diff --git a/src/upload/themes/multiple-flow-list.tsx b/src/upload/themes/multiple-flow-list.tsx
index f1ef54c605..2c2c270078 100644
--- a/src/upload/themes/multiple-flow-list.tsx
+++ b/src/upload/themes/multiple-flow-list.tsx
@@ -369,21 +369,36 @@ export default defineComponent({
{!props.autoUpload && (
- props.cancelUpload?.({ e })}
- >
- props.uploadFiles?.()}
- >
+ {slots.cancelUploadButton ? (
+ slots.cancelUploadButton?.({
+ disabled: disabled.value || !uploading.value,
+ cancelUpload: props.cancelUpload,
+ })
+ ) : (
+ props.cancelUpload?.({ e })}
+ >
+ )}
+ {slots.uploadButton ? (
+ slots.uploadButton?.({
+ disabled: disabled.value || uploading.value || !displayFiles.value.length,
+ loading: uploading.value,
+ upload: props.uploadFiles,
+ })
+ ) : (
+ props.uploadFiles?.()}
+ >
+ )}
diff --git a/src/upload/upload.en-US.md b/src/upload/upload.en-US.md
index 0b6c874fd0..0ae7083eb4 100644
--- a/src/upload/upload.en-US.md
+++ b/src/upload/upload.en-US.md
@@ -1,109 +1,112 @@
:: BASE_DOC ::
## API
### Upload Props
-name | type | default | description | required
--- | -- | -- | -- | --
-abridgeName | Array | - | ellipsis text of medium file name。Typescript:`Array` | N
-accept | String | - | File types that can be accepted. [W3C](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_accept.asp),[MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Input/file) | N
-action | String | - | Uploading URL | N
-allowUploadDuplicateFile | Boolean | false | allow to upload duplicate name files | N
-autoUpload | Boolean | true | post upload request automatically after files being selected | N
-beforeAllFilesUpload | Function | - | before all files upload, return false can stop uploading file。Typescript:`(file: UploadFile[]) => boolean \| Promise` | N
-beforeUpload | Function | - | stop one of files to upload。Typescript:`(file: UploadFile) => boolean \| Promise` | N
-data | Object | - | extra request data of uploading. `formatRequest` can redefine all request data。Typescript:`Record \| ((files: UploadFile[]) => Record)` | N
-default | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string \| TNode`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N
-disabled | Boolean | - | make upload to be disabled | N
-dragContent | String / Slot / Function | - | define drag content nodes, it works on `theme=custom`。Typescript:`TNode \| TNode`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N
-draggable | Boolean | undefined | if drag uploading allowed, works on `theme=file` or `theme=image` | N
-fileListDisplay | Slot / Function | - | used to render file list UI。Typescript:`TNode<{ files: UploadFile[]; dragEvents?: UploadDisplayDragEvents }>`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N
-files | Array | [] | `v-model:files` is supported。Typescript:`Array` | N
-defaultFiles | Array | [] | uncontrolled property。Typescript:`Array` | N
-format | Function | - | to redefine `UploadFile` data structure。Typescript:`(file: File) => UploadFile` | N
-formatRequest | Function | - | redefine request data。Typescript:`(requestData: { [key: string]: any }) => { [key: string]: any }` | N
-formatResponse | Function | - | redefine response data structure。Typescript:`(response: any, context: FormatResponseContext) => ResponseType ` `type ResponseType = { error?: string; url?: string } & Record` `interface FormatResponseContext { file: UploadFile; currentFiles?: UploadFile[] }`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N
-headers | Object | - | HTTP Request Header。Typescript:`{[key: string]: string}` | N
-inputAttributes | Object | - | add attributes to HTML element `input`。Typescript:`CSSProperties` | N
-isBatchUpload | Boolean | false | make all files to be a whole package, files can only be replaced or deleted together, can not add more files | N
-locale | Object | - | upload language config, priority of `locale` is higher than global language config。Typescript:`UploadConfig` `import { UploadConfig } from '../config-provider/type'`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N
-max | Number | 0 | max count of files limit | N
-method | String | POST | HTTP request method。options: POST/GET/PUT/OPTION/PATCH/post/get/put/option/patch | N
-mockProgressDuration | Number | - | mock progress duration time. more large files more duration time | N
-multiple | Boolean | false | multiple files uploading | N
-name | String | file | field name of files in upload request data | N
-placeholder | String | - | placeholder | N
-requestMethod | Function | - | custom upload request method。Typescript:`(files: UploadFile \| UploadFile[]) => Promise` `interface RequestMethodResponse { status: 'success' \| 'fail'; error?: string; response: { url?: string; files?: UploadFile[]; [key: string]: any } }`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N
-showThumbnail | Boolean | false | show thumbnail before file name, only works on `theme=file-flow` | N
-showUploadProgress | Boolean | true | show upload progress nodes | N
-sizeLimit | Number / Object | - | files size limit。Typescript:`number \| SizeLimitObj` `interface SizeLimitObj { size: number; unit: SizeUnit ; message?: string }` `type SizeUnitArray = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB']` `type SizeUnit = SizeUnitArray[number]`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N
-status | String | - | tips status。options: default/success/warning/error | N
-theme | String | file | different upload UI styles。options: custom/file/file-input/file-flow/image/image-flow | N
-tips | String / Slot / Function | - | tips text below upload component, define it's color with `status`。Typescript:`string \| TNode`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N
-trigger | Slot / Function | - | trigger elements UI。Typescript:`TNode` `interface TriggerContext { dragActive?: boolean; files: UploadFile[] }`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts)。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N
-triggerButtonProps | Object | - | trigger button props, it can be used to change color/size/href/... of the trigger button。Typescript:`ButtonProps`,[Button API Documents](./button?tab=api)。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N
-uploadAllFilesInOneRequest | Boolean | false | uploading all files in one request | N
-uploadPastedFiles | Boolean | false | allow to upload files in clipboard after pasting | N
-useMockProgress | Boolean | true | use mock progress, instead of real progress | N
-value | Array | [] | file list。`v-model` and `v-model:value` is supported。Typescript:`Array` | N
-defaultValue | Array | [] | file list。uncontrolled property。Typescript:`Array` | N
-withCredentials | Boolean | false | uploading request with cookie | N
-onCancelUpload | Function | | Typescript:`() => void`
trigger on cancel button click | N
-onChange | Function | | Typescript:`(value: Array, context: UploadChangeContext) => void`
trigger on uploaded files change。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadChangeContext { e?: MouseEvent \| ProgressEvent; response?: any; trigger: UploadChangeTrigger; index?: number; file?: UploadFile; files?: UploadFile[] }`
`type UploadChangeTrigger = 'add' \| 'remove' \| 'abort' \| 'progress-success' \| 'progress' \| 'progress-fail'`
| N
-onDragenter | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { e: DragEvent }) => void`
trigger on file dragged into drag elements | N
-onDragleave | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { e: DragEvent }) => void`
