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Spyderisk development

This document is about development on the Spyderisk web application and backend service, written in Java (and Javascript, of course.) It is not for development using the Spyderisk Python adaptor, and it is not for development of Spyderisk domain models.


Initialise for Development

Install git and git-lfs

On an Ubuntu system:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git git-lfs

Run an SSH Agent

You should be using an SSH key to authenticate with GitLab. To avoid typing in the private key password all the time, you should run an SSH agent which holds the unencrypted private key in memory. In Windows you can use e.g. pageant (part of Putty). In Linux (or WSL2) do:

eval `ssh-agent`

Clone the system-modeller Git Repository

Cloning the system-modeller repository makes a copy of all the files (and their history) on your local machine. If you are using WSL2 then you should clone the repository within your chosen Linux distribution.

git clone
cd system-modeller

If you want to build the project and run the tests, you should obtain the test RDF files through git-lfs:

git lfs pull

Customise default Configuration Parameters (Optional Step)

The default configuration of the Spyderisk service, including service ports and credentials, can be customized through the '.env' file. To get started, please make a copy of the provided .env.template file and rename it to .env. Then, you can modify any of the default parameters in the .env file to match your specific environment configuration.

Download and Install default Knowledgebase(s)

Syderisk requires one or more knowledgebase (domain model) to be installed, prior to being able to develop system models in the GUI. These are available as zip file "bundles", containing the domain model itself, along with the icons and mapping file needed for generating a UI palette of visual assets.

An example knowledgebase is available at: Here, you will find the latest .zip bundle, at the bottom of the "Assets" list. This file should be downloaded and copied into the system-modeller/knowledgebases folder. Once Spyderisk has been started up (i.e. via starting the containers), these zip files will be automatically extracted and loaded into Spyderisk.

Of course, you may choose not to install a default knowledgebase, however, when the Spyderisk GUI first loads in your browser, you will be directed to load in a new knowledgebase manually.

Starting the Containers

To optimise the build, configure Docker to use "buildkit":


To bring the containers (ssm, mongo, keycloak) up and leave the terminal attached with the log files tailed:

docker compose up

Alternatively, to bring the containers up and background (detach) the process:

docker compose up -d

The docker-compose.yml file does not set the container_name property for the containers it creates. They therefore get named after the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file (the "project name") along with the identifier in the docker-compose.yml file and a digit (for uniqueness). The directory containing the docker-compose.yml file will, by default, be called system-modeller as that is the default name when doing git clone. Docker Compose picks up this name and uses it as the "project name". If more than one instance of the SSM is required on one host, an alternative project name is needed: either by renaming the system-modeller folder (recommended) or by using the -p flag in docker compose (e.g. docker compose -p <project name> up -d) but you must remember to use this flag every time.

Getting a Shell

To get a shell in the ssm container:

docker compose exec ssm bash

The equivalent docker command requires the full container name and also the -it flags to attach an interactive terminal to the process, e.g.:

docker exec -it system-modeller_ssm_1 bash

Viewing logs

To see the logs from a service and tail the log so that it updates, the command is:

docker compose logs -f <SERVICE>

Where <SERVICE> could be e.g. ssm.

Port Mappings

The various server ports in the container are mapped by Docker to ports on the host. The default ports on the host are defined in docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml:

  • 3000: Nodejs (3000) on the ssm container
  • 5005: Java debugging (5005) on the ssm container
  • 8080: Keycloak (8080) on the keycloak container
  • 8081: Tomcat (8081) on the ssm container
  • 8089: Nginx (80) on the proxy container

To change the ports mapping it is best to copy the .env.template file to .env and define the port numbers there. This is necessary if you need to run multiple instances of the service on the same host.

The Nginx reverse proxy forwards requests to the appropriate container and also includes redirects for documentation links. Therefore, it is advised to use port 8089

The rest of this document assumes the default port mapping.

