We'd love to have your contributions to the Ontology Publishing Project, initially developed for Spyderisk. This document is about our practical principles of working.
Please read our Code of Conduct to keep our community approachable and respectful.
We are looking for help from:
- semantic web specialists (do you know about knowledge graphs?)
- container specification and deployment experts (we just want to get this up and running reproducibly)
- web application experts (have you got something better than ontospy you know well?)
- Open a new issue in ontopublish
- Select the template marked "New Ontopublish query".
Fixes for code or documentation are welcome, on GitHub or elsewhere.
- create a GitHub fork and send a pull request
- put up your non-GitHub tree and send us the URL
But basically just talk to us using whatever means you are comfortable with.
- Our software licensing is Apache 2, and analogously for documentation
- Our communication is collaborative and collective
- We build our software around openly published academic theory