trigger on file dragged leave drag elements | N
-onDrop | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { e: DragEvent }) => void`
trigger on file dropped | N
-onFail | Function | | Typescript:`(options: UploadFailContext) => void`
`response.error` used for error tips, `formatResponse` can format `response`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadFailContext { e?: ProgressEvent; failedFiles: UploadFile[]; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; response?: any; file: UploadFile; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest}`
| N
-onOneFileFail | Function | | Typescript:`(options: UploadFailContext) => void`
trigger on one file upload failed | N
-onOneFileSuccess | Function | | Typescript:`(context: Pick) => void`
trigger on file uploaded successfully | N
-onPreview | Function | | Typescript:`(options: { file: UploadFile; index: number; e: MouseEvent }) => void`
trigger on preview elements click | N
-onProgress | Function | | Typescript:`(options: ProgressContext) => void`
uploading request progress event。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface ProgressContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; percent: number; type: UploadProgressType; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
`type UploadProgressType = 'real' \| 'mock'`
| N
-onRemove | Function | | Typescript:`(context: UploadRemoveContext) => void`
trigger on file removed。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadRemoveContext { index?: number; file?: UploadFile; e: MouseEvent }`
| N
-onSelectChange | Function | | Typescript:`(files: File[], context: UploadSelectChangeContext) => void`
trigger after file choose and before upload。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadSelectChangeContext { currentSelectedFiles: UploadFile[] }`
| N
-onSuccess | Function | | Typescript:`(context: SuccessContext) => void`
trigger on all files uploaded successfully。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface SuccessContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; fileList?: UploadFile[]; currentFiles?: UploadFile[]; response?: any; results?: SuccessContext[]; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
| N
-onValidate | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { type: UploadValidateType, files: UploadFile[] }) => void`
trigger on length over limit, or trigger on file size over limit。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
| N
-onWaitingUploadFilesChange | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { files: Array, trigger: 'validate' \| 'remove' \| 'uploaded' }) => void`
trigger on waiting upload files changed | N
+| name | type | default | description | required |
+| -------------------------- | ------------------------ | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
+| abridgeName | Array | - | ellipsis text of medium file name。Typescript:`Array` | N |
+| accept | String | - | File types that can be accepted. [W3C](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_accept.asp),[MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Input/file) | N |
+| action | String | - | Uploading URL | N |
+| allowUploadDuplicateFile | Boolean | false | allow to upload duplicate name files | N |
+| autoUpload | Boolean | true | post upload request automatically after files being selected | N |
+| beforeAllFilesUpload | Function | - | before all files upload, return false can stop uploading file。Typescript:`(file: UploadFile[]) => boolean \| Promise` | N |
+| beforeUpload | Function | - | stop one of files to upload。Typescript:`(file: UploadFile) => boolean \| Promise` | N |
+| data | Object | - | extra request data of uploading. `formatRequest` can redefine all request data。Typescript:`Record \| ((files: UploadFile[]) => Record)` | N |
+| default | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string \| TNode`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N |
+| disabled | Boolean | - | make upload to be disabled | N |
+| dragContent | String / Slot / Function | - | define drag content nodes, it works on `theme=custom`。Typescript:`TNode \| TNode`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N |
+| draggable | Boolean | undefined | if drag uploading allowed, works on `theme=file` or `theme=image` | N |
+| fileListDisplay | Slot / Function | - | used to render file list UI。Typescript:`TNode<{ files: UploadFile[]; dragEvents?: UploadDisplayDragEvents }>`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N |
+| files | Array | [] | `v-model:files` is supported。Typescript:`Array` | N |
+| defaultFiles | Array | [] | uncontrolled property。Typescript:`Array` | N |
+| format | Function | - | to redefine `UploadFile` data structure。Typescript:`(file: File) => UploadFile` | N |
+| formatRequest | Function | - | redefine request data。Typescript:`(requestData: { [key: string]: any }) => { [key: string]: any }` | N |
+| formatResponse | Function | - | redefine response data structure。Typescript:`(response: any, context: FormatResponseContext) => ResponseType ` `type ResponseType = { error?: string; url?: string } & Record` `interface FormatResponseContext { file: UploadFile; currentFiles?: UploadFile[] }`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N |
+| headers | Object | - | HTTP Request Header。Typescript:`{[key: string]: string}` | N |
+| inputAttributes | Object | - | add attributes to HTML element `input`。Typescript:`CSSProperties` | N |
+| isBatchUpload | Boolean | false | make all files to be a whole package, files can only be replaced or deleted together, can not add more files | N |
+| locale | Object | - | upload language config, priority of `locale` is higher than global language config。Typescript:`UploadConfig` `import { UploadConfig } from '../config-provider/type'`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N |
+| max | Number | 0 | max count of files limit | N |
+| method | String | POST | HTTP request method。options: POST/GET/PUT/OPTION/PATCH/post/get/put/option/patch | N |
+| mockProgressDuration | Number | - | mock progress duration time. more large files more duration time | N |
+| multiple | Boolean | false | multiple files uploading | N |
+| name | String | file | field name of files in upload request data | N |
+| placeholder | String | - | placeholder | N |
+| requestMethod | Function | - | custom upload request method。Typescript:`(files: UploadFile \| UploadFile[]) => Promise` `interface RequestMethodResponse { status: 'success' \| 'fail'; error?: string; response: { url?: string; files?: UploadFile[]; [key: string]: any } }`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N |
+| showThumbnail | Boolean | false | show thumbnail before file name, only works on `theme=file-flow` | N |
+| showUploadProgress | Boolean | true | show upload progress nodes | N |
+| sizeLimit | Number / Object | - | files size limit。Typescript:`number \| SizeLimitObj` `interface SizeLimitObj { size: number; unit: SizeUnit ; message?: string }` `type SizeUnitArray = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB']` `type SizeUnit = SizeUnitArray[number]`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N |
+| status | String | - | tips status。options: default/success/warning/error | N |
+| theme | String | file | different upload UI styles。options: custom/file/file-input/file-flow/image/image-flow | N |
