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This repository was archived by the owner on Mar 28, 2021. It is now read-only.
Jiří Smolík edited this page Mar 15, 2017 · 12 revisions

Welcome to QColdsweat's wiki! Use menu on the right to find the desired article.

Let's use this page as a common ground for the other Wiki pages. As such, we have to explain several things.

QColdsweat's folder structure

QColdsweat uses two different file-system locations to store its files:

  1. <application folder> -> /share/<static-data>/.qpkg/QColdsweat
  2. <data-folder> -> /share/<static-data>/.qpkg/.coldsweat


  • The <static-data> folder is usually MD0_DATA, HDA_DATA, CACHEDEV1_DATA etc.
  • If you don't know, the find / -name "QColdsweat" command will find the exact location for you.

QColdsweat's log files

In total, there are three:

  1. QColdsweat's installation log: <application-folder>/install.log or /var/log/coldsweat-install-tmp.log.
  2. Coldsweat's log: <data-folder/log-app.
  3. Web server's (access) log: <data-folder/log-access.