The tiers communicated by the API are numeric. This is the mapping:
- Reserved. It's not used by the API.
- Free.
- Premium 5.
- Premium 20.
- Premium 80.
Returns the health of the service
- Requires a valid JWT:
- Returns:
- 200 JSON object
"dbAlive": "true"
Sets the skynet-jwt
- Requires valid JWT:
- POST params:
- Returns:
- 204
- 400
- 401 (missing JWT)
- 500
Removes the skynet-jwt
- Requires valid JWT:
- Returns:
- 204
- 400
- 401 (missing JWT)
- 500
Creates a new user.
- Requires a valid JWT:
- POST params:
- Returns:
- 200 JSON object - the user object
- 400 (invalid email, missing password, email already used)
- 500
This request combines the "get user data" and "create user" requests - if the users exists in the DB, their data will be returned. If they don't exist in the DB, an account will be created on the Free tier.
- Requires valid JWT:
- Returns:
- 200 JSON object - the user object
- 401 (missing JWT)
- 404 (when there is no such user, and we fail to create it)
- 500 (on any other error)
This endpoint allows us to update the user's email or set their StripeID. If the user's StripeID is already set and you try to update it you will get a 409 Conflict.
POST params:
- JSON object (all fields are optional)
{ "email": "", "stripeCustomerId": "someStripeId" }
- JSON object (all fields are optional)
Requires valid JWT:
- 200 JSON object - the user object
- 400
- 401 (missing JWT)
- 404
- 409 Conflict (StripeID is already set)
- 500
Deletes the user and all of their data.
- Requires valid JWT:
- Returns:
- 204
- 401 (missing JWT)
- 404 (when there is no such user)
- 500 (on any other error)
Returns the portal limits of the current user. Returns the values for
if there is no valid JWT.
- Requires a valid JWT:
- Returns:
- 200 JSON object
"tierName": "anonymous",
"upload": 123,
"download": 123,
"maxUploadSize": 123,
"registry": 123
Returns statistical information about the user.
- Requires a valid JWT:
- Returns:
- 200 JSON object
"rawStorageUsed": 123,
"numRegReads": 123,
"numRegWrites": 123,
"numUploads": 123,
"numDownloads": 123,
"totalUploadsSize": 123,
"totalDownloadsSize": 123,
"bwUploads": 123,
"bwDownloads": 123,
"bwRegReads": 123,
"bwRegWrites": 123
- 401
- 404
- 500
Returns a list of all skylinks uploaded by the user.
- Requires valid JWT:
- Returns:
- 200 JSON Array (TBD)
- 401 (missing JWT)
- 424 (when there is no such user, and we fail to create it)
- 500 (on any other error)
Deletes all uploads of this skylink made by the current user.
- Requires a valid JWT:
- Returns:
- 204
- 400 (invalid skylink)
- 401
- 500
Returns a list of all skylinks downloads by the user.
- Requires valid JWT:
- Returns:
- 200 JSON Array (TBD)
- 401 (missing JWT)
- 424 (when there is no such user, and we fail to create it)
- 500 (on any other error)
Validates the given token
against the database and marks the respective email
address as confirmed.
- Requires a valid JWT token:
- GET params:
- Returns:
- 200
- 400
- 500
Requests another confirmation email sent to the account's email address.
- Requires a valid JWT token:
- Returns:
- 204
- 401
- 500
Requests a recovery token to be sent to given email. The email needs to be confirmed for the action to be performed.
- Requires a valid JWT token:
- POST params:
- Returns:
- 204
- 400
- 500
Changes the user's password without them being logged in.
- Requires a valid JWT token:
- POST params:
- Returns:
- 200
- 400
- 500
Updates the list of skylinks covered by a public API key. Additions are performed before removals. Only one copy of each API key is stored.
- Requires valid JWT:
- GET params: none
- Body:
"add": ["AADDE7_5MJyl1DKyfbuQMY_XBOBC9bR7idiU6isp6LXxEw", "AADDE7_5MJyl1DKyfbuQMY_XBOBC9bR7idiU6isp6LXxEw"],
"remove": ["AADDE7_5MJyl1DKyfbuQMY_XBOBC9bR7idiU6isp6LXxEw", "AADDE7_5MJyl1DKyfbuQMY_XBOBC9bR7idiU6isp6LXxEw"]
- Returns:
- 204
- 400
- 401
- 500
Creates a new general API key.
This type of API key gives full access to accounts
and is equivalent to using a JWT token.
This type of API key needs to be kept secret and never be shared with anyone.
- Requires valid JWT:
- GET params: none
- Body:
"name": "key's name",
"public": "true",
// The skylinks field is only applicable to public API keys.
"skylinks": ["AADDE7_5MJyl1DKyfbuQMY_XBOBC9bR7idiU6isp6LXxEw", "AADDE7_5MJyl1DKyfbuQMY_XBOBC9bR7idiU6isp6LXxEw"]
- Returns:
- 200
"id": "6221f3f248c7d376e12f99c4",
"createdAt": "2022-03-04T11:11:46.946334Z",
"key": "rpfccs5kLCib4PPERtcaY88_yHsJFNNpeMc62pYhBfM="
- 400
- 401
- 500
Updates an API key. Private API keys cannot be updated. A public API key cannot be converted to private and vice-versa.
- Requires valid JWT:
- GET params: none
- Body:
"skylinks": ["AADDE7_5MJyl1DKyfbuQMY_XBOBC9bR7idiU6isp6LXxEw", "AADDE7_5MJyl1DKyfbuQMY_XBOBC9bR7idiU6isp6LXxEw"]
- Returns:
- 204
- 400
- 401
- 500
Lists all API keys registered by the current user.
Note: The actual API key will not be revealed, only its metadata.
- Requires valid JWT:
- GET params: none
- Returns:
- 200
"id": "620ba9c66e18552db39cd5ce",
"createdAt": "2022-02-15T13:25:26.348Z"
"id": "6221f3f248c7d376e12f99c4",
"createdAt": "2022-03-04T11:11:46.946Z"
- 401
- 500
Deletes the API key with the given ID.
- Requires valid JWT:
- GET params: none
- Returns:
- 204
- 400
- 401
- 500
- Requires valid JWT:
- GET params:
- skylink: just the skylink hash, no path, no protocol
- Returns:
- 204
- 400
- 401 (missing JWT)
- 500
- Requires valid JWT:
- GET params:
- skylink: just the skylink hash, no path, no protocol
- POST params: none
- Returns:
- 204
- 400
- 401 (missing JWT)
- 500
- Requires valid JWT:
- GET params: none
- POST params: none
- Returns:
- 204
- 400
- 401 (missing JWT)
- 500
- Requires valid JWT:
- GET params: none
- POST params: none
- Returns:
- 204
- 400
- 401 (missing JWT)
- 500