+| tips | String / Slot / Function | - | tips text below upload component, define it's color with `status`。Typescript:`string \| TNode`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N |
+| trigger | Slot / Function | - | trigger elements UI。Typescript:`TNode` `interface TriggerContext { dragActive?: boolean; files: UploadFile[] }`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts)。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N |
+| triggerButtonProps | Object | - | trigger button props, it can be used to change color/size/href/... of the trigger button。Typescript:`ButtonProps`,[Button API Documents](./button?tab=api)。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N |
+| uploadAllFilesInOneRequest | Boolean | false | uploading all files in one request | N |
+| uploadPastedFiles | Boolean | false | allow to upload files in clipboard after pasting | N |
+| useMockProgress | Boolean | true | use mock progress, instead of real progress | N |
+| value | Array | [] | file list。`v-model` and `v-model:value` is supported。Typescript:`Array` | N |
+| defaultValue | Array | [] | file list。uncontrolled property。Typescript:`Array` | N |
+| withCredentials | Boolean | false | uploading request with cookie | N |
+| uploadButton | Slot / Function | - | when `autoUpload = false`,custom upload button。Typescript:`TNode<{ disabled: boolean; loading: boolean; upload: () => void }>`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N |
+| cancelUploadButton | Slot / Function | - | when `autoUpload = false`,custom cancelUpload button 。Typescript:`TNode<{ disabled: boolean; cancelUpload: () => void }>`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N |
+| onCancelUpload | Function | | Typescript:`() => void`
trigger on cancel button click | N |
+| onChange | Function | | Typescript:`(value: Array, context: UploadChangeContext) => void`
trigger on uploaded files change。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadChangeContext { e?: MouseEvent \| ProgressEvent; response?: any; trigger: UploadChangeTrigger; index?: number; file?: UploadFile; files?: UploadFile[] }`
`type UploadChangeTrigger = 'add' \| 'remove' \| 'abort' \| 'progress-success' \| 'progress' \| 'progress-fail'`
| N |
+| onDragenter | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { e: DragEvent }) => void`
trigger on file dragged into drag elements | N |
+| onDragleave | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { e: DragEvent }) => void`
trigger on file dragged leave drag elements | N |
+| onDrop | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { e: DragEvent }) => void`
trigger on file dropped | N |
+| onFail | Function | | Typescript:`(options: UploadFailContext) => void`
`response.error` used for error tips, `formatResponse` can format `response`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadFailContext { e?: ProgressEvent; failedFiles: UploadFile[]; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; response?: any; file: UploadFile; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest}`
| N |
+| onOneFileFail | Function | | Typescript:`(options: UploadFailContext) => void`
trigger on one file upload failed | N |
+| onOneFileSuccess | Function | | Typescript:`(context: Pick) => void`
trigger on file uploaded successfully | N |
+| onPreview | Function | | Typescript:`(options: { file: UploadFile; index: number; e: MouseEvent }) => void`
trigger on preview elements click | N |
+| onProgress | Function | | Typescript:`(options: ProgressContext) => void`
uploading request progress event。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface ProgressContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; percent: number; type: UploadProgressType; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
`type UploadProgressType = 'real' \| 'mock'`
| N |
+| onRemove | Function | | Typescript:`(context: UploadRemoveContext) => void`
trigger on file removed。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadRemoveContext { index?: number; file?: UploadFile; e: MouseEvent }`
| N |
+| onSelectChange | Function | | Typescript:`(files: File[], context: UploadSelectChangeContext) => void`
trigger after file choose and before upload。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadSelectChangeContext { currentSelectedFiles: UploadFile[] }`
| N |
+| onSuccess | Function | | Typescript:`(context: SuccessContext) => void`
trigger on all files uploaded successfully。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface SuccessContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; fileList?: UploadFile[]; currentFiles?: UploadFile[]; response?: any; results?: SuccessContext[]; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
| N |
+| onValidate | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { type: UploadValidateType, files: UploadFile[] }) => void`
trigger on length over limit, or trigger on file size over limit。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
| N |
+| onWaitingUploadFilesChange | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { files: Array, trigger: 'validate' \| 'remove' \| 'uploaded' }) => void`
trigger on waiting upload files changed | N |
### Upload Events
-name | params | description
--- | -- | --
-cancel-upload | \- | trigger on cancel button click
-change | `(value: Array, context: UploadChangeContext)` | trigger on uploaded files change。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadChangeContext { e?: MouseEvent \| ProgressEvent; response?: any; trigger: UploadChangeTrigger; index?: number; file?: UploadFile; files?: UploadFile[] }`
`type UploadChangeTrigger = 'add' \| 'remove' \| 'abort' \| 'progress-success' \| 'progress' \| 'progress-fail'`
-dragenter | `(context: { e: DragEvent })` | trigger on file dragged into drag elements
-dragleave | `(context: { e: DragEvent })` | trigger on file dragged leave drag elements
-drop | `(context: { e: DragEvent })` | trigger on file dropped
-fail | `(options: UploadFailContext)` | `response.error` used for error tips, `formatResponse` can format `response`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadFailContext { e?: ProgressEvent; failedFiles: UploadFile[]; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; response?: any; file: UploadFile; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest}`
-one-file-fail | `(options: UploadFailContext)` | trigger on one file upload failed
-one-file-success | `(context: Pick)` | trigger on file uploaded successfully
-preview | `(options: { file: UploadFile; index: number; e: MouseEvent })` | trigger on preview elements click
-progress | `(options: ProgressContext)` | uploading request progress event。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface ProgressContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; percent: number; type: UploadProgressType; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
`type UploadProgressType = 'real' \| 'mock'`
-remove | `(context: UploadRemoveContext)` | trigger on file removed。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadRemoveContext { index?: number; file?: UploadFile; e: MouseEvent }`
-select-change | `(files: File[], context: UploadSelectChangeContext)` | trigger after file choose and before upload。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadSelectChangeContext { currentSelectedFiles: UploadFile[] }`
