	Copyight: Deux Huit Huit 2012
	Copyight: Solutions Nitriques 2011
	License: MIT, see the LICENCE file

	if(!defined("__IN_SYMPHONY__")) die("<h2>Error</h2><p>You cannot directly access this file</p>");

	require_once(EXTENSIONS . '/oembed_field/fields/field.oembed.php');

	 * Embed Videos/Image Decorator/Extension
	 * Leverage oEmbed standard in Symphony CMS (http://oembed.com/)
	 * @author nicolas
	class extension_oembed_field extends Extension {

		 * Name of the extension
		 * @var string
		const EXT_NAME = 'Field: oEmbed';

		 * Symphony utility function that permits to
		 * implement the Observer/Observable pattern.
		 * We register here delegate that will be fired by Symphony

		public function getSubscribedDelegates(){
			return array(
					'page' => '/backend/',
					'delegate' => 'InitaliseAdminPageHead',
					'callback' => 'appendJS'
					'page' => '*',
					'delegate' => 'AppendContentType',
					'callback' => 'appendContentType'

		 * Append the content type for the Content Field.
		 * @param array $context
		public function appendContentType(&$context) {
			require_once __DIR__ . '/lib/oembed-content.php';

			$context['items']->{'oembed'} = new OembedContentType();

		 * Appends javascript file referneces into the head, if needed
		 * @param array $context
		public function appendJS(Array $context) {
			// store de callback array localy
			$c = Administration::instance()->getPageCallback();

			// publish page, new or edit
			if(isset($c['context']['section_handle']) && in_array($c['context']['page'], array('new', 'edit'))){

					URL . '/extensions/oembed_field/assets/publish.oembed.js',


			// section page, new or edit
			if($c['driver'] == 'blueprintssections') {

					URL . '/extensions/oembed_field/assets/section.oembed.css',
					time() + 1,


		/* ********* INSTALL/UPDATE/UNISTALL ******* */

		 * Creates the table needed for the settings of the field
		public function install() {
			// pre v1.3.1
			$create = FieldOembed::createFieldTable();
			// v1.3.1
			$unique = FieldOembed::updateFieldTable_Unique();
			// v1.3.2
			$thumbs = FieldOembed::updateFieldTable_Thumbs();
			// v1.4
			$params = FieldOembed::updateFieldTable_QueryParams();
			// v1.6
			$ssl = FieldOembed::updateFieldTable_ForceSSL();
			// v1.7.3
			$uniqueMedia = FieldOembed::updateFieldTable_UniqueMedia();
			return $create && $unique && $thumbs && $params && $ssl && $uniqueMedia;
		 * Creates the table needed for the settings of the field
		public function update($previousVersion = false) {
			$ret = true;

			// are we updating from lower than 1.3.1 ?
			if ($ret && version_compare($previousVersion,'1.3.1') == -1) {
				// update for unique setting
				$ret_unique = FieldOembed::updateFieldTable_Unique();
				// set the return value
				$ret = $ret_unique;
			// are we updating from lower than 1.3.2 ?
			if ($ret && version_compare($previousVersion, '1.3.2') == -1) {
				// update for the thumbs settings
				$ret_thumbs = FieldOembed::updateFieldTable_Thumbs();
				// v1.4
				// update for the params settings
				$ret_params = FieldOembed::updateFieldTable_QueryParams();
				// update for the driver column && set all drivers as allowed by default
				$ret_driver = FieldOembed::updateFieldTable_Driver() &&
				// set the return value
				$ret = $ret_thumbs && $ret_params && $ret_driver;
			// are we updating from lower or equal to 1.4 ?
			if ($ret && version_compare($previousVersion, '1.4') < 1) {
				// Fixes issue #22
				$ret = FieldOembed::updateDataTable_Driver();
			// are we updating from lower then 1.6 ?
			if ($ret && version_compare($previousVersion, '1.6') < 0) {
				$ret = FieldOembed::updateFieldTable_ForceSSL();
			// are we updating from lower then 1.7.3 ?
			if ($ret && version_compare($previousVersion, '1.7.3') < 0) {
				$ret = FieldOembed::updateFieldTable_UniqueMedia();
			// are we updating from lower then 1.8 ?
			if ($ret && version_compare($previousVersion, '1.8') < 0) {
				$ret = FieldOembed::updateFieldTable_UniqueKey();
			// are we updating from lower then 1.8 ?
			if ($ret && version_compare($previousVersion, '1.8') < 0) {
				$ret = FieldOembed::updateDataTable_UniqueKey();
			return $ret;
		 * Drops the table needed for the settings of the field
		public function uninstall() {
			// pre v1.3.2
			$field = FieldOembed::deleteFieldTable();
			return $field;