##Preview version 2.0-preview-2
- Self-heal
- Iron out bugs
- Tune values
- Cooldown
- /pr command
- API Methods
- Should it be a potion effect or manual HP addition?
- Heal other players
##Release version 2.0
- Regen "malfunctions"
- Pause RegenTasks when player logs out
- Find way to clear regeneration effects if server restarted
- Player preferences menu (/regen prefs)
- Fix bugs
- Add documentation
- Respect config settings
- The RegenTasks don't respect the length settings!
- Distribute resource pack (GitHub?)
##Upcoming version 2.1+
- Suppress needs for food/oxygen for a short time
- Give yourself a quick burst of energy (haste)
- Don't reset regen energy on respawn if desired
- "Appeal" for a new cycle (regen shop)
- Destructive regen when gaining a new cycle
- TARDIS integration
- Zero Room cures negative effects
- Bio and environment scanners
- Console change? (Destructive)
- Disable regeneration while "arched" (fob watch)
- mcMMO integration (if warranted)
- Randomize skills on regeneration?
- Custom skills for Time Lords?
- LibsDisguises integration
- Player skin changes on regeneration?
- Different visual effects on regeneration?
- Classic White