August 25, 2023
- Fixed bug with aiming/firing controls being reversed.
- Added attack audio for enemies.
- Added audio for when enemy spots player.
- Moved scripts with triggers to be on individual game objects rather than being on the Progression game object as I was running into performance issues with the one Game Object checking all triggers every frame.
- Added audio for arrow.
July 29, 2023
No playable demo due to build error
- Added instruction text
- Added enemies to the map
- Finished creating triggers for different in game events
July 28, 2023
- Finished building rough structure of building
- Created landscape outside
- Added more enemies throughout the building
- Added fog
July 26, 2023
- Enemy follows player when they are within a certain distance
- If the player is within vision, the enemy turns a different color, and starts slowly moving towards the player
- If the enemy is close enough to the player, they turn red and start attacking/chasing
- Fixed bug with enemy animation not looping
July 26, 2023
- Fixed the build error
- Fixed bug causing arrow to freeze immediately in the air
July 25, 2023
No Playable demo due to build error
- Prevent player from sprinting while aiming
- Fixed arrow pickup mechanic
- Added enemy attack trigger, and animation
- Enemy damages player if player is hit
- If player's life reaches 0, they die
- Added ragdoll to player
July 22, 2023
- Added Enemy colliders to each body part
- Enabled ragdoll for enemy when they die
July 19, 2023
- Added Enemy
- Smoothed player animation by removing some animations while aiming
July 19, 2023
- Built game uncompressed (works in GitHub Pages now)
- Added player, some player animation, and arrow shooting mechanics
July 18, 2023
- Initial Build
- Uses gzip compression, which doesn't load in GitHub Pages