Document Version: V1.0
Version | Date | Content |
1.0 | 2022-02-10 | Document created |
This document guide you how to use TagHub Python SDK on Hello World Application to subscribe Tag data for edge computing.
You shall complete pre-request steps:
- Build and Run "Hello World" Application.
- Invoke ThingsPro Edge API on Hello World Application
- Use TagHub SDK on Hello World Application 1
We need to add one python script, running at backend to subscribe Tags and do some edge computing tasks.
import time, requests
from thingspro.edge.tag_v1 import tag
- thingspro.edge.tag_v1 is TagHub Python SDK.
class backendProcess():
def __init__(self):
self.subscriber = tag.Subscriber()
self.publisher = tag.Publisher()
self.webAPIURL = ''
self.headers = {}
self.headers["Content-Type"] = 'application/json'
- We will use self.subscriber to subscribe Tag.
- The backend process will leverage hello-world's Restful API to create virtual tags.
def start(self):
# Waiting Web API
# Create virtual tags before subscribe them
self.createTag('virtual', 'hello-world', 'tag01', 'string')
self.createTag('virtual', 'hello-world', 'tag02', 'int32')
self.createTag('virtual', 'hello-world', 'tag03', 'int32')
# Subscribe virtual tags, and declare call back function
self.subscriber.subscribe('virtual', 'hello-world', ['tag01', 'tag02'])
while True:
We tell Tag Subscriber that we want to subscribe tag01 and tag02, and call we defined method, self.tagDataCallback, when data coming.
To prevent failure, we create virtual tags (via hello-world Restful API) again, including 3rd tag (tag03).
def tagDataCallback(self, data={}):
if data["tagName"] == 'tag02':
F = self.C_to_F(data['dataValue'])
tag03 = {
'prvdName': 'virtual',
'srcName': 'hello-world',
'tagName': 'tag03',
'dataValue': int(F),
'dataType': 'int32',
'ts': timestamp
if (F >= 100):
tag01Value = 'Over Hit'
tag01Value = 'Normal'
tag01 = {
'prvdName': 'virtual',
'srcName': 'hello-world',
'tagName': 'tag01',
'dataValue': tag01Value,
'dataType': 'string',
'ts': timestamp
- We convert tag02 value (temperature) , from °C to °F , and publish temperature °F to tag03.
- If tag03 value >= 100, publish 'Over Hit' to tag01, else publish 'Normal' to tag01
$ wget
Name | Type | Note |
Dockerfile | File | Updated for launch and |
app | Folder | Add Rename to |
docker-compose.yml | File | Update version to 1.3 |
metadata.yml | File | Update version to 1.3 |
nginx.conf | File | Same with 1.0 |
requirements.tx | File | Same with 1.2 |
Follow pre-request step: Build and Run "Hello World" Application, to build hello-world application V1.3
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 861 Feb 12 14:07 Dockerfile
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Feb 12 15:12 app
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 56 Feb 12 16:54 docker-compose.yml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 136980480 Feb 13 02:06 hello-world_1.3_armhf.mpkg
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 107 Feb 12 16:54 metadata.yml
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 281 Feb 12 08:46 nginx.conf
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 73 Feb 12 13:07 requirements.txt
Follow pre-request step: Build and Run "Hello World" Application, to deploy hello-world application V1.3
curl -X PUT -H "mx-api-token:$(cat /var/thingspro/data/mx-api-token)" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -k -d '{"prvdName":"virtual","srcName":"hello-world","tagName":"tag02", "dataValue":20, "dataType":"int32"}'
curl -X PUT -H "mx-api-token:$(cat /var/thingspro/data/mx-api-token)" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -k -d '{"prvdName":"virtual","srcName":"hello-world","tagName":"tag02", "dataValue":4040, "dataType":"int32"}'
Add Tag03 into monitoring.
ThingsPro Edge Web Admin / Tag Management offers a easy way to monitor Tag value changed.
This feature is available on ThingsPro Edge V2.2.1+.