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SolarUser DIN API
The SolarUser Datum Input Endpoint API (DIN) provides methods to manage HTTP integration endpoint entities within SolarNetwork, that allow arbitrary measurement data to be ingested as a datum stream. All requests must provide a valid user authentication token. See SolarNet API authentication for information on how to use authentication tokens.
For general information about DIN support in SolarNetwork see the Datum Input Endpoint guide.
The following endpoint paths are all relative to the base path /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din
Verb | Endpoint | Description |
/credentials |
Create credential |
/credentials |
List credentials |
/credentials/{credentialId} |
View credential |
/credentials/{credentialId} |
Update credential |
/credentials/{credentialId} |
Delete credential |
/credentials/{credentialId}/enabled/{enabled} |
Update credential enabled status |
/transforms |
Create transform |
/transforms |
List transforms |
/transforms/{transformId} |
View transform |
/transforms/{transformId} |
Update transform |
/transforms/{transformId} |
Delete transform |
/transforms/{transformId}/enabled/{enabled} |
Update transform enabled status |
/transforms/{transformId}/preview |
Preview transform conversion |
/endpoints |
Create endpoint |
/endpoints |
List endpoints |
/endpoints/{endpointId} |
View endpoint |
/endpoints/{endpointId} |
Update endpoint |
/endpoints/{endpointId} |
Delete endpoint |
/endpoints/{endpointId}/enabled/{enabled} |
Update endpoint enabled status |
/endpoints/auths |
List endpoint authorizations |
/endpoints/{endpointId}/auths/{credentialId} |
View endpoint authorization |
/endpoints/{endpointId}/auths/{credentialId} |
Save endpoint authorization |
/endpoints/{endpointId}/auths/{credentialId} |
Delete endpoint authorization |
/endpoints/{endpointId}/auths/{credentialId}/enabled/{enabled} |
Update endpoint authorization enabled status |
For endpoints that return timestamp values (full date and time) the timestamps will be rendered as
string values using the ISO 8601 timestamp format YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS'Z'
in the UTC time
zone, for example 2020-03-01 10:30:49.346827Z
. The fractional second can contain up to 6 digits
for nanosecond level precision, and will only display up to the precision set in the timestamp. That
means the fractional seconds might not appear if the timestamp has no fractional seconds.
For endpoints that accept timestamp values, the same ISO 8601 timestamp format is required, however
the fractional seconds may be omitted. For example 2020-03-01 10:30:49Z
is a valid value.
Credential entities define username and password details that can be associated with Endpoint Authorizations. A single Credential can be associated with any number of Endpoint Authorizations, and a single Endpoint Authorization can be associated with any number of Credentials.
This method creates a new Credential entity. An application/json
request body must be provided with
the credential details to create.
POST | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/credentials |
The request body accepts a Credential JSON object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
enabled |
Boolean | The desired enabled state of the entity. |
username |
String | The username. The username must be unique within your SolarNetwork account. |
password |
String | The password. |
For example:
The response will be a Credential entity object that provides the ID assigned to the new Credential.
See Credential view response for more information. In addition a
HTTP header will be returned with the path to view the entity, for example:
Location: /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/credentials/1
This method returns a list of Credential entities matching an optional search filter.
GET | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/credentials |
The request body accepts a search filter JSON object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
credentialId |
Number | The ID of a credential to match. |
credentialIds |
Array<Number> | A list of credential IDs to match (logical OR). |
enabled |
Boolean | The desired enabled state to match. |
offset |
Number | Optional starting result offset. Defaults to 0 . |
max |
Number | Optional maximum result count, or unlimited if not provided. |
The response will be a paged results list of Credential entity objects. See the Credential view response for details.
This method returns a Credential entity.
GET | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/credentials/{credentialId} |
credentialId |
The ID of the Credential to view. |
The response will be a Credential entity object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
userId |
Number | The SolarNetwork account ID that owns the entity. |
credentialId |
Number | A unique ID assigned to the entity. |
created |
String | The creation date. |
modified |
String | The modification date. |
enabled |
Boolean | Enabled status indicator. Only enabled entities will be considered during authorization. |
username |
String | The username. |
⚠️ Note that thepassword
provided when the Credential was created or updated will not be returned.
An example response looks like:
"success": true,
"data": {
"userId": 123,
"credentialId": 2,
"created": "2024-02-26 04:09:40.498708Z",
"modified": "2024-02-26 04:09:40.498708Z",
"enabled": true,
"username": "test"
This method updates an existing Credential entity. An application/json
request body must be
provided with the complete entity details to save.
