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User guide: NCI Gadi execution

Quickstart Repository testing

As we configure the pipeline on Gadi, we are going to be iteratively testing and developing the codebase. Bugs, enhancements, and new features can be tracked in the issues section of the repository's website.

Please add any features or issues you would like to see addressed to the issues section.

After adjustments have been made to the codebase stored remotely on GitHub, we will need to pull the changes to our local workspaces on Gadi in order to test their functionality.

To do this, navigate to the directory where you have cloned the repository and run the following command:

cd /scratch/<project>/ONT-bacpac-nf
git pull origin main 

Alternatively, you can delete your local copy of the repository and clone it again:

git clone

We have created a test script in the test/ directory, called This script will run the pipeline on all files in a directory OR a provided samplesheet. Unhash (i.e. remove the # prefixing each line of the command)the relevant command in the script and hash (i.e. prefix each line of the command with #) the command you don't want to run.

Before running the test script, ensure you have set your singularity cache directory. See below for instructions of how to check and do this.

To execute the test script, start a persistent session on Gadi with the following command, providing your project code and a name for the session:

persistent-sessions start  -p <project> <name>

You'll see a ssh command provided on the screen. Enter the session by running that command. For example:

ssh <name>.<user>.<project>

You'll need to navigate back to the directory where you have cloned the repository. For example:

cd /scratch/<project>/ONT-bacpac-nf


You can check the status of your persistent session by running the following command:

persistent-sessions list

FYI - you can stop your persistent session by running the following command:

persistent-sessions kill <uuid>

To determine the UUID of the session you want to kill, use the list command as documented above.

Run the following command from the base directory of the repository (ONT-bacpac-nf):

bash test/

If you'd prefer to leave the job running and avoid potential interruption, you can run the head nextflow run command as a PBS job:

qsub test/

Set up

Navigate to your working directory on NCI Gadi:

cd /scratch/<project>

Clone the repository and move into it:

git clone
cd ONT-bacpac-nf

Make a directory for your raw data files:

mkdir data

Obtain required input files

Transfer your files to the working directory on Gadi from their original source:

From your local machine

Easiest way to transfer data between your local machine and an HPC is to use the FileZilla client.

  1. Go to the Filezilla downloads page and follow instructions to install on your computer
  2. Open Filezilla and enter the following in the 'Host' field: s
  3. Enter your username and password in the respective fields and click 'Quickconnect'
  4. Navigate to the local site directory of choice
  5. Navigate to the remote site directory of choice
  6. To copy a file between local and remote, right click on the file and select 'Upload' or double click the file or drag and drop it to the desired location

From Sharepoint/OneDrive

Easiest way to transfer and deal with all the security settings for OneDrive/Sharepoint is to use Rclone.

  1. Go to the Rclone downloads page
  2. Right click on Intel/AMD - 64 bit and copy the link address
  3. Download using wget:
  1. Unzip the downloaded file:
  1. Move into the extracted directory:
cd rclone-v1.67.0-linux-amd64
  1. Copy the rclone binary to your bin directory, if you don't have one, create one:
mkdir -p ~/bin
cp rclone ~/bin/
  1. Add the bin directory to your PATH and reload your .bashrc to apply the changes:
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
  1. Verify the installation:
rclone --version
  1. Add an alias to your shell configuration file to make it easier to transfer files to Gadi:
echo 'alias rclone="$HOME/bin/rclone"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Once Rclone is installed, follow these instructions to configure your set up to transfer files from Sharepoint/OneDrive to Gadi.

From RDS to Gadi

See scripts and instructions here for transferring files between RDS and Gadi.

Prepare the samplesheet (optional)

If you would prefer to specify selected samples to run through this workflow you can use a samplesheet as input, rather than a directory. You can use it to specify which files you would like to process and can specify this choice in your run command with --samplesheet rather than input_directory.

The samplesheet should be a CSV file with the following structure:


See an example of a samplesheet here. Keep in mind your header will need to be the same as the example, including the prefixed hash (#).

