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The SynapseController is the main object which contains the entire Synapse API.
It contains 3 static objects:
Namespace: Synapse
This object contains the API to interact with many features of SCP:Secret Laboratory.
You can get it with SynapseController.Server
or with Server.Get
. (The refrence is the same, it's just a shortcut)
- Logger
- Map
- Files
- Events
- RoleManager
- ItemManager
- Configs
- PermissionHandler
- Host => The player object of the Server
- Port => The port the server is running on
- Name => The ServerName
- Slots => The amount of player that can join the Server
- FF => Is FriendlyFire enabled?
- Colors => All allowed colors for Player badge colors
- Players => Gives you a list of all Players on the Server
- ServerConsole => Gives you the ServerConsole Object (Vanilla objects. Not recommended to use)
- GameConsole => Gives you the GameConsole Object (Vanilla objects. Not recommended to use)
=> Reloads all Synapse configs and translations -
() => Gives you all Unity objects of that type -
() => Gives you the first object of that type the Server can find -
=> Gives you a list of Players with special arguments (Example:GetPlayers(x => x.NickName == "Dimenzio")
=> Gives you all players whose name is Dimenzio) -
=> Gives you a Player with that UserId / PlayerId / Nickname -
GetPlayer(int playerid)
=> Gives you a Player with that PlayerId
Namespace: Synapse.Api
This object contains methods to send messages in the ServerConsole
You can get it with SynapseController.Server.Logger
or with Logger.Get
(The refrence is the same, it's just a shortcut)
=> Sends a LogInfo to the Console -
=> Sends an LogWarn to the Console -
=> Sends an LogError to the Console -
Send(string, ConsoleColor)
=> Sends a message with a defined color to the Console (Plugin name will not be added).
Namespace: Synapse.Api
You can get it with SynapseController.Server.Map
or Map.Get
(The refrence is the same, it's just a shortcut)
This Object contains the fields:
- Nuke
- Round
- Decontamination
- Scp914
- HeavyController
- Teslas => A List of all Tesla objects on the Server
- Elevators => A List of all Elevator objects on the Server
- Doors => A List of all Door objects on the Server
- Rooms => A List of all Room objects on the Server
- Generators => A List of all Generator objects on the Server
- WorkStations => A List of all WorkStation objects on the Server
- Ragdolls => A List of all Ragdoll objects on the Server
- Items => A List of all SynapseItem objects on the Server.
- IntercomText => The text which will be displayed in the intercom
- RespawnPoint => The Position where all Roles should spawn
- WalkSpeed => The WalkSpeed of Humans
- SprintSpeed => The SprintSpeed of Humans
- Seed => The current Map Seed
This Methods contains it:
=> Gives you a specific room -
=> Gives you a specific door -
=> Creates a Dummy object -
=> Creates a Workstation object -
=> Creates a Ragdoll object -
=> Sends to all Players a Broadcast -
=> Announces the Death of an scp -
=> Sends an Cassie Message -
=> Sends an glitchy Cassie message -
=> Spawns a Grenade -
=> Spawns and explode a Grenade
Namespace: Synapse.Api
You can get it with SynapseController.Server.Map.Nuke
or Map.Get.Nuke
(The refrence is the same, it's just a shortcut)
This fields contains it:
- WarheadController => Vanilla Object for the AlphaWarheadController
- InsidePanel
- OutsidePanel
- CountdownTime => The Current Countdown of the Warhead
- NukeKills => Amount of Players killed by the Nuke
- Active => If the Nuke is currently active
- Detonated => If the Nuke is already detonated
- CanDetonate => If the Nuke can still detonate
The methods it contains:
=> Stars the Detonation -
=> Cancel the Detonation -
=> Detonated the Warhead -
=> Prepares the Nuke to detonate instant -
=> Shakes the screen of all Players
Namespace: Synapse.Api(.Nuke)
You can get it with SynapseController.Server.Map.Nuke.InsidePanel
or Map.Get.Nuke.InsidePanel
(The refrence is the same, it's just a shortcut)
This Object represents the AlphaWarheadPanel inside the Facility.
The fields it contains:
- Panel => The Vanilla object for the NukesitePanel
- Enabled => The state of the activation of the panel
- LeverStatus => The current status of the lever
- Locked => If set to true the lever status cant be set
- Lever => the transform of the Lever
Namespace: Synapse.Api(.Nuke)
You can get it with SynapseController.Server.Map.Nuke.OutsidePanel
or Map.Get.Nuke.OutsidePanel
(The refrence is the same, it's just a shortcut)
This Object represents the AlphaWarheadPanel outside the Facility.