To see the containers created by the docker compose command along with their ports:

$ docker compose ps
NAME                         IMAGE                     COMMAND                  SERVICE             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS
system-modeller-proxy-1      nginx:stable-alpine3.17   "/tmp/import/entrypo…"   proxy               23 minutes ago      Up 23 minutes>80/tcp
system-modeller-keycloak-1   keycloak/keycloak:21.0    "/tmp/import/entrypo…"   keycloak            23 minutes ago      Up 23 minutes>8080/tcp, 8443/tcp
system-modeller-mongo-1      mongo:5.0.16-focal        "docker-entrypoint.s…"   mongo               23 minutes ago      Up 23 minutes       27017/tcp
system-modeller-ssm-1        system-modeller-ssm       "tail -f /dev/null"      ssm                 23 minutes ago      Up 23 minutes>3000/tcp,>5005/tcp,>8081/tcp```

You might contrast that with a list of all containers on the host found through
the `docker` command:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                     COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                                                    NAMES
01cc2804cadf   nginx:stable-alpine3.17   "/tmp/import/entrypo…"   24 minutes ago   Up 24 minutes>80/tcp                                                     system-modeller-proxy-1
0a91f360c30b   system-modeller-ssm       "tail -f /dev/null"      24 minutes ago   Up 24 minutes>3000/tcp,>5005/tcp,>8081/tcp   system-modeller-ssm-1
1b27ac53ec18   keycloak/keycloak:21.0    "/tmp/import/entrypo…"   24 minutes ago   Up 24 minutes>8080/tcp, 8443/tcp                                         system-modeller-keycloak-1
a67ba45f70c5   mongo:5.0.16-focal        "docker-entrypoint.s…"   24 minutes ago   Up 24 minutes   27017/tcp                                                                system-modeller-mongo-1

Spyderisk application development

The system-modeller source code is synchronised with the ssm container. This means that you can use your favourite source code editor on your host machine but still do the build and execution inside the ssm container. The system-modeller folder is mounted at /code inside the ssm container.

Other folders which are written to by the build/execution such as build, logs, jena-tdb are not mounted from the host for performance reasons. They may only easily be accessed from within the container.

Gradle Tasks

The main build.gradle file has a few tasks defined as well as the standard ones:

  • assemble: builds the WAR including compiling Java and bundling JS
  • test: compiles the Java and runs the tests (classes and testClasses)
  • build: does assemble and also does test
  • bootDev: does Spring's bootRun task with the profile set to dev and without any dependencies running
  • bootTest: does Spring's bootRun task with the profile set to test and building the webapp first
  • gradle :taskTree :<task> shows what <task> will do (use --no-repeat to remove repeated tasks)

There is also a build.gradle in src/main/webapp for the web application. It mostly runs yarn commands via the gradle yarn plugin (yarn itself is not directly installed and available).

As yarn is not available directly, to add or remove packages during development use commands such as:

  • gradle addPackage -P packName="react-dom@4.6.6"
  • gradle addPackage -P packName="lodash" -P dev="true"
  • gradle removePackage -P packName="react-dom"
  • gradle install

After a commit that has changed the contents of src/main/webapp/package.json, a gradle install is necessary to update the local cache. This runs a yarn install which removes any unnecessary packages and installs the packages in package.json, in addition to any new additions. gradle build only rebuilds the cache of webapp from scratch if a new clean environment is found.

To create the webapp environment from scratch, follow the steps below:

  1. cd src/main/webapp
  2. gradle clean
  3. rm -rf src/main/webapp/node_modules
  4. rm -rf src/main/webapp/.gradle
  5. gradle install


The development environment initialises an insecure Keycloak service. The Keycloak configuration is stored in provisioning/keycloak/ssm.json and:

  • creates a realm (ssm-realm) within which there is a user and admin role defined;
  • permits holders of the admin role to manage the realm's users;
  • creates a client (system-modeller) and uses the KEYCLOAK_CREDENTIALS_SECRET environment variable (defined in .env) to insert a shared secret for communication with the system-modeller service;
  • creates a user called testuser holding the user role, with password password;
  • creates a user called testadmin holding the admin role, with password password.

The Keycloak (master realm) administrator username and password is also defined in .env and is admin/password.