Execute the workflow

This workflow executes different tools for each step as containers. This means you do not have to download and install anything before executing the pipeline. Containers will be pulled during execution. Allow Nextflow to download and save your containers to a cache directory:

# Create the following cache directories for singularity containers
mkdir /scratch/<PROJECT>/singularity_cache
mkdir /scratch/<PROJECT>/nextflow_singularity_cache

# Set the cache directory as an environment variable
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/scratch/<PROJECT>/singularity_cache
export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/scratch/<PROJECT>/nextflow_singularity_cache

Confirm that the cache directory has been set:


To avoid having to reset this variable before each run, you could add the export command to your .bashrc file:

# Add the following line to your .bashrc file
echo 'export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/scratch/<PROJECT>/singularity_cache' >> ~/.bashrc

# Reload your .bashrc file to apply the changes
source ~/.bashrc

A template run script has been provided in this repository at test/ It will need to be modified to suit your specific project requirements.

Replace <PROJECT> with your project code in the following lines of the script:

  • #PBS -l storage=scratch/<PROJECT>

Define paths to the workflow input variables:

  • input_directory=/scratch/<PROJECT>/data (option 1)
  • samplesheet=/scratch/<PROJECT>/data/samplesheet.csv (option 2)
  • k2db=/scratch/<PROJECT>/databases/kraken2_db
  • sequencing_summary=/scratch/<PROJECT>/data/sequencing_summary.txt

This is the structure of the run script saved in test/ on all files in a directory:


#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00
#PBS -l ncpus=1
#PBS -l mem=5GB
#PBS -W umask=022
#PBS -q copyq
#PBS -l wd
#PBS -l storage=scratch/<PROJECT>
#PBS -l jobfs=100GB


# Load version of nextflow with plug-in functionality enabled 
module load nextflow/24.04.1 
module load singularity 

# Define inputs 
input_directory= #path to your input directory
samplesheet= #path to samplesheet
k2db= #path to predownloaded kraken2 database
sequencing_summary= #path to sequencing summary file from ONT run 

# Run pipeline 
nextflow run \
  --input_directory ${input_directory} \
  --kraken2_db ${k2db} \
  --sequencing_summary ${sequencing_summary} \

This is the structure of the run script saved in test/ on selected files specified in a samplesheet:


#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00
#PBS -l ncpus=1
#PBS -l mem=5GB
#PBS -W umask=022
#PBS -q copyq
#PBS -l wd
#PBS -l storage=scratch/<PROJECT>
#PBS -l jobfs=100GB


# Load version of nextflow with plug-in functionality enabled 
module load nextflow/24.04.1 
module load singularity 

# Define inputs 
input_directory= #path to your input directory
samplesheet= #path to samplesheet
k2db= #path to predownloaded kraken2 database
sequencing_summary= #path to sequencing summary file from ONT run 

# Run pipeline 
nextflow run \
  --input_directory ${input_directory} \
  --kraken2_db ${k2db} \
  --sequencing_summary ${sequencing_summary} \

To execute the pipeline and observe its progress, please run the following command:

bash test/

You can also run the pipeline with the following command:

qsub test/

Monitor your execution

If you execute the pipeline using the bash method above, rather than the qsub method, progress updates will be printed to the screen. Many tasks run by this pipeline are executed as jobs by the job scheduler. If you'd like to track the progress of these jobs, you can run:

qstat -Esw

Examine the results

Results are currently output to the results directory. See for a summary of the outputs.

Intermediate files that are not of interest in downstream work but may be useful for troubleshooting are available in the work/ directory. You can check which work directory corresponds to which process by looking at the .trace.txt file in results/runInfo directory.

Troubleshooting errors

  • Singularity cache and tmp directories: these can fill up quickly and cause errors. Make sure to clean them out regularly. If your workflow fails and mentions it has run out of disk space or hit the inode limit, first delete the tmp directory in your base directory (where you run the workflow from) and try again. If that doesn't work, delete the singularity cache directory and the tmp directory that sits within the same directory as your cache directory and try again.