-success | `(context: SuccessContext)` | trigger on all files uploaded successfully。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface SuccessContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; fileList?: UploadFile[]; currentFiles?: UploadFile[]; response?: any; results?: SuccessContext[]; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
-validate | `(context: { type: UploadValidateType, files: UploadFile[] })` | trigger on length over limit, or trigger on file size over limit。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
-waiting-upload-files-change | `(context: { files: Array, trigger: 'validate' \| 'remove' \| 'uploaded' })` | trigger on waiting upload files changed
+| name | params | description |
+| --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| cancel-upload | \- | trigger on cancel button click |
+| change | `(value: Array, context: UploadChangeContext)` | trigger on uploaded files change。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadChangeContext { e?: MouseEvent \| ProgressEvent; response?: any; trigger: UploadChangeTrigger; index?: number; file?: UploadFile; files?: UploadFile[] }`
`type UploadChangeTrigger = 'add' \| 'remove' \| 'abort' \| 'progress-success' \| 'progress' \| 'progress-fail'`
+| dragenter | `(context: { e: DragEvent })` | trigger on file dragged into drag elements |
+| dragleave | `(context: { e: DragEvent })` | trigger on file dragged leave drag elements |
+| drop | `(context: { e: DragEvent })` | trigger on file dropped |
+| fail | `(options: UploadFailContext)` | `response.error` used for error tips, `formatResponse` can format `response`。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadFailContext { e?: ProgressEvent; failedFiles: UploadFile[]; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; response?: any; file: UploadFile; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest}`
+| one-file-fail | `(options: UploadFailContext)` | trigger on one file upload failed |
+| one-file-success | `(context: Pick)` | trigger on file uploaded successfully |
+| preview | `(options: { file: UploadFile; index: number; e: MouseEvent })` | trigger on preview elements click |
+| progress | `(options: ProgressContext)` | uploading request progress event。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface ProgressContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; percent: number; type: UploadProgressType; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
`type UploadProgressType = 'real' \| 'mock'`
+| remove | `(context: UploadRemoveContext)` | trigger on file removed。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadRemoveContext { index?: number; file?: UploadFile; e: MouseEvent }`
+| select-change | `(files: File[], context: UploadSelectChangeContext)` | trigger after file choose and before upload。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadSelectChangeContext { currentSelectedFiles: UploadFile[] }`
+| success | `(context: SuccessContext)` | trigger on all files uploaded successfully。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface SuccessContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; fileList?: UploadFile[]; currentFiles?: UploadFile[]; response?: any; results?: SuccessContext[]; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
+| validate | `(context: { type: UploadValidateType, files: UploadFile[] })` | trigger on length over limit, or trigger on file size over limit。[see more ts definition](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
+| waiting-upload-files-change | `(context: { files: Array, trigger: 'validate' \| 'remove' \| 'uploaded' })` | trigger on waiting upload files changed |
### UploadInstanceFunctions 组件实例方法
-name | params | return | description
--- | -- | -- | --
-triggerUpload | \- | \- | required。instance function: trigger system file select
-uploadFilePercent | \- | \- | required。instance function: set uploading file progress percent
-uploadFiles | `(files?: UploadFile[])` | \- | required。instance function: upload all files which status are not success
+| name | params | return | description |
+| ----------------- | ------------------------ | ------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| triggerUpload | \- | \- | required。instance function: trigger system file select |
+| uploadFilePercent | \- | \- | required。instance function: set uploading file progress percent |
+| uploadFiles | `(files?: UploadFile[])` | \- | required。instance function: upload all files which status are not success |
### UploadFile
-name | type | default | description | required
--- | -- | -- | -- | --
-lastModified | Number | - | \- | N
-name | String | - | \- | N
-percent | Number | - | \- | N
-raw | Object | - | Typescript:`File` | N
-response | Object | - | Typescript:`{ [key: string]: any }` | N
-size | Number | - | \- | N
-status | String | - | Typescript:` 'success' \| 'fail' \| 'progress' \| 'waiting'` | N
-type | String | - | \- | N
-uploadTime | String | - | upload time | N
-url | String | - | \- | N
-`PlainObject` | \- | - | `PlainObject` is not an attribute of UploadFile,it means you can add and attributes to UploadFile, `type PlainObject = {[key: string]: any}`' | N
+| name | type | default | description | required |
+| ------------- | ------ | ------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
+| lastModified | Number | - | \- | N |
+| name | String | - | \- | N |
+| percent | Number | - | \- | N |
+| raw | Object | - | Typescript:`File` | N |
+| response | Object | - | Typescript:`{ [key: string]: any }` | N |
+| size | Number | - | \- | N |
+| status | String | - | Typescript:` 'success' \| 'fail' \| 'progress' \| 'waiting'` | N |
+| type | String | - | \- | N |
+| uploadTime | String | - | upload time | N |
+| url | String | - | \- | N |
+| `PlainObject` | \- | - | `PlainObject` is not an attribute of UploadFile,it means you can add and attributes to UploadFile, `type PlainObject = {[key: string]: any}`' | N |
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## API
### Upload Props
-名称 | 类型 | 默认值 | 说明 | 必传
--- | -- | -- | -- | --
-abridgeName | Array | - | 文件名过长时,需要省略中间的文本,保留首尾文本。示例:[10, 7],表示首尾分别保留的文本长度。TS 类型:`Array` | N
-accept | String | - | 接受上传的文件类型,[查看 W3C示例](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_accept.asp),[查看 MDN 示例](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Input/file) | N
-action | String | - | 上传接口。设接口响应数据为字段 `response`,那么 `response.error` 存在时会判断此次上传失败,并显示错误文本信息;`response.url` 会作为文件上传成功后的地址,并使用该地址显示图片或文件 | N
-allowUploadDuplicateFile | Boolean | false | 是否允许重复上传相同文件名的文件 | N
-autoUpload | Boolean | true | 是否在选择文件后自动发起请求上传文件 | N
-beforeAllFilesUpload | Function | - | 如果是自动上传模式 `autoUpload=true`,表示全部文件上传之前的钩子函数,函数参数为上传的文件,函数返回值决定是否继续上传,若返回值为 `false` 则终止上传。
如果是非自动上传模式 `autoUpload=false`,则函数返回值为 `false` 时表示本次选中的文件不会加入到文件列表中,即不触发 `onChange` 事件。TS 类型:`(file: UploadFile[]) => boolean \| Promise` | N
-beforeUpload | Function | - | 如果是自动上传模式 `autoUpload=true`,表示单个文件上传之前的钩子函数,若函数返回值为 `false` 则表示不上传当前文件。
如果是非自动上传模式 `autoUpload=false`,函数返回值为 `false` 时表示从上传文件中剔除当前文件。TS 类型:`(file: UploadFile) => boolean \| Promise` | N
-data | Object | - | 上传请求所需的额外字段,默认字段有 `file`,表示文件信息。可以添加额外的文件名字段,如:`{file_name: "custom-file-name.txt"}`。`autoUpload=true` 时有效。也可以使用 `formatRequest` 完全自定义上传请求的字段。TS 类型:`Record \| ((files: UploadFile[]) => Record)` | N
-default | String / Slot / Function | - | 非拖拽场景,指触发上传的元素,如:“选择文件”。如果是拖拽场景,则是指拖拽区域。TS 类型:`string \| TNode`。[通用类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N
-disabled | Boolean | - | 是否禁用 | N
