public void init(Context context, String appId, String appName, ArrayList<String> scopeList);
public void auth();
Login via ticket_token:
SDKInstance.ticketToken = {ticketToken};
public void auth();
public void refreshUserInfo();
public void registerListener(SDKListener listener);
public void unregisterListener(SDKListener listener);
Note: Implementing this API will replace the processing of Audio Focus inside the SDK
void addCustomAudioFocusListener(CustomAudioFocusChangeListener listener);
void removeCustomAudioFocusChangeListener(CustomAudioFocusChangeListener listener);
public void play(BaseSongInfo songinfo, PlayCallBack callback);
public void playAd(BaseAdInfo adInfo, PlayCallBack callback);
public void seekTo(long position);
public void resumePlay()
public void pausePlay();
public void stopPlay();
public void setEnableRequestAudioFocus(boolean isEnable, boolean abandonAudioFocus);
Note:urlPathString need to be API name,urlQueryString need to be matched query parameters defined in
public void doJooxRequest(String urlPathString,String urlQueryString, SceneBase.OnSceneBack callback);
Note:logout() can be called if you need to logout joox but it will still listening to status in SDK
public void logout();
Note:exitJOOXSDK() can be called to release all the listeners and memories used in SDK
public void exitJOOXSDK();
3 different ways can be used to login JOOX:
get current auth state
public void currentAuthState(int authState);
public void updateCurrentPlayState(int playState)
public class AuthState {
public static int INITED = 0;
public static int RUNNING= 1;
public static int CANCELLED = 2;
public static int FAILED =3 ;
public static int SUCCESS = 4;
public interface PlayerState {
int IDLE = 0;
int FINISH = 1;
int PREPARED = 2;
int PREPARING = 3;
int ERROR = 4;
int LOADING = 5;
int PAUSE = 6;
int PLAYING = 7;
override fun currentAuthState(authState: Int) {
this.authState = authState
if (authState == AuthState.SUCCESS) {
//todo when login success
} else {
//todo when login fail
Callback for play function,will return error code if songs cannot be played.while song is playing,progress will be updated continuously.
public interface PlayCallBack {
public void onPlayResult(int code);
public void onPlayProgress(long progress, long during);
PlayErrState Result Code
public class PlayErrState {
* Play Success
public static final int SUCCESS = 0;
* Failed to obtain song playback information
public static final int UPDATE_SONG_INFO_ERROR = 1;
* Playback frequency limit for non-VIP users (no more limit starting from SDK 2.4.0 version)
public static final int LIMIT_ERROR = 2;
* 播放组件内部错误
public static final int PLAYER_SUPPORT_ERROR = 3;
* Internal error in playback component
public static final int NO_RESOURCE_URL_IN_SERVER = 4;
* Song permission restrictions (for non-VIP users)
public static final int NO_AUTHORITY_TO_PLAY = 5;
* Account scope restrictions
public static final int TOKEN_SCOPE_LIMITED = 6;
* Login expired (expired, playback without login will return: NO_AUTHORITY_TO_PLAY)
public static final int LOGIN_EXPIRED = 7;
* Copyright restrictions
public static final int TOKEN_COPYRIGHT_LIMITED = 8;
* unknown error
public static final int PLAYER_UNKNOW_ERROR = -1;
Callback for network connection.Definition of response code can be found in
public void onSuccess(int responseCode,String JsonResult);
public void onFail(int errCode);
public class NetworkState {
public static final int SUCCESS = 200;
public static final int MAILFORMED_REQUEST = 400; //可能是请求拼错或者未部署,后台不认识相关请求
public static final int UNAUTHORIZED_ERROR = 401;//授权问题
public static final int ERROR_PARAM = 403; //参数问题
public static final int TOO_MANY_REQUEST = 429; //请求太多
public static final int INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500; //后台问题
public static final int SERVICE_UNAVAIL = 503; //后台问题
// 回包无法解析
public static final int JSON_PARSE_ERROR = 10000; //Server回包解析出错
public static final int ERROR_RESPONSE = 10001; //回包无法解析出相关数据
public static final int NO_RESPONSE = 10002; //没有设置TagId
public class UnauthorizedErrorCode {
// token scope无效,需要第三方自行核对 SDK给出登录失败/授权失败的错误码
public static final int ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR = -40101;
// token 过期,客户端需要重新refresh
public static final int TOKEN_EXPIRED_ERROR = -40102;
// token无效,客户端踢出重新登录
public static final int TOKEN_INVALID_ERROR = -40103;
// token已经刷新过,不管
public static final int NOT_READY_TO_REFRESH_ERROR = -40104;
public static final int TOKEN_EMPTY_ERROR = -40105;
// 授权问题 保底处理401
public static final int DEFAULT_ERROR = 401;
* @param actionId: Int
* 1(曝光) 2(点击) 3(加入歌单) 4(从歌单中移除) 5(like)6(取消like) 7(关注)
* 8(取消关注)9(下载)10(音频指纹生成-V4.17不上报)11(本地歌曲匹配-V4.17不上报)
* @param bodyJson: String
* json格式, 具体上报的字段信息参考该文档:
val builder = f(1, "{body json}")