#facebook watchman
watchman watch /path/to/dir
watchman watch-del /path/to/dir
watchman watch-list
watchman -- trigger /path/to/dir triggername [patterns] -- [cmd]
patterns 必须使用单引号 '' , 如 '*.txt'
match 模式: '*.lua' , 只会出发 根目录下的 lua 文件
正则查询: -p '.lua$' , 所有 .lua 后缀的文件
watchman trigger-del /path/to/dir triggername
watchman trigger-list /path/to/dir
watchman shutdown-server
ps -ef | grep watchman
echo python $PWD/watch.py $WATCH_ROOT $DIST_FOLDER
watchman -- trigger $WATCH_ROOT watchLua -p '.lua$' -- python $PWD/watch.py $WATCH_ROOT $DIST_FOLDER
监视 Resources/lua_scripts, 如果有 lua 文件发生修改,调用 watch.py 脚本,处理文件同步。
import os,sys , shutil
if len( sys.argv )>3:
#print "py notifie:" , sys.argv[1:]
WATCH_ROOT = sys.argv[1]
DIST_FOLDER = sys.argv[2]
print "all args:" , sys.argv[1:]
if not os.path.exists( DIST_FOLDER ):
os.makedirs( DIST_FOLDER )
for v in sys.argv[3:]:
print "py notifie:" , v
full_path_src = os.path.join( WATCH_ROOT , v )
#flatten dist path , all lua file will in same flat folder
_,v = os.path.split( v )
# full path of dist file
full_path_dist = os.path.join( DIST_FOLDER, v )
path , f = os.path.split( full_path_dist )
path2createOrDelete = path
#try to make dir
if not os.path.exists( path2createOrDelete ):
os.makedirs( path2createOrDelete )
if os.path.exists( full_path_src ):
shutil.copy( full_path_src , full_path_dist )
# src not exists, but dist exists
elif os.path.exists( full_path_dist ) :