-dragContent | String / Slot / Function | - | 用于自定义拖拽区域,`theme=custom` 且 `draggable=true` 时有效。TS 类型:`TNode \| TNode`。[通用类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N
-draggable | Boolean | undefined | 是否启用拖拽上传,不同的组件风格默认值不同。`theme=file` 或 `theme=image` 时有效 | N
-fileListDisplay | Slot / Function | - | 用于完全自定义文件列表界面内容(UI),单文件和多文件均有效。TS 类型:`TNode<{ files: UploadFile[]; dragEvents?: UploadDisplayDragEvents }>`。[通用类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N
-files | Array | [] | 已上传文件列表,同 `value`。TS 类型:`UploadFile`。支持语法糖 `v-model:files`。TS 类型:`Array` | N
-defaultFiles | Array | [] | 已上传文件列表,同 `value`。TS 类型:`UploadFile`。非受控属性。TS 类型:`Array` | N
-format | Function | - | 转换文件 `UploadFile` 的数据结构,可新增或修改 `UploadFile` 的属性,注意不能删除 `UploadFile` 属性。`action` 存在时有效。TS 类型:`(file: File) => UploadFile` | N
-formatRequest | Function | - | 用于新增或修改文件上传请求参数。`action` 存在时有效。一个请求上传一个文件时,默认请求字段有 `file`;
一个请求上传多个文件时,默认字段有 `file[0]/file[1]/file[2]/.../length`,其中 `length` 表示本次上传的文件数量。
⚠️非常注意,此处的 `file[0]/file[1]` 仅仅是一个字段名,并非表示 `file` 是一个数组,接口获取字段时注意区分。
可以使用 `name` 定义 `file` 字段的别名,也可以使用 `formatRequest` 自定义任意字段。TS 类型:`(requestData: { [key: string]: any }) => { [key: string]: any }` | N
-formatResponse | Function | - | 用于格式化文件上传后的接口响应数据,`response` 便是接口响应的原始数据。`action` 存在时有效。
此函数的返回值 `error` 或 `response.error` 会作为错误文本提醒,如果存在会判定为本次上传失败。
此函数的返回值 `url` 或 `response.url` 会作为上传成功后的链接。TS 类型:`(response: any, context: FormatResponseContext) => ResponseType ` `type ResponseType = { error?: string; url?: string } & Record` `interface FormatResponseContext { file: UploadFile; currentFiles?: UploadFile[] }`。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N
-headers | Object | - | 设置上传的请求头部,`action` 存在时有效。TS 类型:`{[key: string]: string}` | N
-inputAttributes | Object | - | 用于添加属性到 HTML 元素 `input`。TS 类型:`CSSProperties` | N
-isBatchUpload | Boolean | false | 多个文件是否作为一个独立文件包,整体替换,整体删除。不允许追加文件,只允许替换文件。`theme=file-flow` 时有效 | N
-locale | Object | - | 上传组件文本语言配置,支持自定义配置组件中的全部文本。优先级高于全局配置中语言。TS 类型:`UploadConfig` `import { UploadConfig } from '../config-provider/type'`。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N
-max | Number | 0 | 用于控制文件上传数量,值为 0 则不限制 | N
-method | String | POST | HTTP 请求类型。可选项:POST/GET/PUT/OPTION/PATCH/post/get/put/option/patch | N
-mockProgressDuration | Number | - | 模拟进度间隔时间,单位:毫秒,默认:300。由于原始的上传请求,小文件上传进度只有 0 和 100,故而新增模拟进度,每间隔 `mockProgressDuration` 毫秒刷新一次模拟进度。小文件设置小一点,大文件设置大一点。注意:当 `useMockProgress` 为真时,当前设置有效 | N
-multiple | Boolean | false | 支持多文件上传 | N
-name | String | file | 文件上传时的名称 | N
-placeholder | String | - | 占位符 | N
-requestMethod | Function | - | 自定义上传方法。返回值 `status` 表示上传成功或失败;`error` 或 `response.error` 表示上传失败的原因;
`response` 表示请求上传成功后的返回数据,`response.url` 表示上传成功后的图片/文件地址,`response.files` 表示一个请求上传多个文件/图片后的返回值。
示例一:`{ status: 'fail', error: '上传失败', response }`。
示例二:`{ status: 'success', response: { url: 'https://tdesign.gtimg.com/site/avatar.jpg' } }`。
示例三:`{ status: 'success', files: [{ url: 'https://xxx.png', name: 'xxx.png' }]}`。TS 类型:`(files: UploadFile \| UploadFile[]) => Promise` `interface RequestMethodResponse { status: 'success' \| 'fail'; error?: string; response: { url?: string; files?: UploadFile[]; [key: string]: any } }`。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N
-showThumbnail | Boolean | false | 是否在文件列表中显示缩略图,`theme=file-flow` 时有效 | N
-showUploadProgress | Boolean | true | 是否显示上传进度 | N
-sizeLimit | Number / Object | - | 图片文件大小限制,默认单位 KB。可选单位有:`'B' \| 'KB' \| 'MB' \| 'GB'`。示例一:`1000`。示例二:`{ size: 2, unit: 'MB', message: '图片大小不超过 {sizeLimit} MB' }`。TS 类型:`number \| SizeLimitObj` `interface SizeLimitObj { size: number; unit: SizeUnit ; message?: string }` `type SizeUnitArray = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB']` `type SizeUnit = SizeUnitArray[number]`。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N
-status | String | - | 文件上传提示文本状态。可选项:default/success/warning/error | N
-theme | String | file | 组件风格。custom 表示完全自定义风格;file 表示默认文件上传风格;file-input 表示输入框形式的文件上传;file-flow 表示文件批量上传;image 表示默认图片上传风格;image-flow 表示图片批量上传。可选项:custom/file/file-input/file-flow/image/image-flow | N
-tips | String / Slot / Function | - | 组件下方文本提示,可以使用 `status` 定义文本。TS 类型:`string \| TNode`。[通用类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N
-trigger | Slot / Function | - | 触发上传的元素,`files` 指本次显示的全部文件。TS 类型:`TNode` `interface TriggerContext { dragActive?: boolean; files: UploadFile[] }`。[通用类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts)。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N
-triggerButtonProps | Object | - | 透传选择按钮全部属性。TS 类型:`ButtonProps`,[Button API Documents](./button?tab=api)。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N
-uploadAllFilesInOneRequest | Boolean | false | 是否在同一个请求中上传全部文件,默认一个请求上传一个文件。多文件上传时有效 | N
-uploadPastedFiles | Boolean | false | 是否允许粘贴上传剪贴板中的文件 | N
-useMockProgress | Boolean | true | 是否在请求时间超过 300ms 后显示模拟进度。上传进度有模拟进度和真实进度两种。一般大小的文件上传,真实的上传进度只有 0 和 100,不利于交互呈现,因此组件内置模拟上传进度。真实上传进度一般用于大文件上传。 | N
-value | Array | [] | 已上传文件列表,同 `files`。TS 类型:`UploadFile`。支持语法糖 `v-model` 或 `v-model:value`。TS 类型:`Array` | N
-defaultValue | Array | [] | 已上传文件列表,同 `files`。TS 类型:`UploadFile`。非受控属性。TS 类型:`Array` | N
-withCredentials | Boolean | false | 上传请求时是否携带 cookie | N
-onCancelUpload | Function | | TS 类型:`() => void`
点击「取消上传」时触发 | N
-onChange | Function | | TS 类型:`(value: Array, context: UploadChangeContext) => void`
已上传文件列表发生变化时触发,`trigger` 表示触发本次的来源。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadChangeContext { e?: MouseEvent \| ProgressEvent; response?: any; trigger: UploadChangeTrigger; index?: number; file?: UploadFile; files?: UploadFile[] }`
`type UploadChangeTrigger = 'add' \| 'remove' \| 'abort' \| 'progress-success' \| 'progress' \| 'progress-fail'`
| N
-onDragenter | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { e: DragEvent }) => void`
进入拖拽区域时触发 | N
-onDragleave | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { e: DragEvent }) => void`
离开拖拽区域时触发 | N
-onDrop | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { e: DragEvent }) => void`
拖拽结束时触发 | N
-onFail | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: UploadFailContext) => void`
上传失败后触发。`response` 指接口响应结果,`response.error` 会作为错误文本提醒。如果希望判定为上传失败,但接口响应数据不包含 `error` 字段,可以使用 `formatResponse` 格式化 `response` 数据结构。如果是多文件多请求上传场景,请到事件 `onOneFileFail` 中查看 `response`。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadFailContext { e?: ProgressEvent; failedFiles: UploadFile[]; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; response?: any; file: UploadFile; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest}`
| N
-onOneFileFail | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: UploadFailContext) => void`
多文件/图片场景下,单个文件上传失败后触发,如果一个请求上传一个文件,则会触发多次。单文件/图片不会触发 | N
-onOneFileSuccess | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: Pick) => void`
单个文件上传成功后触发,在多文件场景下会触发多次。`context.file` 表示当前上传成功的单个文件,`context.response` 表示上传请求的返回数据 | N
-onPreview | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: { file: UploadFile; index: number; e: MouseEvent }) => void`
点击图片预览时触发,文件没有预览 | N
-onProgress | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: ProgressContext) => void`
⚠️ 原始上传请求,小文件的上传进度只有 0 和 100,故而不会触发 `progress` 事件;只有大文件才有真实的中间进度。如果你希望很小的文件也显示上传进度,保证 `useMockProgress=true` 的情况下,设置 `mockProgressDuration` 为更小的值。
参数 `options.type=real` 表示真实上传进度,`options.type=mock` 表示模拟上传进度。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface ProgressContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; percent: number; type: UploadProgressType; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