PUT | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/credentials/{credentialId} |
credentialId |
The ID of the Credential to update. |
The request body accepts a Credential JSON object as specified in the Credential create method.
This method deletes a Credential entity. All Endpoint Authorization entities associated with the entity will be deleted as well.
DELETE | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/credentials/{credentialId} |
credentialId |
The ID of the Credential to delete. |
This method updates the enabled status of a Credential entity.
POST | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/credentials/{credentialId}/enabled/{enabled} |
credentialId |
The ID of the Credential to update. |
enabled |
The desired enabled state to set. |
Transform entities define raw measurement data conversions, by configuring a Transform Service along with any settings supported by that service. A Transform entity can associated with any number of Endpoints.
This method creates a new Transform entity. An application/json
request body must be provided with
the transform details to create.
POST | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/transforms |
The request body accepts a Transform JSON object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
enabled |
Boolean | The desired enabled state of the entity. |
name |
String | A display name. |
serviceIdentifier |
String | The Service ID of the Transform Service to use. |
serviceProperties |
Object | Transform Service-specific settings to use. |
For example:
"name": "Meter XML",
"enabled": "true",
"serviceIdentifier": "net.solarnetwork.central.din.XsltTransformService",
"serviceProperties": {
"xslt": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\" xmlns:xs=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns:math=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/math\" exclude-result-prefixes=\"xs math\" version=\"3.0\"><xsl:output method=\"text\"/><!-- Support both a root-level <data/> element or a nested list like <array><data/><data/></array> --><xsl:template match=\"/\"><xsl:if test=\"count(//data) gt 1\">[</xsl:if><xsl:apply-templates select=\"//data\"/><xsl:if test=\"count(//data) gt 1\">]</xsl:if></xsl:template><xsl:template match=\"data\"><xsl:if test=\"position() gt 1\">,</xsl:if><!-- Always generate a \"created\" property so it is easier to generate all subsequent properties with a leading comma character. --><xsl:text>{\"created\":\"</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select=\"if (exists(@ts)) then @ts else current-dateTime()\"/><xsl:text>\"</xsl:text><xsl:choose><xsl:when test=\"number(@node) eq number(@node)\"><xsl:text>,\"nodeId\":</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select=\"@node\"/></xsl:when><xsl:when test=\"number(@location) eq number(@location)\"><xsl:text>,\"locationId\":</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select=\"@location\"/></xsl:when></xsl:choose><xsl:if test=\"exists(@source)\"><xsl:text>,\"sourceId\":\"</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select=\"@source\"/><xsl:text>\"</xsl:text></xsl:if><!-- Convert all <prop> values that are numbers into instantaneous datum properties. --><xsl:variable name=\"instantaneous\" select=\"prop[number() eq number()]\"/><xsl:if test=\"count($instantaneous) gt 0\"><xsl:text>,\"i\":{</xsl:text><xsl:apply-templates select=\"$instantaneous\"/><xsl:text>}</xsl:text></xsl:if><xsl:variable name=\"status\" select=\"./prop[number() ne number()]\"/><xsl:if test=\"count($status) gt 0\"><xsl:text>,\"s\":{</xsl:text><xsl:apply-templates select=\"$status\"/><xsl:text>}</xsl:text></xsl:if><xsl:text>}</xsl:text></xsl:template><xsl:template match=\"prop\"><xsl:if test=\"position() gt 1\"><xsl:text>,</xsl:text></xsl:if><xsl:text>\"</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select=\"@name\"/><xsl:text>\":</xsl:text><xsl:variable name=\"isNumber\" select=\"number() eq number()\"/><xsl:if test=\"not($isNumber)\"><xsl:text>\"</xsl:text></xsl:if><xsl:value-of select=\".\"/><xsl:if test=\"not($isNumber)\"><xsl:text>\"</xsl:text></xsl:if></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>"
The response will be a Transform entity object that provides the ID assigned to the new Transform.
See Transform view response for more information. In addition a
HTTP header will be returned with the path to view the entity, for example:
Location: /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/transforms/1
This method returns a list of Transform entities matching an optional search filter.
GET | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/transforms |
The request body accepts a search filter JSON object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
transformId |
Number | The ID of a transform to match. |
transformIds |
Array<Number> | A list of transform IDs to match (logical OR). |
offset |
Number | Optional starting result offset. Defaults to 0 . |
max |
Number | Optional maximum result count, or unlimited if not provided. |
The response will be a paged results list of Transform entity objects. See the Transform view response for details.
This method returns a Transform entity.
