities") and their relationships with other tables/entities.

What is SQL?

SQL (Structured Querying Language) is the language used by many relational DBMSs to create, modify, and retrieve data.

SQL is written in statements that are composed of keywords and clauses.

SELECT actor_id, first_name 
FROM actor
WHERE last_name = 'DAVIS';

Keywords determine the operation to be performed. Clauses modify the operation.

  • Common clauses: WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY

Statements can also include functions, operators, and identifiers.

Q: What does the query above look for?


The first names of actors who have the last name 'DAVIS'

Tips to avoid errors

  • SQL is NOT case sensitive. However, it is a standard practice to write keywords in all-caps to distinguish them from values.
  • SQL strings MUST be written with single quotes '' to avoid unwanted errors.
  • SQL queries MUST end in a semicolon ; to avoid unwanted errors.

Using PostgreSQL and SQL Examples

For practice, follow along with these instructions.

Connecting to PSQL and Creating a DB

  • Go to the command line and connect to your database by running the command psql.

    • Now you are connected to PostgreSQL!
    • To exit from PostgreSQL, use control d.
  • Run the command \l within your psql command line to see existing databases.

  • Create a database called marcy by running the command CREATE DATABASE marcy;

    • NOTE the semi-colon is important for ending the execution of this command! Makes sure to include it.
    • You have successfully created a database if your psql command line outputs CREATE DATABASE.
  • Next, connect to your database by running the command \c marcy.

    • Successfully connecting to your database will output You are now connected to database "marcy" as user "[your username]".

Managing Tables

Creating a lessons table with the columns id, title, and instructor:

  title TEXT NOT NULL, 
  instructor TEXT NOT NULL
  • id will be the primary key. The SERIAL data type allows you to automatically generate unique integer numbers (IDs, identity, auto-increment, sequence) for a column.
  • title and instructor will be of type TEXT and are required fields (NOT NULL).

Dropping the lessons table:

DROP TABLE lessons;

CRUD Actions within a Table

Create - Adding Values to a Table

Inserting a new record/row/object into the lessons table with a title value of 'Data Structures' and a instructor value of 'Ben'. The id is automatically generated.

INSERT INTO lessons (title, instructor)
VALUES('Data Structure', 'Ben');

Read - Getting Values From a Table

Get all data from the title and instructor columns in the lessons table:

SELECT title, instructor
FROM lessons;

Get all data from all columns from the lessons table:

FROM lessons;

Get only all data from all coluns in the lessons table, but only from the rows where the value in the instructor column is 'Ben':

FROM lessons
WHERE instructor='Ben';

Same as above, but now we are also including rows where the value in the instructor column is 'Gonzalo':

FROM lessons
WHERE instructor='Ben' OR instructor='Gonzalo';

Renaming queries with AS:

SELECT title AS "Course Title"
FROM lessons;

Counting the number of rows in the lessons table:

FROM lessons

Counting the number of lessons taught by 'Ben':

FROM lessons
WHERE instructor='Ben'

Collapsing columns with GROUP BY:

SELECT COUNT(*), instructor 
FROM lessons 
WHERE instructor='ben' 
GROUP BY instructor; 

Update - Modify Existing Rows

UPDATE lessons
SET instructor = 'Gonzalo'
WHERE title = 'Data Structures';

Delete - Deleting Existing Rows

WHERE title = 'Data Structures';