The fields it contains:
- Panel => The Vanilla object for the OutsidePanel
- KeyCardEntered => If a Keycard is already entered and the Nuke can be activated
Namespace: Synapse.Api
You can get it with SynapseController.Server.Map.Round
or Map.Get.Round
(The refrence is the same, it's just a shortcut)
The Fields it contains:
- CurrentRound => The current Round played since the server started
- LobbyLock => get/set the LobbyLock
- RoundLock => get/set the RoundLock
- EscapedDPersonnel => The Amount of D-Personnel's which escaped
- EscapedScientist => The Amount of Scientist's which escaped
- ScpKills => The Amount of Kills by Scp's
- RoundLength => The timespan the round is already active
- RoundIsActive => If the Round is active
- RoundEnded => If the Round ended
The Method it contains:
=> Starts the Round -
=> Ends the Round -
=> Restarts the Round -
=> Make the Screens from all Players black -
=> Shows the winning screen -
=> Respawns a Mtf/Chaos
Namespace: Synapse.Api
You can get it with SynapseController.Server.Map.Decontamination
or Map.Get.Decontamination
(The refrence is the same, it's just a shortcut)
The Fields it contains:
- Controller => The Vanilla object which controls the decontamination
- Locked => If the Decontamination should be disabled
- IsDecontaminationInProgress => If the Decontamination is in progress
The Methods it contains:
=> Starts the Decontamination
Namespace: Synapse.Api
You can get it with SynapseController.Server.Map.HeavyController
or Map.Get.HeavyController
(The refrence is the same, it's just a shortcut)
The fields it contains:
- ForcedOvercharge => If the overcharge was forced because all Scp's are death or a Plugin did it
- ActiveGenerators => The Currently engaged Generators
- Is079Recontained => If a Scp079 Recontainment procedure is over
The methods it contains:
=> starts the recontainment of SCP 079 -
=> starts a overcharge -
=> disables all lights for a set time
Namespace: Synapse.Api
You can get it with SynapseController.Server.Map.Scp914
or Map.Get.Scp914
(The refrence is the same, it's just a shortcut)
The fields it contains:
- KnobState => Get / Set the current Knob state
- GameObject => The gameobject of 914
- IsActive => If 914 is active
- Intake => The transform of the Intake
- Output => The transfrom of the Output
- Recipes => The recipes of 914 (are empty while Plugins get loaded so use a delay if you use them in your load method)
The methods it contains:
=> Activates Scp914
=> Gives you the id of the Item it should become with the current Recipes
Namespace: Synapse.Api
This object contains informations about what an Item can become in 914
The fields it contains:
- itemID => The if of the Item which will be changed
- rough => The Items it can become on rough
- coarse => The Items it can become on coarse
- oneToOne => The Items it can become on 1:1
- fine => The Items it can become on fine
- veryfine => The Items it can become on veryFine
Namespace: Synapse.Api
This object represents a tesla gate on the Map.
The fields it contains:
- GameObject => The GameObject of the tesla gate
- Position => The Position of the gate
- SizeOfTrigger => The Radius in which it will get activated when a player is in it
The methods it contains:
=> Activates the gate -
=> Activates the gate instant like Scp-079
Namespace: Synapse.Api
This object represents a lift on the Map.
The fields it contains:
- GameObject => The GameObject of the lift
- Name => The name of the Elevator
- Position => The Position of the Elevator
- Status => the current Status of the Elevator
- Locked => the state of being locked
- MaxDistance => the max distance of the Elevator
The methods it contains:
=> Activates the Elevator
Namespace: Synapse.Api
This object represents a Door on the Map.
The fields it contains:
- GameObject => The GameObject of the door
- Name => The name of the door
- Position => The Position of the door.