`type UploadProgressType = 'real' \| 'mock'`
| N
-onRemove | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: UploadRemoveContext) => void`
`interface UploadRemoveContext { index?: number; file?: UploadFile; e: MouseEvent }`
| N
-onSelectChange | Function | | TS 类型:`(files: File[], context: UploadSelectChangeContext) => void`
`interface UploadSelectChangeContext { currentSelectedFiles: UploadFile[] }`
| N
-onSuccess | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: SuccessContext) => void`
`context.currentFiles` 表示当次请求上传的文件(无论成功或失败),`context.fileList` 表示上传成功后的文件,`context.response` 表示上传请求的返回数据。
`context.results` 表示单次选择全部文件上传成功后的响应结果,可以在这个字段存在时提醒用户上传成功或失败。
`interface SuccessContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; fileList?: UploadFile[]; currentFiles?: UploadFile[]; response?: any; results?: SuccessContext[]; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
| N
-onValidate | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { type: UploadValidateType, files: UploadFile[] }) => void`
文件上传校验结束事件,文件数量超出、文件大小超出限制、文件同名、`beforeAllFilesUpload` 返回值为假、`beforeUpload` 返回值为假等场景会触发。
注意:如果设置允许上传同名文件,即 `allowUploadDuplicateFile=true`,则不会因为文件重名触发该事件。
结合 `status` 和 `tips` 可以在组件中呈现不同类型的错误(或告警)提示。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
| N
-onWaitingUploadFilesChange | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { files: Array, trigger: 'validate' \| 'remove' \| 'uploaded' }) => void`
待上传文件列表发生变化时触发。`context.files` 表示事件参数为待上传文件,`context.trigger` 引起此次变化的触发来源 | N
+| 名称 | 类型 | 默认值 | 说明 | 必传 |
+| -------------------------- | ------------------------ | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---- |
+| abridgeName | Array | - | 文件名过长时,需要省略中间的文本,保留首尾文本。示例:[10, 7],表示首尾分别保留的文本长度。TS 类型:`Array` | N |
+| accept | String | - | 接受上传的文件类型,[查看 W3C 示例](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_input_accept.asp),[查看 MDN 示例](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/HTML/Element/Input/file) | N |
+| action | String | - | 上传接口。设接口响应数据为字段 `response`,那么 `response.error` 存在时会判断此次上传失败,并显示错误文本信息;`response.url` 会作为文件上传成功后的地址,并使用该地址显示图片或文件 | N |
+| allowUploadDuplicateFile | Boolean | false | 是否允许重复上传相同文件名的文件 | N |
+| autoUpload | Boolean | true | 是否在选择文件后自动发起请求上传文件 | N |
+| beforeAllFilesUpload | Function | - | 如果是自动上传模式 `autoUpload=true`,表示全部文件上传之前的钩子函数,函数参数为上传的文件,函数返回值决定是否继续上传,若返回值为 `false` 则终止上传。
如果是非自动上传模式 `autoUpload=false`,则函数返回值为 `false` 时表示本次选中的文件不会加入到文件列表中,即不触发 `onChange` 事件。TS 类型:`(file: UploadFile[]) => boolean \| Promise` | N |
+| beforeUpload | Function | - | 如果是自动上传模式 `autoUpload=true`,表示单个文件上传之前的钩子函数,若函数返回值为 `false` 则表示不上传当前文件。
如果是非自动上传模式 `autoUpload=false`,函数返回值为 `false` 时表示从上传文件中剔除当前文件。TS 类型:`(file: UploadFile) => boolean \| Promise` | N |
+| data | Object | - | 上传请求所需的额外字段,默认字段有 `file`,表示文件信息。可以添加额外的文件名字段,如:`{file_name: "custom-file-name.txt"}`。`autoUpload=true` 时有效。也可以使用 `formatRequest` 完全自定义上传请求的字段。TS 类型:`Record \| ((files: UploadFile[]) => Record)` | N |
+| default | String / Slot / Function | - | 非拖拽场景,指触发上传的元素,如:“选择文件”。如果是拖拽场景,则是指拖拽区域。TS 类型:`string \| TNode`。[通用类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N |
+| disabled | Boolean | - | 是否禁用 | N |
+| dragContent | String / Slot / Function | - | 用于自定义拖拽区域,`theme=custom` 且 `draggable=true` 时有效。TS 类型:`TNode \| TNode`。[通用类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N |
+| draggable | Boolean | undefined | 是否启用拖拽上传,不同的组件风格默认值不同。`theme=file` 或 `theme=image` 时有效 | N |
+| fileListDisplay | Slot / Function | - | 用于完全自定义文件列表界面内容(UI),单文件和多文件均有效。TS 类型:`TNode<{ files: UploadFile[]; dragEvents?: UploadDisplayDragEvents }>`。[通用类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N |
+| files | Array | [] | 已上传文件列表,同 `value`。TS 类型:`UploadFile`。支持语法糖 `v-model:files`。TS 类型:`Array` | N |
+| defaultFiles | Array | [] | 已上传文件列表,同 `value`。TS 类型:`UploadFile`。非受控属性。TS 类型:`Array` | N |
+| format | Function | - | 转换文件 `UploadFile` 的数据结构,可新增或修改 `UploadFile` 的属性,注意不能删除 `UploadFile` 属性。`action` 存在时有效。TS 类型:`(file: File) => UploadFile` | N |
+| formatRequest | Function | - | 用于新增或修改文件上传请求参数。`action` 存在时有效。一个请求上传一个文件时,默认请求字段有 `file`;
一个请求上传多个文件时,默认字段有 `file[0]/file[1]/file[2]/.../length`,其中 `length` 表示本次上传的文件数量。
⚠️ 非常注意,此处的 `file[0]/file[1]` 仅仅是一个字段名,并非表示 `file` 是一个数组,接口获取字段时注意区分。
可以使用 `name` 定义 `file` 字段的别名,也可以使用 `formatRequest` 自定义任意字段。TS 类型:`(requestData: { [key: string]: any }) => { [key: string]: any }` | N |
+| formatResponse | Function | - | 用于格式化文件上传后的接口响应数据,`response` 便是接口响应的原始数据。`action` 存在时有效。
此函数的返回值 `error` 或 `response.error` 会作为错误文本提醒,如果存在会判定为本次上传失败。
此函数的返回值 `url` 或 `response.url` 会作为上传成功后的链接。TS 类型:`(response: any, context: FormatResponseContext) => ResponseType ` `type ResponseType = { error?: string; url?: string } & Record` `interface FormatResponseContext { file: UploadFile; currentFiles?: UploadFile[] }`。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N |
+| headers | Object | - | 设置上传的请求头部,`action` 存在时有效。TS 类型:`{[key: string]: string}` | N |
+| inputAttributes | Object | - | 用于添加属性到 HTML 元素 `input`。TS 类型:`CSSProperties` | N |
+| isBatchUpload | Boolean | false | 多个文件是否作为一个独立文件包,整体替换,整体删除。不允许追加文件,只允许替换文件。`theme=file-flow` 时有效 | N |
+| locale | Object | - | 上传组件文本语言配置,支持自定义配置组件中的全部文本。优先级高于全局配置中语言。TS 类型:`UploadConfig` `import { UploadConfig } from '../config-provider/type'`。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N |
+| max | Number | 0 | 用于控制文件上传数量,值为 0 则不限制 | N |
+| method | String | POST | HTTP 请求类型。可选项:POST/GET/PUT/OPTION/PATCH/post/get/put/option/patch | N |
+| mockProgressDuration | Number | - | 模拟进度间隔时间,单位:毫秒,默认:300。由于原始的上传请求,小文件上传进度只有 0 和 100,故而新增模拟进度,每间隔 `mockProgressDuration` 毫秒刷新一次模拟进度。小文件设置小一点,大文件设置大一点。注意:当 `useMockProgress` 为真时,当前设置有效 | N |
+| multiple | Boolean | false | 支持多文件上传 | N |
+| name | String | file | 文件上传时的名称 | N |
+| placeholder | String | - | 占位符 | N |
+| requestMethod | Function | - | 自定义上传方法。返回值 `status` 表示上传成功或失败;`error` 或 `response.error` 表示上传失败的原因;
`response` 表示请求上传成功后的返回数据,`response.url` 表示上传成功后的图片/文件地址,`response.files` 表示一个请求上传多个文件/图片后的返回值。
示例一:`{ status: 'fail', error: '上传失败', response }`。
示例二:`{ status: 'success', response: { url: 'https://tdesign.gtimg.com/site/avatar.jpg' } }`。
示例三:`{ status: 'success', files: [{ url: 'https://xxx.png', name: 'xxx.png' }]}`。TS 类型:`(files: UploadFile \| UploadFile[]) => Promise` `interface RequestMethodResponse { status: 'success' \| 'fail'; error?: string; response: { url?: string; files?: UploadFile[]; [key: string]: any } }`。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N |
+| showThumbnail | Boolean | false | 是否在文件列表中显示缩略图,`theme=file-flow` 时有效 | N |
+| showUploadProgress | Boolean | true | 是否显示上传进度 | N |
+| sizeLimit | Number / Object | - | 图片文件大小限制,默认单位 KB。可选单位有:`'B' \| 'KB' \| 'MB' \| 'GB'`。示例一:`1000`。示例二:`{ size: 2, unit: 'MB', message: '图片大小不超过 {sizeLimit} MB' }`。TS 类型:`number \| SizeLimitObj` `interface SizeLimitObj { size: number; unit: SizeUnit ; message?: string }` `type SizeUnitArray = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB']` `type SizeUnit = SizeUnitArray[number]`。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N |
+| status | String | - | 文件上传提示文本状态。可选项:default/success/warning/error | N |
+| theme | String | file | 组件风格。custom 表示完全自定义风格;file 表示默认文件上传风格;file-input 表示输入框形式的文件上传;file-flow 表示文件批量上传;image 表示默认图片上传风格;image-flow 表示图片批量上传。可选项:custom/file/file-input/file-flow/image/image-flow | N |