GET | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/transforms/{transformId} |
transformId |
The ID of the Transform to view. |
The response will be a Transform entity object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
userId |
Number | The SolarNetwork account ID that owns the entity. |
transformId |
Number | A unique ID assigned to the entity. |
created |
String | The creation date. |
modified |
String | The modification date. |
enabled |
Boolean | Enabled status indicator. Only enabled entities will be considered during authorization. |
name |
String | The display name. |
serviceIdentifier |
String | The Service ID of the Transform Service to use. |
serviceProperties |
Object | Transform Service-specific settings to use. |
An example response looks like:
"success": true,
"data": {
"userId": 123,
"transformId": 1,
"created": "2024-02-23 05:34:52.307385Z",
"modified": "2024-02-23 05:34:52.307385Z",
"enabled": true,
"name": "JSON Meter",
"serviceIdentifier": "net.solarnetwork.central.din.XsltTransformService",
"serviceProperties": {
"xslt": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\"\n xmlns:xs=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\"\n xpath-default-namespace=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions\" version=\"3.0\">\n\n <xsl:param name=\"input-json\">\n {\n \"ts\": \"2024-02-22T12:00:00Z\",\n \"node\": 123,\n \"source\": \"test/1\",\n \"props\": {\n \"foo\": 123,\n \"bim\": 234,\n \"msg\": \"Hello\"\n }\n }\n </xsl:param>\n\n <xsl:mode on-no-match=\"deep-skip\"/>\n <xsl:output method=\"text\"/>\n\n <xsl:variable name=\"input-xml\" select=\"json-to-xml($input-json)\"/>\n \n <!--\n The XML form in $input-xml looks like this:\n \n <map xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions\">\n \t<string key=\"ts\">2024-02-22T12:00:00Z</string>\n \t<number key=\"node\">123</number>\n \t<string key=\"source\">test/1</string>\n \t<map key=\"props\">\n \t\t<number key=\"foo\">123</number>\n \t\t<number key=\"bim\">234</number>\n \t\t<string key=\"msg\">Hello</string>\n \t</map>\n </map>\n -->\n\n <xsl:template match=\"/\">\n <xsl:apply-templates select=\"$input-xml/*\"/>\n </xsl:template>\n\n <xsl:template match=\"map[not(exists(@key))]\">\n <xsl:text>{\"created\":\"</xsl:text>\n <xsl:value-of select=\"\n if (exists(string[@key = 'ts'])) then\n string[@key = 'ts']\n else\n current-dateTime()\"/>\n <xsl:text>\"</xsl:text>\n <xsl:if test=\"exists(number[@key = 'node'])\">\n <xsl:text>,\"nodeId\":</xsl:text>\n <xsl:value-of select=\"number[@key = 'node']\"/>\n </xsl:if>\n <xsl:if test=\"exists(string[@key = 'source'])\">\n <xsl:text>,\"sourceId\":\"</xsl:text>\n <xsl:value-of select=\"string[@key = 'source']\"/>\n <xsl:text>\"</xsl:text>\n </xsl:if>\n <!--\n Convert all <map key=\"props\"><number> values into instantaneous datum properties.\n -->\n <xsl:variable name=\"instantaneous\" select=\"map[@key = 'props']/number\"/>\n <xsl:if test=\"count($instantaneous) gt 0\">\n <xsl:text>,\"i\":{</xsl:text>\n <xsl:apply-templates select=\"$instantaneous\"/>\n <xsl:text>}</xsl:text>\n </xsl:if>\n <!--\n Convert all <map key=\"props\"><string> values into instantaneous datum properties.\n -->\n <xsl:variable name=\"status\" select=\"map[@key = 'props']/string\"/>\n <xsl:if test=\"count($status) gt 0\">\n <xsl:text>,\"s\":{</xsl:text>\n <xsl:apply-templates select=\"$status\"/>\n <xsl:text>}</xsl:text>\n </xsl:if>\n <xsl:text>}</xsl:text>\n </xsl:template>\n\n <xsl:template match=\"map[@key = 'props']/number\">\n <xsl:if test=\"position() gt 1\">,</xsl:if>\n <xsl:text>\"</xsl:text>\n <xsl:value-of select=\"@key\"/>\n <xsl:text>\":</xsl:text>\n <xsl:value-of select=\".\"/>\n </xsl:template>\n\n <xsl:template match=\"map[@key = 'props']/string\">\n <xsl:if test=\"position() gt 1\">,</xsl:if>\n <xsl:text>\"</xsl:text>\n <xsl:value-of select=\"@key\"/>\n <xsl:text>\":\"</xsl:text>\n <xsl:value-of select=\".\"/>\n <xsl:text>\"</xsl:text>\n </xsl:template>\n\n</xsl:stylesheet>"
This method updates an existing Transform entity. An application/json
request body must be
provided with the complete entity details to save.