- Open => The state of being open
- Locked => The state of being locked
- Room => The Room of the door
- PermissionLevels => The Permissions required to open the door
- DoorType => The type of the door
Namespace: Synapse.Api
The fields it contains:
- GameObject => The GameObject of the room
- Position => The position of the room
- RoomName => The name of the room
- Zone => The zone the room is
- RoomType => The Roomtype of the Room
Namespace: Synapse.Api
The fields it contains:
- GameObject => The GameObject of the generator
- MainGenerator => If it is the MainGenerator
- Name => The name of the Generator
- Position => The position of the Generator
- Open => The state of being open
- Locked => The state of being locked
- IsTabletConnected => The state of an tablet being connected
- ConnectedTablet => The Item which is connected (can also be set to something different than a tablet by an Plugin)
- RemainingPowerUp => The Remaining power
- Room => The Room the Generator is in
- TabletEjectionPoint => The Position where teh tablet should get ejected
- IsOvercharged => If the Generator is overcharged
The methods it contains:
=> Overcharge the Generator
Namespace: Synapse.Api
The fields it contains:
- GameObject => The GameObject of the workstation
- Name => The name of the bench
- Position => The Position of the bench
- Scale => The Scale of the Workbench
- IsTabletConnected => The state of an tablet connected
- ConnectedTablet => The Item which is connected (can also be set to something different than a tablet by an Plugin)
- TabletOwner => The Player object of the tablet's owner in the workstation
Namespace: Synapse.Api
The fields it contains:
- Gameobject => The GameObject of the ragdoll
- Name => The name of the Ragdoll
- Position => The position of the Ragdoll
- Scale => The Scale of the Ragdoll
- Owner => The Player of the Ragdoll
- AllowRecall => If Scp-049 can revive it
The methods it contains:
=> Destroys the Ragdoll
Namespace: Synapse.Api
An Object which creates a fake player which you can use for example as an Npc
The fields it contains:
- Role => The Role
- Name => The nickname of the Dummy
- Position => The Position of the Dummy
- Rotation => The Rotation of the Dummy
- Scale => The Scale of the Dummy
- HeldItem => The Item which the Dummy helds
- BadgeName => The BadgeName of the Dummy
- BadgeColor => The BadgeColor of the Dummy
The methods it contains:
=> Rotates the dummy to a specific location -
=> Despawns the Dummy -
=> Spawns the Dummy -
=> Destroys the dummy
Namespae: Synapse
The fields it contains:
- SynapseDirectory => The Directory of Synapse
- DatabaseDirectory => The Directory of the Database
- MainPluginDirectory => The Main Directory of the Plugins
- PluginDirectory => The Plugin Directory
- SharedPluginDirectory => The shared Plugin Directory
- MainConfigDirectory => The Main Config Directory
- ConfigDirectory => The Config Directory
- SharedConfigDirectory => The shared COnfig Directory
- PermissionFile => The permission file
- ConfigFile => The Config File
The methods it contains:
=> Refreshes all fields -
=> Gives you the translation file -
=> Gives you the Directory of an Plugin
Namespace: Synapse.Api.Items
You can get it with SynapseController.Server.ItemManager
or Server.Get.ItemManager
(The refrence is the same, it's just a shortcut)
The Methods it contains:
GetBaseType(int id)
=> Gives you the ItemType on which the item with the id is based on -
GetName(int id)
=> Gives you the Name of the Item with that id -
GetInfo(int id)
=> Gives you theCustomItemInformations
object with which the item with that id was registered -
=> Register a new Custom item (for more informations read here) -
IsIDRegistered(int id)
=> Gives you a boolean back which is set to true if the Id exitst (also it gives a true by all Vanilla Item ids)
Namespace: Synapse.Config
This Object is used to interact with the config.syml. It's highly unlikely you will ever need this object (except for UpdateSection()
) because Synapse Reloads you Config automatic(for more Informations read here)
The methods it conatins:
=> Gets the Cofig for the IConfigSection or create deafults if they not exists -
=> The same from above but don't need the Type(not recommended to use) -
=> Writes the configs from the ConfigSection in the config.syml -
=> Reloads the config.syml
Namespace: Synapse.Permission
This Object is used to interact with the Permission System of Synapse
The methods it contains:
=> Reloads the entire Permission System -
=> Creates a new ServerGroup inside the permission.syml -
=> Gives you the ServerGroup with that name -
=> Gives you the ServerGroup of that Player -
=> Gives you the default ServerGroup which all Players without a group gets -
=> Gives you the Northwood Group which Northwood staffs without a group gets(can be null) -
=> Adds a Player to the members of a ServerGroup in the permission.syml -
=> Remove a Player from all Groups
Namespace: Synapse.Api.Plugin
You can get it with SynapseController.PluginLoader
- Plugins => Gives you a List of
about Plugins that are installed
Namespace; Synapse.Command
You can get it with SynapseController.CommandHandlers
- RemoteAdminHandler => CommandHandler object for the remote admin console.
- ClientCommandHandler => CommandHandler object for the client console.
- ServerConsoleHandler => CommandHandler object for the server console.
Namespace: Synapse.Command
It is used to handle commands but it's recommended to read this if you want to create a Command
The fields it contains:
- Commands => A List of all Commands
The methods it contains:
=> Gives you the Command with that name/alias -
=> Register the Command in the CommandHandler (use it only if you dont want to use ISynapseCommand)