Using our builder image clone and checkout the public repo and th <> you are interested of:
$ docker run --rm -ti bash
$ export CI_PROJECT_DIR=/go/src/ && \
mkdir -p /go/src/ && \
cd src/ && \
git clone && \
cd stackstate-agent && \
git checkout <<branch>>
Remember to git pull
every time you push a change.
We use some private python libraries for our integrations therefore you need to configure artifactory as pypi repository:
$ export && \
export artifactory_user=... && \
export artifactory_password=... && \
source ./.gitlab-scripts/
$ conda activate ddpy3 && \
inv deps && \
inv agent.clean && \
inv -e agent.omnibus-build --base-dir /omnibus --skip-deps --skip-sign --major-version 3 --python-runtimes 3
$ conda activate ddpy2 && \
inv deps && \
inv agent.clean && \
inv -e agent.omnibus-build --base-dir /omnibus --skip-deps --skip-sign --major-version 2 --python-runtimes 2
Instead of cloning the repo you could use directly your local one:
$ docker run --rm -it --name stackstate-agent-builder --mount type=bind,source="${PWD}",target=/root/stackstate-agent,readonly bash
$ export CI_PROJECT_DIR=/go/src/ && \
mkdir -p /go/src/ && \
cd src/
$ cp -r /root/stackstate-agent /go/src/
Now configure Artifatory then build using either Python2 or Python3. Remember to copy every time you make a change on your local copy.