PUT | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/transforms/{transformId} |
transformId |
The ID of the Transform to update. |
The request body accepts a Transform JSON object as specified in the Transform create method.
This method deletes a Transform entity. All Endpoint Authorization entities associated with the entity will be deleted as well.
DELETE | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/transforms/{transformId} |
transformId |
The ID of the Transform to delete. |
This method updates the enabled status of a Transform entity.
POST | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/transforms/{transformId}/enabled/{enabled} |
transformId |
The ID of the Transform to update. |
enabled |
The desired enabled state to set. |
This method allows you to simulate the data conversion process using a given Transform entity.
POST | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/transforms/{transformId}/preview |
transformId |
The ID of the Transform to execute. |
The request body accepts either JSON or XML content, and must be in a form expected by the Transform Service configured on the specified Transform entity.
The body can be compressed using gzip
if you include a Content-Encoding: gzip
HTTP header.
The response will be a Transform Output object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
datum |
Array<Object> | A list of the successfully converted native SolarNetwork datum. |
transformOutput |
String | Intermediate output of the transform service, if the service generates one (for example the JSON output of the XSLT Transform Service). |
message |
String | An error message, if an error occurred. |
An example response for a preview using the XSLT Transform Service looks like:
"success": true,
"data": {
"datum": [
"created": "2024-02-22 12:00:00Z",
"sourceId": "test/1",
"i": {
"foo": 123
"created": "2024-02-22 12:01:00Z",
"nodeId": 124,
"sourceId": "test/2",
"i": {
"bim": 234
"transformOutput": "[{\"created\":\"2024-02-22T12:00:00Z\",\"sourceId\":\"test/1\",\"i\":{\"foo\":123}},{\"created\":\"2024-02-22T12:01:00Z\",\"nodeId\":124,\"sourceId\":\"test/2\",\"i\":{\"bim\":234}}]"
Another example showing an error result looks like:
"success": true,
"data": {
"transformOutput": "",
"message": "External resources are not allowed (common-templates.xsl)."
Endpoint entities define a unique data input URL, with an associated Transform to use for converting the input measurement data to SolarNetwork native datum, and node and source ID values to assign to the converted datum.
This method creates a new Endpoint entity. An application/json
request body must be provided with
the endpoint details to create.
POST | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/endpoints |
The request body accepts an Endpoint JSON object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
enabled |
Boolean | The desired enabled state of the entity. |
name |
String | A display name. |
nodeId |
Number | The node ID to assign to converted datum. Omit if the transform itself generates the node ID. |
sourceId |
Number | The source ID to assign to converted datum. Omit if the transform itself generates the node ID. |
transformId |
Number | The ID of the Transform entity to use for converting the input data. |
For example:
{"name":"Meter XML","nodeId":1,"sourceId":"meter/1","transformId":1,"enabled":true}
The response will be an Endpoint entity object that provides the ID assigned to the new Endpoint.
See Endpoint view response for more information. In addition a
HTTP header will be returned with the path to view the entity, for example:
Location: /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/endpoints/1
This method returns a list of Endpoint entities matching an optional search filter.
GET | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/endpoints |
The request body accepts a search filter JSON object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
endpointId |
Number | The ID of an endpoint to match. |
endpointIds |
Array<Number> | A list of endpoint IDs to match (logical OR). |
enabled |
Boolean | The desired enabled state to match. |
offset |
Number | Optional starting result offset. Defaults to 0 . |
max |
Number | Optional maximum result count, or unlimited if not provided. |
The response will be a paged results list of Endpoint entity objects. See the Endpoint view response for details.
This method returns an Endpoint entity.
GET | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/endpoints/{endpointId} |
endpointId |
The ID of the Endpoint to view. |
The response will be an Endpoint entity object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
userId |
Number | The SolarNetwork account ID that owns the entity. |
endpointId |
Number | A unique ID assigned to the entity. |
created |
String | The creation date. |
modified |
String | The modification date. |
enabled |
Boolean | Enabled status indicator. Only enabled entities will be considered during authorization. |
name |
String | A display name. |
nodeId |
Number | The node ID to assign to converted datum. Omit if the transform itself generates the node ID. |
sourceId |
Number | The source ID to assign to converted datum. Omit if the transform itself generates the node ID. |
transformId |
Number | The ID of the Transform entity to use for converting the input data. |
An example response looks like:
"success": true,
"data": {
"userId": 123,
"endpointId": "d4f3d589-31fd-4005-b780-b0593f943910",
"created": "2024-02-23 05:28:38.268362Z",
"modified": "2024-02-23 05:28:38.268362Z",
"enabled": true,
"name": "Meter XML",
"nodeId": 1,
"sourceId": "meter/1",
"transformId": 1
This method updates an existing Endpoint entity. An application/json
request body must be
provided with the complete entity details to save.
