Lmod is automatically replacing "gcc/9.1.0" with "intel/19.1.1". Inactive Modules: 1) python3/3.8.2 TACC: Starting up job 6077605 TACC: Starting parallel tasks... ----- TEST MODE WITH INTENDED PARTITION 1x1----- _ _ ___ _ | | _ \ \ Version : 5.0-61-gd8e1d85-master / __| _ __ (_) | | ___ (_) | | \__ \ | ' \ _ | | / -_) _ | | |___/ |_|_|_| |_| |_| \___| |_| | | /_/ Reading the simulation parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HDF5 version 1.12.0 Python version 2.7.16 Parsing pyinit.py Parsing 5.0-61-gd8e1d85-master Parsing pyprofiles.py Parsing inp.py ************************** B0 = 156 nT n0_nr = 25.37; n0b_nr=24.86; n0i_nr=0.51 de = 2.17 km ('wpe/wce = ', 5.04) ('wpi/wce = ', 0.12) lenx_cwr = 46.65; leny_cwr = 244.89 lenx_di = 5.48; leny_di = 28.78 before resizing: box = [46.65, 244.89] Lmin, Lmax, zmax = [0.56, 0.64, 0.21] after resizing: box = [48.0, 256.0] Lmin, Lmax, zmax = [0.558839191801, 0.641160808199, 0.219524310394] ('cells = ', [1536.0, 8192.0]) ('cells per patch: ', 6.0, 8.0) ************************** Parsing pycontrol.py Check for function preprocess() python preprocess function does not exist Calling python _smilei_check Calling python _keep_python_running() : CAREFUL: Patches distribution: hilbertian  Smilei will run on CPU devices  [WARNING](0) src/Params/Params.cpp:1139 (compute) simulation_time has been redefined from 2000.000000 to 1999.982588 to match timestep. Geometry: 2Dcartesian ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interpolation order : 2 Maxwell solver : Yee simulation duration = 1999.982588, total number of iterations = 92356 timestep = 0.021655 = 0.980000 x CFL, time resolution = 46.178402 Grid length: 48, 256 Cell length: 0.03125, 0.03125, 0 Number of cells: 1536, 8192 Spatial resolution: 32, 32 Electromagnetic boundary conditions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xmin PML 10 cells. xmax PML 10 cells. ymin PML 10 cells. ymax PML 10 cells. Vectorization: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mode: off Initializing MPI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE enabled Number of MPI processes: 1 Number of threads per MPI process : 1 OpenMP task parallelization not activated Number of patches: 256 x 1024 Number of cells in one patch: 6 x 8 Dynamic load balancing: never Initializing the restart environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initializing species ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Creating Species #0: proton_bk > Pusher: boris > Species frozen until time: 100000.000000 > Boundary conditions: reflective reflective reflective reflective > Density profile: 2D user-defined function Creating Species #1: elec_bk > Pusher: boris > Boundary conditions: reflective reflective reflective reflective > Density profile: 2D user-defined function Creating Species #2: proton > Pusher: boris CAREFUL: For species 'proton' possible conflict between time-frozen & not cold initialization  > Species frozen until time: 100000.000000 > Boundary conditions: reflective reflective reflective reflective > Density profile: 2D user-defined function (uses numpy) Creating Species #3: elec > Pusher: boris > Boundary conditions: reflective reflective reflective reflective > Density profile: 2D user-defined function (uses numpy) Initializing External fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- External field Bx: 2D user-defined function (uses numpy) External field By: 2D user-defined function (uses numpy) Initializing Patches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First patch created All patches created Creating Diagnostics, antennas, and external fields ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Created ParticleBinning #0: species elec Axis x from 0 to 48 in 48 steps Axis y from 0 to 256 in 256 steps Created ParticleBinning #1: species elec Axis x from 0 to 48 in 48 steps Axis y from 0 to 256 in 256 steps Created ParticleBinning #2: species elec Axis x from 0 to 48 in 48 steps Axis y from 0 to 256 in 256 steps Created ParticleBinning #3: species elec Axis x from 0 to 48 in 48 steps Axis y from 0 to 256 in 256 steps Created ParticleBinning #4: species elec_bk Axis x from 0 to 48 in 48 steps Axis y from 0 to 256 in 256 steps Created ParticleBinning #5: species elec_bk Axis x from 0 to 48 in 48 steps Axis y from 0 to 256 in 256 steps Created ParticleBinning #6: species elec_bk Axis x from 0 to 48 in 48 steps Axis y from 0 to 256 in 256 steps Created ParticleBinning #7: species elec_bk Axis x from 0 to 48 in 48 steps Axis y from 0 to 256 in 256 steps Diagnostic Fields #0 : Ex Diagnostic Fields #1 : Ey Diagnostic Fields #2 : Ez Diagnostic Fields #3 : Bx Diagnostic Fields #4 : By Diagnostic Fields #5 : Bz Diagnostic Fields #6 : Rho_elec Diagnostic Fields #7 : Rho_elec_bk Probe diagnostic #0 1 points origin : 11.4451, 218.377 Probe diagnostic #1 1 points origin : 24.7608, 189.822 Probe diagnostic #2 1 points origin : 32.9155, 159.388 Probe diagnostic #3 1 points origin : 9.76952, 157.363 Probe diagnostic #4 1 points origin : 13.4508, 187.827 Probe diagnostic #5 1 points origin : 21.3425, 158.375 Probe diagnostic #6 1 points origin : 22.3255, 221.293 Probe diagnostic #7 1 points origin : 36.0707, 191.816 Finalize MPI environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Done creating diagnostics, antennas, and external fields Expected disk usage (approximate) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: disk usage by non-uniform particles maybe strongly underestimated, especially when particles are created at runtime (ionization, pair generation, etc.) Expected disk usage for diagnostics: File Fields0.h5: 1.18 G File Fields1.h5: 1.18 G File Fields2.h5: 1.18 G File Fields3.h5: 1.18 G File Fields4.h5: 1.18 G File Fields5.h5: 1.18 G File Fields6.h5: 1.18 G File Fields7.h5: 1.18 G File Probes0.h5: 2.49 M File Probes1.h5: 2.49 M File Probes2.h5: 2.49 M File Probes3.h5: 2.49 M File Probes4.h5: 2.49 M File Probes5.h5: 2.49 M File Probes6.h5: 2.49 M File Probes7.h5: 2.49 M File scalars.txt: 1.72 M File ParticleBinning0.h5: 18.97 M File ParticleBinning1.h5: 18.97 M File ParticleBinning2.h5: 18.97 M File ParticleBinning3.h5: 18.97 M File ParticleBinning4.h5: 18.97 M File ParticleBinning5.h5: 18.97 M File ParticleBinning6.h5: 18.97 M File ParticleBinning7.h5: 18.97 M Total disk usage for diagnostics: 9.63 G Keeping or closing the python runtime environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Checking for cleanup() function: python cleanup function does not exist Closing Python END TEST MODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TACC: Shutdown complete. Exiting.