+| tips | String / Slot / Function | - | 组件下方文本提示,可以使用 `status` 定义文本。TS 类型:`string \| TNode`。[通用类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N |
+| trigger | Slot / Function | - | 触发上传的元素,`files` 指本次显示的全部文件。TS 类型:`TNode` `interface TriggerContext { dragActive?: boolean; files: UploadFile[] }`。[通用类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts)。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N |
+| triggerButtonProps | Object | - | 透传选择按钮全部属性。TS 类型:`ButtonProps`,[Button API Documents](./button?tab=api)。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts) | N |
+| uploadAllFilesInOneRequest | Boolean | false | 是否在同一个请求中上传全部文件,默认一个请求上传一个文件。多文件上传时有效 | N |
+| uploadPastedFiles | Boolean | false | 是否允许粘贴上传剪贴板中的文件 | N |
+| useMockProgress | Boolean | true | 是否在请求时间超过 300ms 后显示模拟进度。上传进度有模拟进度和真实进度两种。一般大小的文件上传,真实的上传进度只有 0 和 100,不利于交互呈现,因此组件内置模拟上传进度。真实上传进度一般用于大文件上传。 | N |
+| value | Array | [] | 已上传文件列表,同 `files`。TS 类型:`UploadFile`。支持语法糖 `v-model` 或 `v-model:value`。TS 类型:`Array` | N |
+| defaultValue | Array | [] | 已上传文件列表,同 `files`。TS 类型:`UploadFile`。非受控属性。TS 类型:`Array` | N |
+| withCredentials | Boolean | false | 上传请求时是否携带 cookie | N |
+| uploadButton | Slot / Function | - | 当 `autoUpload = false`时,自定义上传按钮。TS 类型:`TNode<{ disabled: boolean; loading: boolean; upload: () => void }>`。[通用类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N |
+| cancelUploadButton | Slot / Function | - | 当 `autoUpload = false`时,自定义取消上传按钮。TS 类型:`TNode<{ disabled: boolean; cancelUpload: () => void }>`。[通用类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/blob/develop/src/common.ts) | N |
+| onCancelUpload | Function | | TS 类型:`() => void`
点击「取消上传」时触发 | N |
+| onChange | Function | | TS 类型:`(value: Array, context: UploadChangeContext) => void`
已上传文件列表发生变化时触发,`trigger` 表示触发本次的来源。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadChangeContext { e?: MouseEvent \| ProgressEvent; response?: any; trigger: UploadChangeTrigger; index?: number; file?: UploadFile; files?: UploadFile[] }`
`type UploadChangeTrigger = 'add' \| 'remove' \| 'abort' \| 'progress-success' \| 'progress' \| 'progress-fail'`
| N |
+| onDragenter | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { e: DragEvent }) => void`
进入拖拽区域时触发 | N |
+| onDragleave | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { e: DragEvent }) => void`
离开拖拽区域时触发 | N |
+| onDrop | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { e: DragEvent }) => void`
拖拽结束时触发 | N |
+| onFail | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: UploadFailContext) => void`
上传失败后触发。`response` 指接口响应结果,`response.error` 会作为错误文本提醒。如果希望判定为上传失败,但接口响应数据不包含 `error` 字段,可以使用 `formatResponse` 格式化 `response` 数据结构。如果是多文件多请求上传场景,请到事件 `onOneFileFail` 中查看 `response`。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadFailContext { e?: ProgressEvent; failedFiles: UploadFile[]; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; response?: any; file: UploadFile; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest}`
| N |
+| onOneFileFail | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: UploadFailContext) => void`
多文件/图片场景下,单个文件上传失败后触发,如果一个请求上传一个文件,则会触发多次。单文件/图片不会触发 | N |
+| onOneFileSuccess | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: Pick) => void`
单个文件上传成功后触发,在多文件场景下会触发多次。`context.file` 表示当前上传成功的单个文件,`context.response` 表示上传请求的返回数据 | N |
+| onPreview | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: { file: UploadFile; index: number; e: MouseEvent }) => void`
点击图片预览时触发,文件没有预览 | N |
+| onProgress | Function | | TS 类型:`(options: ProgressContext) => void`
⚠️ 原始上传请求,小文件的上传进度只有 0 和 100,故而不会触发 `progress` 事件;只有大文件才有真实的中间进度。如果你希望很小的文件也显示上传进度,保证 `useMockProgress=true` 的情况下,设置 `mockProgressDuration` 为更小的值。
参数 `options.type=real` 表示真实上传进度,`options.type=mock` 表示模拟上传进度。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface ProgressContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; percent: number; type: UploadProgressType; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
`type UploadProgressType = 'real' \| 'mock'`
| N |
+| onRemove | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: UploadRemoveContext) => void`
`interface UploadRemoveContext { index?: number; file?: UploadFile; e: MouseEvent }`
| N |
+| onSelectChange | Function | | TS 类型:`(files: File[], context: UploadSelectChangeContext) => void`
`interface UploadSelectChangeContext { currentSelectedFiles: UploadFile[] }`
| N |
+| onSuccess | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: SuccessContext) => void`
`context.currentFiles` 表示当次请求上传的文件(无论成功或失败),`context.fileList` 表示上传成功后的文件,`context.response` 表示上传请求的返回数据。
`context.results` 表示单次选择全部文件上传成功后的响应结果,可以在这个字段存在时提醒用户上传成功或失败。
`interface SuccessContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; fileList?: UploadFile[]; currentFiles?: UploadFile[]; response?: any; results?: SuccessContext[]; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
| N |
+| onValidate | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { type: UploadValidateType, files: UploadFile[] }) => void`
文件上传校验结束事件,文件数量超出、文件大小超出限制、文件同名、`beforeAllFilesUpload` 返回值为假、`beforeUpload` 返回值为假等场景会触发。
注意:如果设置允许上传同名文件,即 `allowUploadDuplicateFile=true`,则不会因为文件重名触发该事件。
结合 `status` 和 `tips` 可以在组件中呈现不同类型的错误(或告警)提示。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
| N |
+| onWaitingUploadFilesChange | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { files: Array, trigger: 'validate' \| 'remove' \| 'uploaded' }) => void`
待上传文件列表发生变化时触发。`context.files` 表示事件参数为待上传文件,`context.trigger` 引起此次变化的触发来源 | N |
### Upload Events
-名称 | 参数 | 描述
--- | -- | --
-cancel-upload | \- | 点击「取消上传」时触发
-change | `(value: Array, context: UploadChangeContext)` | 已上传文件列表发生变化时触发,`trigger` 表示触发本次的来源。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadChangeContext { e?: MouseEvent \| ProgressEvent; response?: any; trigger: UploadChangeTrigger; index?: number; file?: UploadFile; files?: UploadFile[] }`
`type UploadChangeTrigger = 'add' \| 'remove' \| 'abort' \| 'progress-success' \| 'progress' \| 'progress-fail'`
-dragenter | `(context: { e: DragEvent })` | 进入拖拽区域时触发
-dragleave | `(context: { e: DragEvent })` | 离开拖拽区域时触发
-drop | `(context: { e: DragEvent })` | 拖拽结束时触发
-fail | `(options: UploadFailContext)` | 上传失败后触发。`response` 指接口响应结果,`response.error` 会作为错误文本提醒。如果希望判定为上传失败,但接口响应数据不包含 `error` 字段,可以使用 `formatResponse` 格式化 `response` 数据结构。如果是多文件多请求上传场景,请到事件 `onOneFileFail` 中查看 `response`。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadFailContext { e?: ProgressEvent; failedFiles: UploadFile[]; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; response?: any; file: UploadFile; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest}`
-one-file-fail | `(options: UploadFailContext)` | 多文件/图片场景下,单个文件上传失败后触发,如果一个请求上传一个文件,则会触发多次。单文件/图片不会触发
-one-file-success | `(context: Pick)` | 单个文件上传成功后触发,在多文件场景下会触发多次。`context.file` 表示当前上传成功的单个文件,`context.response` 表示上传请求的返回数据
-preview | `(options: { file: UploadFile; index: number; e: MouseEvent })` | 点击图片预览时触发,文件没有预览
-progress | `(options: ProgressContext)` | 上传进度变化时触发,真实进度和模拟进度都会触发。
⚠️ 原始上传请求,小文件的上传进度只有 0 和 100,故而不会触发 `progress` 事件;只有大文件才有真实的中间进度。如果你希望很小的文件也显示上传进度,保证 `useMockProgress=true` 的情况下,设置 `mockProgressDuration` 为更小的值。
参数 `options.type=real` 表示真实上传进度,`options.type=mock` 表示模拟上传进度。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface ProgressContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; percent: number; type: UploadProgressType; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
