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119 lines (83 loc) · 2.89 KB

SDK Android

File metadata and controls

119 lines (83 loc) · 2.89 KB

SDK Android Implementation


  1. Add maven warehouse configuration
maven {
    url ''
    credentials {
        username = codingArtifactsGradleUsername
        password = codingArtifactsGradlePassword

  1. implementation sdk in build.gradle.

3.please modify repositories in build.gradle to ensure that all the 3-rd party packages can be implemented.


1.Please do init JOOX SDK inside an Application.If no specific deviceId to set,deviceId can be null and androidId will be set instead.

override fun onCreate() {
    Log.d("SDKApplication", "onCreate called!!!!");
    var scopeList = ArrayList<String>()
    SDKGlobal.isDebug = BuildConfig.DEBUG
    SDKGlobal.networkConfig = NetworkConfig(true)
    val appKey = "input app key"
    val appPkg = "input app package name"
    SDKInstance.getIns().init(instance, appKey, appPkg, scopeList)

2.Please do declare our entry point Activity in AndroidManifest.xml of application module so that auth status can be passed and handled.

<activity android:name="com.joox.sdklibrary.kernel.jxapi.JXEntryActivity"

3.please do init SDK with Application context.

     * @param context better to be application context
     * @param appId please following instructions in doc to get APPID
     * @param appName package name of your application
     * @param scopeList please following instructions in OpenAPI Document
    public void init(Context context, String appId, String appName,  ArrayList<String> scopeList)

4.If any callback from JOOX need to be implemented, please do register listener to get updated with status inside Activity:

SDKInstance.getIns().registerSDKListener(SDKListener listener)

and listeners can be unregistered by:

public void unregisterListener(SDKListener listener)

5.Call JOOX SDK to authoirize


Please be noticed that if AuthType.AUTH_OPENID has been set to authtype, following value need also to be set before auth() is called:

SDKInstance.mSessionKey = openIdInfo.session_key
SDKInstance.mOpenId = openIdInfo.wmid

6.If need to logout JOOX, please call logout() to clean all login info of SDK:

public void logout();

7.If you want to disconnect with JOOX SDK,please call:

public void exitJOOX();

SDK will clean all the memories used by JOOX.

4.For FeedBack Tips

please authorize "storage" in the setting page for demo,It will generate Log under directory:


Please do send files under this directory along with your JOOX ID to us if any error occurs.