Frontend Development

Get a shell on the ssm container, build the code and start the backend server on port 8081 http://localhost:8081/system-modeller/:

docker compose exec ssm bash
cd /code
./gradlew build
./gradlew bootDev

This starts a Tomcat servlet which handles API requests and also handles requests for the simple HTML pages. Using bootDev is the same as doing ./gradlew bootRun but sets to dev which means that the properties from src/main/resources/ are overlayed on the standard property file. This is defined in the bootDev target of build.gradle. Note that whereas bootRun would compile, bootDev does not.

The command does not exit until you press Ctrl-C at which point the server is stopped. If necessary the backend can be recompiled with ./gradlew test or just ./gradlew classes and the server started again with ./gradlew bootDev.

If changes then ./gradlew assemble is needed to get it into the webapp.

Get another shell on the ssm container and start the frontend server on port 3000 (which will be used by e.g. the dashboard and modeller pages):

docker compose exec ssm bash
cd /code
./gradlew start

Note that this gradle target is defined in src/main/webapp/build.gradle. It starts the server defined in src/main/webapp/server.js which uses the Express framework on top of NodeJS to serve the part of the SSM with the canvas in (the main part). It proxies requests for other pages through to the Spring Java backend.

The command does not exit until you press Ctrl-C but upon doing so the NodeJS server continues executing. There is another gradle task ./gradlew stopNode which kills all node processes.

When running this NodeJS server, webpack compile events are listened for and the client web page is automatically updated. Sometimes reloading the page in browser is needed, but normally the hot reload works fine.

Note: the ports 8081 and 3000 are hard-coded into the Express server.js file. Any change to the port mapping needs to be reflected there.

If, when running ./gradlew start you get an error message about Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use or similar, it is likely that Node is already running. You might want to stop it and start it again with ./gradlew stopNode start.

Debugging the Frontend

It is recommended that you install the following plugins in Chrome (or similar browser):

  • React Developer Tools: shows the React component hierarchy and each component's (editable) state and props.
  • Redux DevTools: show the application state, including how it changes with events

In VSCode (for instance), the following configuration in .vscode/launch.json will enable debugging of the frontend from within VSCode (launch with F5):

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "pwa-chrome",
            "request": "launch",
            "name": "Launch Chrome against localhost:3000 for frontend dev",
            "url": "http://localhost:3000/system-modeller",
            "webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/src/main/webapp",

Backend Development

If the main web UI is not being changed then it is simpler not to run the NodeJS server.

Get a shell on the ssm container (see above).

Build the code and start the backend server:

docker compose exec ssm bash
cd /code
./gradlew build
./gradlew bootTest

The bootTest target sets to test but it is not clear that this has any effect (TODO). It also bundles the Javascript webapp and then extracts the files. Finally it runs the ./gradlew boot task which starts a Tomcat servlet. As a result the whole SSM application works but the frontend is served from static files that are not hot-reloaded.

The SSM served by Tomcat can be accessed at http://localhost:8089/system-modeller (via the proxy) or direct to Tomcat via port 8081.

Debugging the Backend

Add the flag --debug-jvm to any of the usual gradle commands and the JVM will wait for a debugger to connect on guest port 5005. It is the equivalent of adding -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005 to the JVM command line.

./gradlew bootTest --debug-jvm

Then connect to localhost:5005 from your IDE.

In VSCode, for instance, debugger connections are configured in .vscode/launch.json. The necessary configuration is:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "java",
            "name": "Attach to Java debugger on localhost:5005 for backend dev",
            "request": "attach",
            "hostName": "localhost",
            "port": 5005

Shutdown and Persistence

The containers can be paused (and unpaused) which pauses the processes inside the container and thus releases host resources but does not lose process state:

docker compose pause
docker compose unpause

The containers can be stopped (and started) which will kill all the processes running in the container but leave the container present:

docker compose stop
docker compose start

If you originally used docker compose up to start the containers without detaching (with -d) then Ctrl-C is the same as docker compose stop.