PUT | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/endpoints/{endpointId} |
endpointId |
The ID of the Endpoint to update. |
The request body accepts an Endpoint JSON object as specified in the Endpoint create method.
This method deletes an Endpoint entity. All Endpoint Authorization entities associated with the entity will be deleted as well.
DELETE | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/endpoints/{endpointId} |
endpointId |
The ID of the Endpoint to delete. |
This method updates the enabled status of an Endpoint entity.
POST | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/endpoints/{endpointId}/enabled/{enabled} |
endpointId |
The ID of the Endpoint to update. |
enabled |
The desired enabled state to set. |
Endpoint Authorization entities associate a Credential with an Endpoint, defining the credentials allowed to post data to the endpoint. Authorizations for any number of unique credentials can be a created for a given endpoint. A given credential can be associated with any number of endpoints.
This method returns a list of Endpoint Authorization entities matching an optional search filter.
GET | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/endpoints/auths |
The request body accepts a search filter JSON object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
endpointId |
Number | The ID of an endpoint to match. |
endpointIds |
Array<Number> | A list of endpoint IDs to match (logical OR). |
credentialId |
Number | The ID of a credential to match. |
credentialIds |
Array<Number> | A list of credential IDs to match (logical OR). |
enabled |
Boolean | The desired enabled state to match. |
offset |
Number | Optional starting result offset. Defaults to 0 . |
max |
Number | Optional maximum result count, or unlimited if not provided. |
The response will be a paged results list of Endpoint Authorization entity objects. See the Endpoint Authorization view response for details.
This method returns an Endpoint Authorization entity.
GET | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/endpoints/{endpointId}/auths/{credentialId} |
endpointId |
The endpoint ID of the Endpoint Authorization to view. |
credentialId |
The credential ID of the Endpoint Authorization to view. |
The response will be an Endpoint Authorization entity object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
userId |
Number | The SolarNetwork account ID that owns the entity. |
endpointId |
String | The ID of the associated endpoint entity. |
credentialId |
Number | The ID of the associated credential entity. |
created |
String | The creation date. |
modified |
String | The modification date. |
enabled |
Boolean | Enabled status indicator. Only enabled entities will be considered during authorization. |
An example response looks like:
"success": true,
"data": {
"userId": 123,
"endpointId": "d4f3d589-31fd-4005-b780-b0593f943910",
"credentialId": 1,
"created": "2024-02-23 05:36:03.447153Z",
"modified": "2024-02-26 06:51:19.787894Z",
"enabled": true
This method creates or updates an existing Endpoint Authorization entity. An application/json
request body must be provided with the complete entity details to save.
PUT | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/endpoints/{endpointId}/auths/{credentialId} |
endpointId |
The endpoint ID of the Endpoint Authorization to update. |
credentialId |
The credential ID of the Endpoint Authorization to update. |
The request body accepts an Endpoint Authorization JSON object with the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
enabled |
Boolean | The desired enabled state of the entity. |
For example:
This method deletes an Endpoint Authorization entity. All Endpoint Authorization Authorization entities associated with the entity will be deleted as well.
DELETE | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/endpoints/{endpointId}/auths/{credentialId} |
endpointId |
The endpoint ID of the Endpoint Authorization to delete. |
credentialId |
The credential ID of the Endpoint Authorization to delete. |
This method updates the enabled status of an Endpoint Authorization entity.
POST | /solaruser/api/v1/sec/user/din/endpoints/{endpointId}/auths/{credentialId}/enabled/{enabled} |
endpointId |
The endpoint ID of the Endpoint Authorization to update. |
credentialId |
The credential ID of the Endpoint Authorization to update. |
enabled |
The desired enabled state to set. |
- SolarNetwork API access
- SolarNetwork API authentication
- SolarNetwork global objects
- SolarNetwork aggregation
- SolarFlux API
- SolarIn API
- SolarQuery API
SolarUser API
- SolarUser enumerated types
- SolarUser datum expire API
- SolarUser datum export API
- SolarUser datum import API
- SolarUser event hook API
- SolarUser location request API
- SolarUser Cloud Integrations API
- SolarUser DIN API
- SolarUser DNP3 API
- SolarUser ININ API
- SolarUser OCPP API
- SolarUser OSCP API
- SolarUser SolarFlux API