This work was done during an internship (L3, 2016) at Computer Science Laboratory (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris Nord, LIPN) at the University of Paris 13, with
CAO Anh Quan (University of Science and Technology of Hanoi)
supervized by
LEBBAH Mustapha (LIPN, Paris 13 university), AZZAG Hanene (LIPN, Paris 13 university), DOAN Nhat Quang (USTH, Vietnam).
The purpose of this program is to calculate the external and internal Indices using MapReduce Paradigm which is used to measure how good is the clustering algorithm (using labels with external indices). This work is based on the Cluster Crit package in R
internal indices:
- Czekanowski Dice
- Rand Index
- Rogers Tanimoto
- Folkes Mallows
- Jaccard
- Kulczynski
- McNemar
- Russel Rao
- Sokal Sneath 1
- Sokal Sneath 2
- Recall
- Precision
External indices:
- Davies Bouldin Index
- Silhouette Index.
The clustering algorithms are based on SMILE Smile (Statistical Machine Intelligence and Learning Engine). Smile is a fast and comprehensive machine learning system.