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Releases: SkriptLang/Skript

Particle support v3

11 Apr 16:06
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Particle support v3 Pre-release
  • Fixed and improved particle support drastically
  • Hotfixed regions, again
  • Made dropping items without velocity (using normal expression with without velocity) possible

Note: colored dust and both potion swirl particles are buggy

For particles names, see language file. It is also possible to set offsets (dX, dY, dZ), and speed of particle. Following is added to end of every (non buggy, see above) expression:
[with [offset of %number%, %number%(,| and) %number%][[and ]speed %number%]]
play 100 (dust of oak wood with speed 0) above clicked block

Visual effect (updated):
(play|show) %visualeffects% (on|%directions%) %entities/locations% [(to %-players%|in (radius|range) of %number%)]
(play|show) %number% %visualeffects% (on|%directions%) %entities/locations% [(to %-players%|in (radius|range) of %number%)] (if you want to specify amount of particles)

Update: Released dev12c to fix broken entity effects (same download link)

Update 2: Playing multiple effects no longer accepts entity as parameter

Particle support v2

10 Apr 12:06
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Particle support v2 Pre-release
  • Added support for most of Minecraft's particles
  • Fixed error with void biome vs. void damage
  • Added support for levitation

Quick reference for new (and old) visual effects supported

Dev 12.. Not yet!

03 Apr 17:41
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Dev 12.. Not yet! Pre-release
  • Fixed a typo (pull request 1)
  • Fixed cakes' and item frames' right click handling

Edit: dev11d to remove debug messages

Saturation support

31 Mar 15:18
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Saturation support Pre-release
  • Added support for saturation

Saturation: [the] saturation [of %players%]

Note that saturation is not same as food level, i.e. you don't see it directly as player.

Anvil inventories?

30 Mar 18:43
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Anvil inventories? Pre-release
  • Added support for anvil and chest (black hole, once closed, contents are lost) inventories
  • Fixed biomes when running on Spigot 1.9 (they work exactly as before)
  • Added support for item expression in click events (no need to manually check hands!)

Opening inventories (full new syntax): (open|show) (((crafting [table]|workbench)|chest|anvil) (view|window|inventory|)|%-inventory%) (to|for) %players%
Event item (as before, new events supported): [the] item

Hotfix for dev10

26 Mar 11:45
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Hotfix for dev10 Pre-release
  • Fixed heal/repair effects not working
  • Cleaned up some code

Some Bugs Fixed

25 Mar 14:07
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Some Bugs Fixed Pre-release

... and hopefully not many new bugs introduced

  • Fix 1.8 compatibility issue with getItemInHand vs. getItemInMainHand (remember, still not officially supported)
  • Damaging entities now changes the damage cause AFTER damage event is called, instead of not changing it all
  • Added expression for last damage cause of entity
  • Fixed adding lists of items to inventories
  • Fixed inventory space checks, now considers 1.9 Spigot changes

Last damage cause: last damage cause of %livingentities%
Damage expression changed to: damage %slots/livingentities/itemstack% by %number% [heart[s]][ with fake cause %-damagecause%]

There are still some bugs left, but I think it is soon time for final V10 release. Quick TODO list for it:

  • Fix issues which can be fixed without too big rewrites
  • Create working updater for Skript
  • Update aliases packaged with plugin
  • Add some new features
    The bug rewrites (tag aliases-rework, for example) will come in next major release. First I need to create something stable enough.

New event!

21 Mar 14:47
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New event! Pre-release
  • Added plant growth event (for wheat, etc.)

Syntax: (plant|crop|block) grow[(th|ing)] [[of] %itemtypes%]
Note that the event does not contain actual block data. While I intend to fix that, of %itemtypes% syntax works, and %block at location% too.

Click events fixed

19 Mar 13:28
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Click events fixed Pre-release
  • Reworked click event hand detection
  • Fixed oak doors not being considered as usable blocks
  • Fixed not being able to get event from non-usable item when clicking air
  • Fixed several ways to skip event handling (to open locked chests)

In the end, I really wonder why Bukkit AIR material is considered to be a block...

Edit: Re-release to remove debug messages. I forgot to recompile after removing them from source.

And more hotfixes

17 Mar 19:26
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And more hotfixes Pre-release
  • Fixed a bug where you could skip click events on usable blocks by having block in main hand and sneaking