The docker compose down command stops the containers, removes them and removes the networks they were using. There are also optional parameters to remove the volumes and images:

docker compose down

In all these cases, the (Docker disk) volumes are persisted and named volumes will be reattached to new containers, during restart. Assuming that you have reset.on.start=false in your file, this also means that any knowledgebases (domain models), system models, palettes, etc will be persisted after restarting the containers.

If the intention is to recreate the databases or reinstall the default knowledgebases, this may be done in the following ways:

a) Use docker compose down -v, then restart containers and Spyderisk as normal, e.g.

docker compose down -v
docker compose up -d
docker compose exec ssm bash
./gradlew assemble bootTest

b) Leave containers running, but set reset.on.start=true in your file, then restart Spyderisk, e.g.

docker compose exec ssm bash
./gradlew assemble bootTest

Building a Spyderisk System Modeller Image

Sometimes, to test something you need to build a "production" image of the sort built by the CI pipeline. You can then for instance use the image in the system-modeller-deployment project.

To build a production image use something like:

docker build --tag my-ssm-image --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 --file Dockerfile --target ssm-production .

If you need to test the image in the system-modeller-deployment project then just edit the docker-compose.yml file in that project to reference my-ssm-image instead of the image held remotely, e.g.:

    image: my-ssm-image:latest

When you're done with the image, remove it with docker image rm my-ssm-image.


The OpenAPI v3 documentation is automatically generated from the Java service code and is available from a live service at

  • http://server:port/context-path/v3/api-docs, e.g. /system-modeller/v3/api-docs (for JSON)
  • http://server:port/context-path/v3/api-docs.yaml, e.g. /system-modeller/v3/api-docs.yaml (for YAML)

The Swagger UI is also available for browsing the API:

  • http://server:port/context-path/swagger-ui.html, e.g. /system-modeller/swagger-ui.html

The file openAPI-3-schema.YAML in this repository is created by hand by combining the autogenerated YAML file along with the first few lines of the existing file.

Note that the object fields aLabel, mLabelhelpful tools and rLabel used in MisbehaviourSet and Node are inconsistent between the OpenAPI file and the JSON returned by the service. The OpenAPI file suggests they are all lower-case but in the JSON they are camelCase (aLabel etc). To auto-generate effective client code from the OpenAPI document it may be necessary to first replace alabel with aLabel and so on.

Another change that may be necessary is to replace date-time with int64 where the following fragment is found:

    type: string
    format: date-time

License checks

License compliance is a necessary part of software software development.

The Spyderisk Project takes responsibility for the license compliance of what we ship. We use a large stack of npm/yarn code that changes without our knowledge or permission, and there are different licenses within these stacks. By default we believe what npm and yarn tell us:

$ npx license-checker --summary
$ yarn licenses list

However these are only as good as their inputs, and in any case explicitly disclaim to be authoritative. There are many handy helper tools such as npm License Tracker Repository License Crawler which will examine Python, npm etc application trees and give an opinion on which licenses are in use.

We have documented experiments with one particular helper tool as follows to assist with the statements we make about licenses.

The LicenseFinder tool

The license finder software can generate some opinions about the licences of 3rd-party Javascript code.


Install license_finder:

apt-get install ruby
gem install license_finder

To use license_finder in the webapp folder, yarn (and therefore npm) is also required (rather than the versions built in to the gradle plugin):

apt-get install nodejs
apt-get install npm
npm install --global yarn


Decisions on which licences are approved (and why) are kept in the top-level dependency_decisions.yml file.

To find all licences and check them against the approved list:

cd /code
license_finder --decisions-file=/code/dependency_decisions.yml
cd /code/src/main/webapp
license_finder --decisions-file=/code/dependency_decisions.yml

To generate an HTML report, use the command:

license_finder report --format html --quiet --aggregate-paths /code /code/src/main/webapp --decisions-file=/code/dependency_decisions.yml > licences.html

To generate a CSV report, use the command:

license_finder report --quiet --aggregate-paths /code /code/src/main/webapp --decisions-file=/code/dependency_decisions.yml --columns name version authors licenses license_links approved homepage package_manager --write-headers > licences.csv