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253 lines (183 loc) · 8.11 KB

How to Use

Common methods

TOTP and HOTP objects have the following common methods:

  • public function at($input): generates an OTP at the specified counter
  • public function verify($otp, $input, $window): verifies if the OTP is valid for the specified input (timestamp, counter...)
  • public function getSecret(): returns the secret
  • public function setSecret($secret): sets the secret
  • public function getLabel(): returns the label
  • public function setLabel($label): sets the label
  • public function getIssuer(): returns the issuer
  • public function setIssuer($issuer): sets the issuer
  • public function isIssuerIncludedAsParameter(): if true, the issuer is also included into the query parameters
  • public function setIssuerIncludedAsParameter($issuer_included_as_parameter): defines if the issuer is added into the query parameters
  • public function getDigits(): returns the number of digits of OTPs
  • public function setDigits($digits): sets the number of digits of OTPs
  • public function getDigest(): returns the digest used to calculate the OTP
  • public function setDigest($digest): sets the digest used to calculate the OTP
  • public function getImage(): return the URI of in image associated with the OTP
  • public function setImage($image): sets the URI of in image associated with the OTP
  • public function getParameter($parameter): returns a custom parameter
  • public function getParameters(): returns all parameters
  • public function setParameter($parameter, $value): sets a custom parameter
  • public function getProvisioningUri(): returns a provisioning URI to ease integration in applications

Counter Based OTP (HOTP)

This OTP object has a specific method:

  • public function getCounter(): returns the current counter
  • public function setCounter($counter): rset the current counter

Time Based OTP (TOTP)

This OTP object has a specific method:

  • public function now(): return an OTP at the current timestamp
  • public function getInterval(): returns the interval (in seconds)
  • public function setInterval($interval): sets the interval (in seconds)

My firs OTPs

Hereafter an example using TOTP:


$totp = new TOTP;

$totp->now(); //e.g. will return '123456'
$totp->verify('123456'); //Will return true.

// 30 seconds later:
$totp->verify('123456'); //Will return false.

And using HOTP:


$hotp = new HOTP;

$hotp->at(1000); //e.g. will return '123456'
$hotp->verify('123456', 1000); //Will return true.
$hotp->verify('123456', 1000); //Will return false as the current counter is now 1001.

The window parameter

The method verify has a windows parameter. By default, it value is null. It means that the OTP will be tested at the exact counter/timestamp.

Window and HOTP

If the value is an integer, the method will try all OTP from counter to counter+window. For example, if the counteris 1000 and the window 10, the OTP tested are within 1000 and 1010.

$hotp->verify('123456', 999); //Will return false
$hotp->verify('123456', 999, 10); //Will return true (1000 is tested)

Window and TOTP

The window of timestamps goes from - $window * interval + timestamp to + $window * interval + timestamp. For example, if the windowis 5, the interval 30 and the timestamp 600, the OTP tested are within 450 and 750.

$totp->at(1000); //e.g. will return '123456'
$totp->verify('123456'); //Will return true.
// 30 seconds later
$totp->verify('123456'); //Will return false
$totp->verify('123456', null, 1); //Will return true during the next interval

Google Authenticator Compatible

The library works with the Google Authenticator iPhone and Android app, and also includes the ability to generate provisioning URI's for use with the QR Code scanner built into the app.

Google only supports SHA-1 digest algorithm, 30 second interval and 6 digits OTP. Other values for these parameters are ignored by the Google Authenticator application.


$totp = new TOTP;

$totp->getProvisioningUri(); // => 'otpauth://totp/'

You can now create a QRCode using the provisioning URI as input data.

Valid example

Scan the following barcode with your phone, using Google Authenticator

QR Code for OTP

Now run the following and compare the output


$totp = new TOTP;

echo "Current OTP: ". $totp->now();

Not Compatible with Google Authenticator

The following barcode will not work with Google Authenticator because digest algoritm is not SHA-1, there are 8 digits and counter is not 30 seconds.

QR Code for OTP

Now run the following and compare the output


$totp = new TOTP;

echo "Current OTP: ". $totp->now();

New features

Since version 6.0.0, OTP object will provide the following additional features

Hash algorithms

Now you can use any hash algorithm listed by hash_algos(). Note that most of applications only support md5, sha1, sha256 and sha512. You must verify that the algorithm you want to use can supported by application your client might use.


$totp = new TOTP;

$totp->getProvisioningUri(); // => 'otpauth://totp/'


For example, the application FreeOTP can load images from an URI (image parameter).

Please note that at the moment, we cannot list applications that support this parameter.


$totp = new TOTP;

$totp->getProvisioningUri(); // => 'otpauth://totp/'

When you load a QRCode using this input data, the application will try to load the image at

Custom parameters

OTP objects are able to support custom parameters. These parameters are available in the provisioning URI or from the method getParameter.


$totp = new TOTP;
     ->setParameter('foo', 'bar');

$totp->getProvisioningUri(); // => 'otpauth://totp/'

The factory

In some cases, you want to load a provisioning URI and get on OTP object. That is why we created a factory.

use OTPHP\Factory;

$otp = Factory::loadFromProvisioningUri('otpauth://totp/');

// The variable $otp is now a valid TOTP object with all parameters set (including custom parameters)