Guess the 5 Letter Word, the Bot is thinking of by guessing other 5 Letter Words in 5 chances.
- -> Guess the 5 Letter Word Bot is thinking of.
- -> You have 5 Chances
- -> Keep guessing words for hints.
- -> 🟥 Red Square means that letter doesn't exist in the word.
- -> 🟨 Yellow Square means that letter exists in the word but in different position.
- -> 🟩 Green Square means that letter exists in the word in that exact position.
const {Wordle} = require('discord-mini-games.js');
const gameOptions = {
isSlash: false, // wether the game is a slash command, default: false.
time: 180000, // timeup duration in milliseconds, default: 180000.
onWin: () => {console.log("win")}, // Function to execute if player wins the game.
onLose: () => {console.log('lose')}, // Function to execute if player loses the game.
onTimeUp: () => {console.log('timeup')}, // Functuon to execute when game times out.
title: 'Wordle', // Embed Title.
startDes: 'Guess the 5 Letter word I\'m thinking of', // Embed Description when game starts
winDes: 'You Won!', // Embed Description when player wins the game.
loseDes: 'You Lost', // Embed Description when player loses the game.
timeUpDes: 'Game Over: Timed Out', // Embed Description when game times out.
The texts for embed descriptions accepts following formatting.
- winDes & loseDes & timeUpDes
-> Actual Word.
let message = message || interaction; // message object or interaction object
let gameOptions = "refer previous block";
const game = new Wordle(message,gameOptions); // Initialising the Game.; // Starting the Game.