`type UploadProgressType = 'real' \| 'mock'`
-remove | `(context: UploadRemoveContext)` | 移除文件时触发。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadRemoveContext { index?: number; file?: UploadFile; e: MouseEvent }`
-select-change | `(files: File[], context: UploadSelectChangeContext)` | 选择文件或图片之后,上传之前,触发该事件。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadSelectChangeContext { currentSelectedFiles: UploadFile[] }`
-success | `(context: SuccessContext)` | 上传成功后触发。
`context.currentFiles` 表示当次请求上传的文件(无论成功或失败),`context.fileList` 表示上传成功后的文件,`context.response` 表示上传请求的返回数据。
`context.results` 表示单次选择全部文件上传成功后的响应结果,可以在这个字段存在时提醒用户上传成功或失败。
`interface SuccessContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; fileList?: UploadFile[]; currentFiles?: UploadFile[]; response?: any; results?: SuccessContext[]; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
-validate | `(context: { type: UploadValidateType, files: UploadFile[] })` | 文件上传校验结束事件,文件数量超出、文件大小超出限制、文件同名、`beforeAllFilesUpload` 返回值为假、`beforeUpload` 返回值为假等场景会触发。
注意:如果设置允许上传同名文件,即 `allowUploadDuplicateFile=true`,则不会因为文件重名触发该事件。
结合 `status` 和 `tips` 可以在组件中呈现不同类型的错误(或告警)提示。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
-waiting-upload-files-change | `(context: { files: Array, trigger: 'validate' \| 'remove' \| 'uploaded' })` | 待上传文件列表发生变化时触发。`context.files` 表示事件参数为待上传文件,`context.trigger` 引起此次变化的触发来源
+| 名称 | 参数 | 描述 |
+| --------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| cancel-upload | \- | 点击「取消上传」时触发 |
+| change | `(value: Array, context: UploadChangeContext)` | 已上传文件列表发生变化时触发,`trigger` 表示触发本次的来源。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadChangeContext { e?: MouseEvent \| ProgressEvent; response?: any; trigger: UploadChangeTrigger; index?: number; file?: UploadFile; files?: UploadFile[] }`
`type UploadChangeTrigger = 'add' \| 'remove' \| 'abort' \| 'progress-success' \| 'progress' \| 'progress-fail'`
+| dragenter | `(context: { e: DragEvent })` | 进入拖拽区域时触发 |
+| dragleave | `(context: { e: DragEvent })` | 离开拖拽区域时触发 |
+| drop | `(context: { e: DragEvent })` | 拖拽结束时触发 |
+| fail | `(options: UploadFailContext)` | 上传失败后触发。`response` 指接口响应结果,`response.error` 会作为错误文本提醒。如果希望判定为上传失败,但接口响应数据不包含 `error` 字段,可以使用 `formatResponse` 格式化 `response` 数据结构。如果是多文件多请求上传场景,请到事件 `onOneFileFail` 中查看 `response`。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadFailContext { e?: ProgressEvent; failedFiles: UploadFile[]; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; response?: any; file: UploadFile; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest}`
+| one-file-fail | `(options: UploadFailContext)` | 多文件/图片场景下,单个文件上传失败后触发,如果一个请求上传一个文件,则会触发多次。单文件/图片不会触发 |
+| one-file-success | `(context: Pick)` | 单个文件上传成功后触发,在多文件场景下会触发多次。`context.file` 表示当前上传成功的单个文件,`context.response` 表示上传请求的返回数据 |
+| preview | `(options: { file: UploadFile; index: number; e: MouseEvent })` | 点击图片预览时触发,文件没有预览 |
+| progress | `(options: ProgressContext)` | 上传进度变化时触发,真实进度和模拟进度都会触发。
⚠️ 原始上传请求,小文件的上传进度只有 0 和 100,故而不会触发 `progress` 事件;只有大文件才有真实的中间进度。如果你希望很小的文件也显示上传进度,保证 `useMockProgress=true` 的情况下,设置 `mockProgressDuration` 为更小的值。
参数 `options.type=real` 表示真实上传进度,`options.type=mock` 表示模拟上传进度。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface ProgressContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; currentFiles: UploadFile[]; percent: number; type: UploadProgressType; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
`type UploadProgressType = 'real' \| 'mock'`
+| remove | `(context: UploadRemoveContext)` | 移除文件时触发。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadRemoveContext { index?: number; file?: UploadFile; e: MouseEvent }`
+| select-change | `(files: File[], context: UploadSelectChangeContext)` | 选择文件或图片之后,上传之前,触发该事件。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
`interface UploadSelectChangeContext { currentSelectedFiles: UploadFile[] }`
+| success | `(context: SuccessContext)` | 上传成功后触发。
`context.currentFiles` 表示当次请求上传的文件(无论成功或失败),`context.fileList` 表示上传成功后的文件,`context.response` 表示上传请求的返回数据。
`context.results` 表示单次选择全部文件上传成功后的响应结果,可以在这个字段存在时提醒用户上传成功或失败。
`interface SuccessContext { e?: ProgressEvent; file?: UploadFile; fileList?: UploadFile[]; currentFiles?: UploadFile[]; response?: any; results?: SuccessContext[]; XMLHttpRequest?: XMLHttpRequest }`
+| validate | `(context: { type: UploadValidateType, files: UploadFile[] })` | 文件上传校验结束事件,文件数量超出、文件大小超出限制、文件同名、`beforeAllFilesUpload` 返回值为假、`beforeUpload` 返回值为假等场景会触发。
注意:如果设置允许上传同名文件,即 `allowUploadDuplicateFile=true`,则不会因为文件重名触发该事件。
结合 `status` 和 `tips` 可以在组件中呈现不同类型的错误(或告警)提示。[详细类型定义](https://github.com/Tencent/tdesign-vue-next/tree/develop/src/upload/type.ts)。
+| waiting-upload-files-change | `(context: { files: Array, trigger: 'validate' \| 'remove' \| 'uploaded' })` | 待上传文件列表发生变化时触发。`context.files` 表示事件参数为待上传文件,`context.trigger` 引起此次变化的触发来源 |
### UploadInstanceFunctions 组件实例方法
-名称 | 参数 | 返回值 | 描述
--- | -- | -- | --
-triggerUpload | \- | \- | 必需。组件实例方法,打开文件选择器
-uploadFilePercent | \- | \- | 必需。设置上传中文件的上传进度
-uploadFiles | `(files?: UploadFile[])` | \- | 必需。组件实例方法,默认上传未成功上传过的所有文件。带参数时,表示上传指定文件
+| 名称 | 参数 | 返回值 | 描述 |
+| ----------------- | ------------------------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| triggerUpload | \- | \- | 必需。组件实例方法,打开文件选择器 |
+| uploadFilePercent | \- | \- | 必需。设置上传中文件的上传进度 |
+| uploadFiles | `(files?: UploadFile[])` | \- | 必需。组件实例方法,默认上传未成功上传过的所有文件。带参数时,表示上传指定文件 |
### UploadFile
-名称 | 类型 | 默认值 | 说明 | 必传
--- | -- | -- | -- | --
-lastModified | Number | - | 上一次变更的时间 | N
-name | String | - | 文件名称 | N
-percent | Number | - | 下载进度 | N
-raw | Object | - | 原始文件对象。TS 类型:`File` | N
-response | Object | - | 上传接口返回的数据。`response.error` 存在时会判断此次上传失败,并显示错误文本信息;`response.url` 会作为文件上传成功后的地址,并使用该地址显示图片。TS 类型:`{ [key: string]: any }` | N
-size | Number | - | 文件大小 | N
-status | String | - | 文件上传状态:上传成功,上传失败,上传中,等待上传。TS 类型:` 'success' \| 'fail' \| 'progress' \| 'waiting'` | N
-type | String | - | 文件类型 | N
-uploadTime | String | - | 上传时间 | N
-url | String | - | 文件上传成功后的下载/访问地址 | N
-`PlainObject` | \- | - | `PlainObject` 不是 UploadFile 中的属性,而表示 UploadFile 本身支持添加任意属性,`type PlainObject = {[key: string]: any}`' | N
+| 名称 | 类型 | 默认值 | 说明 | 必传 |
+| ------------- | ------ | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---- |
+| lastModified | Number | - | 上一次变更的时间 | N |
+| name | String | - | 文件名称 | N |
+| percent | Number | - | 下载进度 | N |
+| raw | Object | - | 原始文件对象。TS 类型:`File` | N |
+| response | Object | - | 上传接口返回的数据。`response.error` 存在时会判断此次上传失败,并显示错误文本信息;`response.url` 会作为文件上传成功后的地址,并使用该地址显示图片。TS 类型:`{ [key: string]: any }` | N |
+| size | Number | - | 文件大小 | N |
+| status | String | - | 文件上传状态:上传成功,上传失败,上传中,等待上传。TS 类型:` 'success' \| 'fail' \| 'progress' \| 'waiting'` | N |
+| type | String | - | 文件类型 | N |
+| uploadTime | String | - | 上传时间 | N |
+| url | String | - | 文件上传成功后的下载/访问地址 | N |
+| `PlainObject` | \- | - | `PlainObject` 不是 UploadFile 中的属性,而表示 UploadFile 本身支持添加任意属性,`type PlainObject = {[key: string]: any}`' | N |
diff --git a/src/upload/upload.tsx b/src/upload/upload.tsx
index 3a27175db8..c55ae70dc5 100644
--- a/src/upload/upload.tsx
+++ b/src/upload/upload.tsx
@@ -170,6 +170,10 @@ export default defineComponent({
fileListDisplay: slots.fileListDisplay,
'file-list-display': slots['file-list-display'],
+ cancelUploadButton: slots.cancelUploadButton,
+ 'cancel-upload-button': slots['cancel-upload-button'],
+ uploadButton: slots.uploadButton,
+ 'upload-button': slots['continue-upload-button'],